Acting : Is the Issue So Black and White? by Paul Barry

Paul Barry

Is the Issue So Black and White?

The following article has sparked understandable controversy online, but I wonder if there's something more to learn from it than simply race insensitivity. I'm interested to know what everyone thinks. This article caught my attention for obvious reasons, but I wonder how most university productions would be viewed if they all faced international scrutiny. To me, university was a place to take risks, make mistakes, and very often do things I have the rest of my life to live down the embarrassment of even thinking. I wonder how roadblock international condemnation might be overkill when it comes to educating people about racial considerations. How much do you believe 'intention' should be taken into consideration when it comes to a scenario like this one in the article above (be it academic or pure curiosity)? I'm interested to hear your thoughts. =pb=

Casting of white actor as Martin Luther King prompts outrage from playwright
Casting of white actor as Martin Luther King prompts outrage from playwright
Ohio university production of Katori Hall's The Mountaintop featured a white and black actor as King, which Hall says was 'disrespectful' and a 'disservice'
Steve James

Life's a Bitch, ain't she?

JD Hartman

Swing for the outfield fence, should have cast a white female.

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