Acting : No Days Off by Shane Stanley

Shane Stanley

No Days Off

Just because it’s the weekend doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taking these next couple of days to hone your craft and get closer to making your dreams come true. Ho-Ho Wood is open for business and if you’re like so many, your body and mind might not be in tip top shape. It’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get it back into gear. Do something every day before your head hits the pillow to see that you get closer to achieving your goals. You’ve got this. No days off!

Kiril Maksimoski

Actually I've got next three days off and gonna do max quality time with my family. I think work gets too overpriced as I get older...Ho-Ho can wait...I've been waiting for it couple of decades...

Scott Young

Just like the gym muscle , you got be flexing that acting muscle to stay sharp and ready , so that you are prepared and battle tested1 Stay the Course ! Everyones's Journey is unique!

Shane Stanley

Yes sir! Of course rest is important to replenish the well but… so important to not lose focus

John Ellis

Honestly, some of my greatest progress has been on weekends, when many others are relaxing.

Like this weekend - beginning the prep process for writing Ep2 of Starfall because of a script request and Zoom meetings with real tasks assigned and completed.

And this all after working a 55-hour week at a physically demanding, totally non-creative job.

Too-toot! Can you hear my horn tooting! Toot-toot! :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

I feel this to my core! I find this is where classes come in handy (and my next step in staying the course). The weekly social event of a class gives me a boost of energy and a palpable reason to have a daily practice. Interesting that you bring up the gym, Scott Young because I feel like part of what you can practice is a physical "skill" that you can add to the screen or stage. A particularly meaningful lesson since muscle memory is not transferable (e.g. practicing different laughs doesn't improve your singing voice, running doesn't make you better at taking break falls, and shaping up a monologue doesn't address your ability to respond to a scene partner). THANK YOU FOR KEEPING US VIGILANT, SHANE!

Scott Young

Yes Karen " Kay" Ross , there are so many different facets to being an actor that in this day and age of self taping , ones ' imagination is a key component to creating ones world ,as a character in the giving time or circumstance to breathe life and truth into the scene or monologue.. It all starts from within ..YOU!

Marci Urling

Yes, I'm practicing my dialect and on camera work.

Tasha Lewis

Welcome! Can I say yes and no. You can be lying on a beach staring at the ocean and thinking of topics of a new project while sipping on a Pina Colada. Or sitting in a Sauna while screening some clips. Or strolling through Botanical Gardens while searching for future locations. You get the idea. It’s all about how you use your creative imagination.

Shane Stanley

I agree wholeheartedly and we ALL need days off to detach or decompress. Don’t get me wrong we all need to recharge and replenish. It’s more a mindset and this is coming off a year where most were without work and now it’s go time! And there’s nothing better than working in paradise away from it all

Tasha Lewis

My first project on my project page highlights conferences where I combined conferences and vacations or family visits. You can also combine community service and I would write about all of the events. Now those articles are included in the book Global Movements Create Global Opportunities which is being turned into a documentary. See my Stage 32 profile page for loglines and synopsis.

Aimee McGuire

Great reminder! Thanks Shane!

Kiril Maksimoski

Ah, another week off + weekend...lemme see what I'm gonna do? Take kids to aqua park, go work at my country house and by the weekend gonna climb one of domestic highest summits 2.5 km....get a grip guys...not everything revolves around writing, acting, directing....most profound filmmakers I know do what? Enjoy life ;)

Shane Stanley

Couldn’t agree more with ya Karil. We ALL need balance. Keep in mind the context of this note… most have been off for a year. It’s time to get into game shape. Keep doing what works for you, that’s what matters

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