Animation : Anyone out there do Doodle Animation? by Renovatio Movies

Renovatio Movies

Anyone out there do Doodle Animation?

We are looking for an experienced artist to create a 1 1/2 minute video for us.

Christopher Boyd

I am a motion graphics/animator in NYC. I would definitely be able to help you with this. I offer very reasonable rates. Please contact me if you are interested. I would love to know more details. Thanks!

Renovatio Movies

Great Christopher! Where can we see your work? Please PM us with your info.

Christopher Boyd

I've started putting some portfolio samples up at I am adding more as I get client permission. Thanks!

Tony White

I've worked in many styles but you might be interested to know that I did one of the first ever doodle styles, way back when I had my studio in London... (Scroll down to the 'Telephone Line' commercial.) Won an award for it too! :)

Tony White

Folks... don't even write to these guys. They don't even give you the courtesy of a response! :(

Renovatio Movies

Tony, we're filmmakers. And as such, we have busy schedules. It is unfortunate that our response time was not up to your liking. We posted this 2 weeks ago, and It took you a week to comment on it. I assume you are also busy.

Tony White

Sorry guys but if you check you'll see I first posted way over a week ago, the same day I saw your appeal for this style of animation via the notice board. I received another appeal via the site today and therefore supposed you were still looking and had moved on. So for the record, my post today was my second. Hope you find what you're looking for? :)

William Bourke

Hi I'm a 2d and 3d animator. I'm interested in doing your animation. What do you need? kind regards from William

Angel Cano

hi im a 2d/3d animator. do you still need people.

Renovatio Movies

Thank you for reaching out everyone. We appreciate it. We've pm you.

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