Hi! I'm a London based solo artist, I've picked up around 250 radio plays in the UK this year, and I'm looking to get some of the tracks into films. I produce all the music myself (so I have vocal splits for all the songs - ideal for scoring etc). I don't write to briefs, unless the style is incredibly close to what I already do. I'm actually after getting existing material used in productions. A good represntation of what I do can be found here. There's quite a mix of styles. http://soundcloud.com/chris_ilett/sets/chris-6/ If you're into any of that, and want to hear more I have quite a large catalogue of songs. This month I have written and recorded a song a day. Some are release quality, others still a bit rough around the edges, but it's been great practice and I've learned a lot. Have a listen. Get in touch if you want to talk sound@chrisilett.com Cheers
Hmm Apologies - it seems the link was too long. Twitter: @chrisilett Cheers Chris