Hello everyone. Been a minute....or a month, year, LOL! I just recently came down with the lovely, incurable creative disease called "Holy Crap I've got it-itus" and discovered material for two bio pics, one tight in reality, the other loosely inspired by actual events etc. etc..The thing is that one of them I'm almost certain would appeal to producers/production companies/investors etc. overseas, more specifically Europe. I know about writing the creative treatments pre package along with a mock business plan, but what about securing rights to a property over there? Is it about the same as here or vastly different? How to I compile a list of potential producers, are they here doing pitches on Stage32.com as well? Although open for all comments, any members with experience in this area ( including the Stage 32 staff) would be extremely appreciated! Thanks for reading, comment (or not) and have a happy holiday season!
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If you think of Europe as one single film market, then you are mistaken. How many Mexican films or Brazilian films or Haitian Films have you seen in the USA? Europe is as segmented as the Americas, if not more so, when it comes to film. If it weren't, the huge home market would be able to produce its own Disney.