Distribution : In need of distribution avenues for my short film by Bibek Basumatary

Bibek Basumatary

In need of distribution avenues for my short film

Greetings fellow film afictinados.

My short film Yathaarth(Truth) is getting noticed in the festivals, I am looking for avenues of distribution for it. Here is to hopping for some really amazing collaborations that can generate a lot of revenue and a whole lot more of exposure, Cheers.

Instagram handle ---> https://www.instagram.com/yathaarth_rangjali/ Facebook page ---> https://www.facebook.com/rangjaliofkokj/

Bibek Basumatary

Here is the Instagram handle for refference


Melissa Butler

Hello 4Streams.live is looking for content. You can submit your project at https://www.4streams.live/content-submission

Bibek Basumatary

Thank you Melissa, Mario and Richard. I will definitely get in touch with those people.

Mario Ghersi

I sent material to FilmHub but nothing happen not sure is working properly the whole business. Amazon and ShortsTV works fine. Contact me any questions.

Mario Ghersi

Hi Richard, can you give me an example of the content distributed with FilmHub with success? And how much is the month success in income terms? Thanks in advances, this could help for all in the lounge.

Van Shotwell

If you're looking for a non-exclusive PPV Platform then please check out https://l360tv.com/ice-ppv-1.

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