Introduce Yourself : G. Brett Williams - Writer by G. Brett Williams

G. Brett Williams

G. Brett Williams - Writer

The film I co-wrote and created with friends for the Greensboro, NC 48 Hour Film Project, "Gotta Go", was the North American winner and was screened at Cannes.

I've also made other shorts, published comics, and worked on music videos. I currently write full-time in the advertising industry.

I'm looking for writing partners and other collaborators to help me bring some new projects to life.

My work can be found at

Peter Brabson

Hey Brett, Peter here, screenwriter in D.C. Loved the video on DIBS.Awesome idea for a great cause. Am always looking for interesting creative minds to expand my own boundaries and have bloody fun. Doing a podcast on my years as a govt cube monkey, that's kinda morphing into a web series. Another one in the works and 2 scripts. Cheers.

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