Introduce Yourself : Good luck to all for 2022 by H. W. Freedman

H. W. Freedman

Good luck to all for 2022

Hello everyone. I have been a stage32 member for about four years but this is the first time I am introducing myself. I am a screenwriter, playwright, author and theatre director. First I want to thank Jason Mirch for taking the time to advise me on a delicate situation with a producer. Jason, you were great.

Despite the pandemic 2021 was not a washout. Two of my pitches through stage32 resulted in requests for two different screenplays, two other screenplays are currently under consideration by three other producers, and two other of my screenplays ranked high in contests.during the year. As we all know this is anything can happen world - especially for writers. Well let's hope something good does happen for all of you. Kind regards to all, Harris

Matthew Cornwell

Congrats on the Stage32 success!

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