Greetings all. Back in 2012 I entered a local film festival here in Ottawa called Digi60. My first film was a 60 second short called "One Step". The movie was about a man who suffered from "Gephyrophobia", the fear of bridges. The theme was more about me trying something new and that I would need to take things one step at a time. This lead to doing other shorts for Digi60. My film 'tRUST' was I think a turning point for me. It was well received and was also shown at the Tyler Film Festival in Texas. I then auditioned for a feature film project here in Ottawa called "The Treepot Cliffhanger" in which 5 directors each created a segment of a "feature", building upon the previous director. I decided to go all in on my part "Eye Of The Storm", creating a 20 minute segment with 5 different locations. I am a fan of the old Miami Vice ( yes, I'm that old ) and wanted to try and have that look and feel. I worked with a great script writer Jennifer Mulligan (on this site) and I fell in love with the script writing process. With my 'real" life, the time commitment to be writer, director, produce and editor was taxing. I still want to get the stories out of my head so I have resigned myself to learning how to tell better stories and hopefully someone else with better skills can make it. That's why I am here on Stage32. Just another step in the process. My shorts and the "Eye Of The Storm" can be seen here at this link: