Thought this article on collaborations might be of interest:
Thought this article on collaborations might be of interest:
HI WALAACE, How are you, Im surprised to see you here.. We been in contact before via NICK, for the Miles films ..But nothing happened, also in contact with GED, partner of Nick I wish you a very nice day and good luck on Stage 32 DON CLOVIS Joyto Actions Films Ltd
sorry write as WALLACE not Walaace .
Hi Don! Yes, I remember you and the Miles film dealings. If I can ever be of legal assistance with any matters, feel free to contact me
Thank you dear Wallace, yes sure I will contact you if we do production in USA, for now we are busy in Europe, than Thailand and maybe Vietnam , all for actions films MILES D was great project for sure, but helas.. how are Nick, Ged etc.. still busy on this A friend of me represented the other film of MD in Cannes festival last year, the one produce/direct by Antoine F. Till nowe I dont hasve any lawyer etc, in USA, so who USA company is registered in Las Vegas, my european company in London,UK we keep in touch take care, and nice see you here, is a good web, interesting peoples between for sure best wishes, DON
Stay in touch. I am here for u if you need US assistance!
Thanks a loy Wallace, I had yr website before, but dont remember, or I will look via Google.. Or send me pls, than will look again yr all infos and yr work, The cast was choose for MD was very fabulous, but very difficult to work with Nick sometimes, GED seems a great persoon, .. You were a great team before.. my web still But you can see more about my work, (Sport,Music,Films on Google DON CLOVIS I think have a nice day Wallace
THANK YOU WALLACE, you did lot of good work already, and represent lots of peoples, good artist as Madonna, J.Timberlake etc.....Music was my first passion and work in the 60's , 70,s 80's and 90's I had aslo few good artist onder my label, but more fm Europe Im involved in films since 2007 and start first production in LA, film "HONOR" now in Europe, are busy for a slate of Films, ( Actions/martial arts,/ Gangsta, /Costumes/ my cmpany partner Tom DELMAR was about 30 years in USA involved in about 140 films, as Stunt man, than Director/ 2nd unit Director and stunts director , till now I will look at IMDB the genre of films you been involved, but morew to see all artists and cast ... I hope we can work finally together for an UK/USA film, or USA film I wish you a very nice day and we keep in touch for sure DON