Hey everyone! Ii joined this site about 2 years ago but never done anything with it. In my recent move to the city of New York, i just wanted to reach out. I'm on a lot to check postings. I'm desperately looking to be in a Period piece, or fantasy genre. i sit here and watch AWESOME fan films and concept sci-fi stuff on youtube, and i just want to be apart of it all! Thanks for reading my rants!
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Good luck in New York! I'm trying to move to LA and find a producer for my comedy screenplay. Keep reaching out and hopefully you'll find something.
contact me on FB. IF you are willing to help (Cyrus) then you can be in it too.
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Hey Cord. Thanks for posting and welcome back. You were certainly one of our early adopters. Over the last two years, thousands of our members have used this site to find work and representation, launch projects, secure funding, and simply make life and career altering connections. The commonality with all of them is that they were active, visible and worked the site every day. Hope to see you around more often, my friend. Happy Holidays.