My name is Thomas Kreutzkamp, a writer/director from the Netherlands. I am currently writing a feature film called EURODISCO, a genre blending crime film that follows three separate story lines, connected by the same antagonist. I am looking to connect with people who are drawn to entertaining, cinematic, highly stylized, somewhat absurd and musically films like the one I am writing. Please share what you are working on. Maybe we can inspire each other!
Hi, Thomas Kreutzkamp. Three separate story lines connected by the antagonist. EURODISCO sounds interesting! I'm rewriting two feature scripts, and I'm outlining projects here and there.
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Maurice Vaughan Nice to meet you! What kind of scripts are you rewriting? And what is your favorite kind of genre to write in?
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Nice to meet you too, Thomas Kreutzkamp. A Horror Action script and a Holiday Horror script. My favorite genre to write in is a tie between Horror and Action. What's your favorite?
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Hi Thomas, it's great to meet you! Welcome to the community! Feel free to drop by anytime for a chat.
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Maurice Vaughan I like blending genres like crime, comedy and (spaghetti) westerns. Good luck with your rewrites!
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I like blending genres too, Thomas Kreutzkamp. Most of my scripts are two or three genres. Thanks. Best to you with EURODISCO and your other projects!
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Hey wenn du Unterstützung brauchst, ich bin Schauspieler, Regisseur und Kampfchoreograph