Hello Stage 32. My name is Bob DiGregorio, I’m a Director, Editor, Producer, Post-Production Supervisor and I also write a tad.
Anyway, to make a long story boring, I’m getting back into film making. I’ve been in the broadcast and corporate space for decades. I've decided it's time to go back to my first love- Film.
At my age, it’s scary as hell. But hey, I punched my ticket to hell a long time ago- so I may as well upgrade my package. I have a few projects I’m working on and not having been in this space for a while, this seemed like best place to jump back into the pool.
I’ve been in love with this business and studying it since… well way- way- way before 2000. I’d love to connect with anyone in all facets of the business to ‘talk shop’, share tips, tricks, insights, feedback, knowledge and a few laughs along the way. Happy to share my experiences as well.
So, thanks for taking the time to read the long winded intro. Now that we, kinda, know one another.. don’t be a stranger!
Hey, Lee LaMarche. Welcome to the community. Pretty dog. I tried to make two movies way back without knowing anything about producing. If only I had the resources that are on Stage 32. You already fou...
Expand commentHey, Lee LaMarche. Welcome to the community. Pretty dog. I tried to make two movies way back without knowing anything about producing. If only I had the resources that are on Stage 32. You already found the Producing Lounge. Stage 32 also has Producing Blogs (www.stage32.com/blog/tags/producing-22) and Producing Education (www.stage32.com/blog/tags/producing-22).
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Welcome to the group!