Post-Production : USB external drive formatted for both PC and mac? But doesn't work!!! by Joseph F. Alexandre

Joseph F. Alexandre

USB external drive formatted for both PC and mac? But doesn't work!!!

So an editor I'm working w/ prepared some 1080 ProRes files for a distrib. The distrib wants a USB external drive formatted for both PC and mac.... Of course, I get the drive and of course it works on neither.... But of course it works on his system....

Because he didn't format to exFAT, correct????

Robert A. Ober

Probably. Seems to be somewhat hit and miss based on what others have posted elsewhere. But some folks don't seem to have trouble with exfat. At least one of the Mac utilities to read NTFS calle Paragon is still available. Pretty good article at:


Joseph F. Alexandre

thanks for info! He says he did exFAT, kind of a drag...

Rakesh Malik

There are some exFat settings that some operating systems don't support... it's a major drag. I use Media Four's mac drive utility, that's been pretty dependable, though a bit on the slow side with AFS.

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