Mine is to finish two feature script ideas I recently started. I want to apply to as many writing programs as possible, really want to get into the Imagine Impact Program. Lastly expand my network of writing friends.
Those are great goals!!! Some of mine are 1) go to Cannes 2020 2) AFM 2020 and finish my two existing franchises so that can begin my serialized content for a streaming service. I believe that you will reach your goal. I'll be watching for updates. Best of Luck to you. #VayaConDios
Attending some script workshops, film markets, maybe FF, pitching, writing my next spec feature, same old, same old...with an exception of slightly possibly having my optioned feature filmed...but that's outta my hands, anyway :)
Those are great goals!!! Some of mine are 1) go to Cannes 2020 2) AFM 2020 and finish my two existing franchises so that can begin my serialized content for a streaming service. I believe that you will reach your goal. I'll be watching for updates. Best of Luck to you. #VayaConDios
Sounds like a plan Dan. Goforit!
I'm looking to get repped. Also ( as a director) to push the film I have in development into production. We're so close!
Best of luck to everyone as you work toward your goals!
Attending some script workshops, film markets, maybe FF, pitching, writing my next spec feature, same old, same old...with an exception of slightly possibly having my optioned feature filmed...but that's outta my hands, anyway :)
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Make money by writing and treat fam, friends and peers to fabulous dinners as a show of appreciation.
Sharon, I want to write at least three screenplays next year...as well as develop additional loglines (and turn them into screenplays, too).
All the VERY BEST to you, Sharon!
I am finishing a script and with every keystroke I am seeing how I could make it myself.
Small cast. Few locations.
I am really loving it.