Everything I heard there confirms what I already believe. It is just a business. It has all the same rules. Lachlan Murdoch and Jamie Packer started a Communications company in the 90’s because their dad’s are billionaires and know each other. Friends that go into business together.
I have been on software projects and people have asked if I know a developer or a data governance person. It is a lot of networking.
But the scary bit of networking. If you are not ready or talentless, everyone eventually learns that.
Lesson here: GET OUT AND START MEETING PEOPLE. In person, through Zoom. Making use of script services, webinars, the list is long. This does not mean if you know no one, at this moment on this day, you're not going to make it.
Amen, Landis, AMEN! Thanks for posting!
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Everything I heard there confirms what I already believe. It is just a business. It has all the same rules. Lachlan Murdoch and Jamie Packer started a Communications company in the 90’s because their dad’s are billionaires and know each other. Friends that go into business together.
I have been on software projects and people have asked if I know a developer or a data governance person. It is a lot of networking.
But the scary bit of networking. If you are not ready or talentless, everyone eventually learns that.
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Unfortunately, the people who really need to hear this (the ones looking for shortcuts, that are unwilling to do the work) won't.
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Lesson here: GET OUT AND START MEETING PEOPLE. In person, through Zoom. Making use of script services, webinars, the list is long. This does not mean if you know no one, at this moment on this day, you're not going to make it.