I have shown my screenplay to a few fellow filmmakers, and I've sent people my synopsis of this script, but I've never actually pitched my script to any professionals in the filmmaking world. I'm worried that I'll have no idea what I'm doing and ruin this great opportunity to get my screenplay seen. Does anyone have any tips or advice on making a good pitch (I signed up for written, not Skype) or perhaps have a good example pitch? Thanks!
There are some excellent examples on John August's website. http://johnaugust.com/
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Awesome, thank you!
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Actually Joey Tuccio is the best. He really knows his stuff. He's also one of the nicest and helpful guys you'll ever know.
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Keep your pitch to less than half your allotted time so you have time to talk and answer questions. Rehearse until you know your pitch inside and out, and time it. Maintain eye contact so you can read how you're doing. If your message isn't getting through (this is why you're keeping eye contact), don't be afraid to change things up. And compose a list of who you want to pitch to and rank them. Pitch to your lower ranked companies first to get the jitters out of the way and hone your pitch. Good luck.
Thank you, but I'm doing the written pitch which I think I'm more nervous about lol
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It's harder I think. But remember don't give away the ending.