I just came out of a Pitchfest (my second and most expensive one) and ended up giving almost every producer I met a One-Sheet. Is that a standard M.O. for producers who just want a nice way to say "Not interested", or did I just hit the lottery for "Best Pitcher of the Week"?
Hahaha, at the least, I hope it's the latter. And you never know, any one of those producers could call/email for your script any minute now. Guess what? On the same day as the Hollywod Pitchfest there, I was invited to join a local pitch fest here for the Cinemalaya Film Financing Forum. It was my first time to go to a pitchfest so it was a lot plusses for me than minuses. I learned a lot and met a lot of new friends in the industry. Anyway, hopefully all our pitches are not for naught. I'm actually signed up for greenlightmymovie pitches, the internet version of the Hollywood Pitch Fest. Any tips?
No, never tried it. Gives you a chance to make a perfect pitch, though. The negative is you don't get to network from what I hear.