The movies are doing my head in at present Of all careers out there, this one seemed quite pleasant But getting things made is like walking in treacle It isn't my fault, No! I blame other people! For this is a business where everyone smiles Make sure that you're up on the Hollywood styles 'How bankable is he and what did he say?' 'Is she right for it?' 'Maybe? How much does she weigh?' 'I'll read it tomorrow!' 'God damn I forgot!' 'Next time you're in Cannes you should come on my Yacht' 'Do you have a nice Indie? I want the next Juno!' 'I quite liked the start but the rest's a bit... you know?' 'Wow you're a screenwriter?' 'What have you made?' 'I'm not signing anything till I get paid/laid' 'Is that actual blood on page ninety six?' (Where I gouged my eyes out and impaled them on sticks) 'You're from England? 'I love that!' 'Hi! How have you bin?' (That means that he's poor and has terrible skin!) I'll just quit so I don't have to moan like a bitch... Yeah, who am I kidding... They might make me rich...
Nick dont lose heart Take courage and face Hollywood with a brave heart
Thanks! You are up very early!
Nope I am located in India Nick and it is 5.30 pm here.
Oh, my apologies, your post displayed on US time. Great to see crossover writers coming out of India. My first job in the industry was for an Indian Animation company. Many good friends there still.
It is ok and I am glad you have got a lot of Indian friends.
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tell me about it. I pitch and hear "your writer (this particular client) has a great European sensibility but ..." (crickets sfx here.)