I have an interesting proposition. I am an actor in a short film entitled Locust. This film has already gotten to the point of a picture lock and is in need of two elements that the producer just didn't have the budget for. Sound sweetening (including score) and CGI Locusts. This is the perfect project for someone that needs some excellent demo footage, but hasn't found the right project. I am happy to share a link to the picture lock cut with anyone that thinks they might be interested - I think you will be impressed with what we have. I am reaching out because I think it is an absolute shame that the film is stuck at this stage and isn't moving forward - it is a beautiful piece that should be finished and shared.
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Hey Brian. Instead of making multiple posts for all these positions, I'd highly recommend posting the project and your needs in our JOB POSTINGS section. Good luck.
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Thanks Richard. Great suggestion - I guess I didn't notice there was a job posting section.
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No worries, my friend. Happy to help. If you have some time, check out the free webinar I hosted for the community. INcludes a 20 minute overview of all the site features and resources. http://www.stage32.com/blog/On-Stage-With-RB-%E2%80%93-Now-Available-Fre... Good luck!
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Brian, I watched Richard's free webinar for the community - it is wonderful information - and has helped me to navigate Stage 32 - Welcome!
So glad you found it useful, Ms. Jussta.
Where is the link to your movie? Let me take a look at it.
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Alle - nobody does have an incomplete film posted all over the internet - only those interested in helping out will be given a link to see where the project is and if they can help . . . . others will not and can not see it.
Hi Brain, I'm a CG artist and particle effects are one of my specialties. I imagine you would need a variety of different effects to create this illusion. Meaning, you’d need different views of the flying mass, each would need to be created differently. I don’t have a lot of time but if I understood what you needed I could at least try to contribute something. Perhaps if I started a C4D and an After Effect project it could be shared between a few artists. Willing to help if I can reach me at asiarkiewicz at aol.com