Anything Goes : Courage by Samantha Wynne

Samantha Wynne


Recently I have had doubts in my abilites. It's not that I have been rejected or told that I just don't have what it takes, but I just feel I won't be good enough. I have avoided applying for jobs that I logically know I have the credentials for, but I stop myself because I just think "what if I can't do it?" How do you guys get over self-doubt and just go fo it? Do you guys have any fear when it comes to taking on a new job?

D Marcus

What if you can't do it? You fail. You learn. You move forward in your life. I have never gotten over self-doubt. It's my self-doubt that drives me to try harder. Failing hurts. Failing is embarrassing. I'm afraid I may not be good enough every single time I get a new gig, but not trying is (to me) worse than anything. I hope that someday soon you get to that point; where not trying hurts more than the fear of not being good enough.

Shaun O'Banion

Once again, D chimes in with an intelligent and insightful comment. Figured I'd add to it: I recently attended The Nominess event in Los Angeles with the editor of my last film. It's fun to go and listen to what the Academy Award nominated editors have to say about their craft... and what you find is that, without exception, these men and women who are indisputably operating at the top of their game each say that, at the start of each film, they are terrified. Each of them convinced that he or she is a fraud and that this latest film will be the one where they finally get caught... Self-doubt is universal and affects those at the highest levels. You will never know everything. You'll never be able to see the future. And you will always have that fear. It doesn't go away with success... so here's what you do: You make fear your friend. You turn it into fuel. Make it drive you. It has to push you to do, to fail, to analyze, to learn and, finally, to move forward. #RFM ("Relentless Forward Motion")

LindaAnn Loschiavo

I never get stage fright, never feel awkward when entering a room with strangers. WHY? The secret is I am not focused on myself (nor on my appearance, nor if others will like me). My focus is on learning more about others, having more experiences. I don't measure life by the standard of "Pass" or "Fail" -- and neither should you. Embrace opportunities instead of being stuck in "what if I can't." Change your outlook to be more positive about life. Dale Carnegie's book is a good one. Have you read it?

Donny Broussard

Everyone gets cold feet every now and then. But doing and failing is better than not doing. Even if you fail, you'll learn something that you can take with you to the next failure or success. Everyone makes mistakes. Trust yourself and you'll be fine. Good luck!

Samantha Wynne

Thank you everyone for such great feedback and advice. I agree that regardless of cold feet or fear doing is better than not. I can honestly say that regardless of my self-doubt I can not imagine doing anything else with my life. So, I took the plunge and am looking forward to getting started on my newest project. LindaAnn, I have not read any books by Dale Carnegie. What is the title of the book?

LindaAnn Loschiavo

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie -- a book that has never been out of print. Try Googling "Dale Carnegie" to see what others say.

LindaAnn Loschiavo

Listen to Kathryn . . . and slap that self-doubt to the basement!!

Shawn Speake

I enjoyed all of your posts. Dale Carnegie is the man! Happy Friday!

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