Filmmaking / Directing : Pre-production by Jessica Young

Jessica Young


Is it better to have a completed Script prior to hiring a crew? Or is it ok to hire a crew and complete the script with them?

Jessica Young

Hi Owen, Thank you so much, that makes sense. I wasn't 100% sure but this makes sense.

Michael DiGiorgio Jr.

I would recommend finishing the script first, at least a rough draft. Although you will probably find that many crew are willing to work with you just on the basis of a great idea. If your pitch is passionate and your ideas are there, then your crew will usually accept your vision and be happy to try and help you achieve it. Ultimately though, you want to be able to back up that pitch with a solid script, even if it needs a little work. It's also a lot less stressful to get the script finished before you start bringing other people on. That way if it does take you a while to get the script done, you won't lose crew because the process went on too long.

Regina Lee

To be fiscally responsible, if possible, don't spend production money until you have a script you are prepared to shoot. If you have a release date in place, then you might not have a choice. You'd have to start prep to make the release date.

Pup Che

You cant hire crew before you have money... You cant have money before you finish your script, unless you pay for the project yourself... In the last case you can do whatever you like...

Anthony Gettig

Thanks for connecting! I appreciate you putting Christian in your profile. We need more people of faith making media. :)

Simon King

Interestingly I just had to reinforce this point with a writer I am considering producing for. He was so excited about sending out offers to talent and getting department heads contracted. SLOW DOWN!!! Your script is 85% acceptable at the moment! It all starts with the written word and if those words aren't there yet then there is no need to get a cast and crew excited.

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