Introduce Yourself : Hello all by Karen Bradley

Karen Bradley

Hello all

Hello everyone, I've been a member for about three years. I've published five fiction novels. Currently I am making an attempt to do my first short film. I normally lurk through Stage 32 lounges to gain more knowledge and reduce the amount of questions I have to ask my industry friends. So thank you to all that post articles, ask questions and comment.

David Rountree

Go Cubs! :-)

Linda Collison

Hey Karen, I too am a novelist working on my first short film. Where are you located?

Karen Bradley

Hey Linda, I'm in Chicago. How far along are you in your process of producing your short?

Linda Collison

Pre-production. I have a script and locations. Am assembling my team. I'm based in Denver. How about you?

Matt Hurd

Welcome, Karen! Glad the community has been so helpful for you, and best of luck with your short!

Sadie Dean

Great to have you and your talents here with us!

Karen Bradley

Linda, I have the script, the funding and currently going through my list of referrals in search of a producer that's a good fit for the project.

K.D. Stout

I wish you tons of luck with your short film. :D

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