Producing : Looking for interviews by Jeff Lyons

Jeff Lyons

Looking for interviews

I'm publishing a new book with my publisher on adapting scripts to novels ... I want to interview people who have successfully adapted screenplays to novels and published them successfully. These interviews will appear in the appendix of the book. Publisher is Focal Press. Pls EMAIL me if you are interested ... love to hear from you. (

James Drago

What an interesting concept. Can't wait to hear what you discover Jeff.

Richard Buzzell

This is something I'm considering - writing a screenplay and then trying to find a novelist to adapt it. I'm a little doubtful that any published novelist would want to do this, unless the premise of the script proves to be very compelling.

Jeff Lyons

Hey Richard ... I hear you. A published writer will charge you a lot of money, unless you can strike some kind of deal. They won't be too concerned about the premise, they'll just want to get paid :) I suggest you find a novelist who also writes screenplays so you can talk the same language. It will make the process easier ... the biggest issue will be coming up with subplots and expanding the story to cover a larger story real estate. Don't get me going ... so many issues :). Somebody should write a book... oh... wait ... :)

Vasco Phillip de Sousa

Why settle for "published them successfully?" Why not look at the best novelisations you can find, or the best selling ones at least, and contact the writers directly? Let their agents/publishers know you have a contract with Focal Press, and they might put in a good word for you (it could increase book sales.)

Richard Buzzell

I started today writing my psychological sexploitation script. This is the only genre that I think might attract the interest of a novelist.

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