Introduce Yourself : Who is at Sundance - is there a Stage 32 meetup? by Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker

Who is at Sundance - is there a Stage 32 meetup?

Hi Stage 32'ers,

Cherelynn here. Just introducing myself before heading to Park City. Anyone else going? RB - is there a Stage 32 meetup?

Holler back and happy new year!

Cali Gilbert

No official meet up according to Amanda, but hoping to connect with as many members who attend. I be there.

Shlomo Klein

I'm going to Park City next week, for a family ski vacation :)

Cherelynn Baker

Shlomo Klein enjoy the snow! Cali Gilbert have fun! As my itinerary gets tighter and I know my firm schedule I will circle back! Ok Amanda Toney Stage 32 doing an offical Slamdance meetup/gathering? Because I"m happy to walk across the street for a get together!

Cali Gilbert

Sounds great Cherelynn Baker

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