Your Stage : Title suggestions? by Logan Zinn

Logan Zinn

Title suggestions?

I'm working on a screenplay and I have the story planned but can't come up with the right title

The Story/Plot: Ten years after a global Societal collapse a man and his daughter meet a group of people who are on the run from bandits run by a cruel and brutal leader.

Craig D Griffiths

Try writing version of the goal.

Pierre Langenegger

The title is not essential during the writing process. Write your script and worry about the title later if it doesn't come to you before hand.

Craig D Griffiths

Pierre Langenegger I have to disagree. I find a good working title gives me tone and focuses my mind. I changed a title from “trapped” to “unseen” and everything worked for me.

Anthony Moore

Title "The Cruel".

Anthony K


Tony Ray

Working title "Collapse"

Karen Stark

I wouldn't worry about it. I always have a working title that helps focus the mind on the task. They kind of morph into something better in time. The story often shows you what that is during the writing process.

Nelleke Nieuwboer

'The Lost Entrance' Have a nice and creative, not to much 'walking dead' flow!

Henry Kana

Run Girl Run.

Dan MaxXx

Titles and writers are replaceable. Write the story and keep asking yourself "why am I writing this story?"

Pierre Langenegger

Craig D Griffiths , as I have always said, there is no one method that people should follow when writing scripts, everyone needs to find a style that works for them. Some people work better with a title before they start on the script and some can finish the story before working out a title and sometimes titles are changed during production. As Dan Maxxx said, titles and writers are replaceable. If someone is having trouble finding a title for their script the worst thing they can do is to delay their script while they waste time finding a title. If you don't have a title before you start, who cares? Write your story and worry about the title later.

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