Introduce Yourself : Seeking professional film help! by James A Cormier

James A Cormier

Seeking professional film help!

Hi I'm 76 years old and trying to put together a professional film team to carry on my legacy.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, James A Cormier! What kind of collaborators are you looking for? What all is included with this project? Sounds epic!

James A Cormier

Thank you for the contact. I just turned 76 and I have been writing for many years. I've never asked for help, believing I could do it all on my own. Nothing worked! So, I decided to ask the professionals to take a look at my over 40 projects ( and see if any of them have the potential to become a successful project. I will send a list of my projects to anyone who wants to be part of my team.

With Respect

James A Cormier

Rhonda R Fletcher

Hello James, Welcome to the Family! Let me know if I can help.

James A Cormier

Hello Rhonda, Thank you for the welcome! I would apricate your feedback on any of my projects on (

With Respect

James A Cormier

James Welday

Hi James, if you need any feedback or notes on anything, please let me know!

James A Cormier

Hi James, I would appreciate any feedback on my projects. Please check out ( I'm seeking mentors and professionals in all fields of the film industry.

With Respect

James A Cormier

James A Cormier

Hello Everyone, I just want to remind those who are checking out my website ( that it is unfinished, but will be launched in 2021.

James A Cormier

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