Screenwriting : Looking for Short Screenplay... by Bug Davidson

Bug Davidson

Looking for Short Screenplay...

Looking for a new project to produce and direct. I have been making films for over ten years, and would like to work with a screenplay by someone else this time, as I have always written my own stuff so far. I will be most interested in works that can actually be produced on a tight budget - so the less extravagant or special effect heavy the better. I will be fundraising / grant writing and funding out of pocket to make the film - so I cannot offer money. I'd be very interested in working with projects that had feature possibility behind them. Get in touch if this sounds interesting and you have a script that fits the bill!

CJ Walley

I have a load of free to produce short loglines listed on my profile and my website all are written to a tight budget. Lone Star Runner Hunnies is set in Texas and may be the type of thing you're looking for.

Bug Davidson

Thanks CJ - I will check it out!

Bug Davidson

Thanks Manda!

Dawn Johnston

Hey Bug! I have a short script that might interest you. It's dark dramedy for two female leads, and has one interior and one exterior. If you'd like to take a look it's called Goodbye Today and it's posted on my loglines/screenplays page. I'm currently writing the feature also as a contained, dark dramedy.

Bug Davidson

Thanks Dawn! i am so excited to begin reading.

Dawn Johnston

Cool. Let me know if you have any questions.

Michael Curtis

You might try a screenwriter named Alex Whitmer. He writes a lot of short scripts: He co-wrote the film I just directed. (Trailer here if you're interested):

Bug Davidson

Thanks Guys - will check it out!

James Peters

I have a SHORT film script posted here at STAGE 32 titled "DIGGER". It's received over 450 views in a very short amount of time. It's a "teaser trailer" that fits BETWEEN two other scripts. I've been told that it holds "the viewer" in suspense and wonder, but it lacks a plot. What troubles me though is - that was my intention. You could watch PART ONE and PART TWO and still know what's going on without seeing the "teaser trailer". But if you watch the "teaser trailer" you're going to WANT to see PART ONE and PART TWO. Somehow, it's easier to explain when I'm actually speaking to somebody...which is hardly ever. Go figure.

Megen Musegades

Do you have a reel of shorts you've directed?

Megen Musegades

Thanks for sending the links. Fun stuff! Have you thought of checking out the winning short screenplays from different competitions. That way you know they've been vetted and most of those scripts never get produced.

Michael Berry

Is there anything particular you're looking for? Any Genre you like?

Heather McLaughlin

Read my version of Tetris

Bug Davidson

@Megan I would totally be interested in looking at competitions - was not sure how to go about that - should I just be searching the web or is there a site that compiles that sort of thing? I am not really into a particular genre - just a great story.... Thanks for the info everyone!

Megen Musegades

It will take a little googling, but I would seach "Short Screenplay Winners". Bluecat has a good list, maybe check out the descriptions for the finalists and semi-finalists. Here's their 2012 list: You can contact the contest directors for contact information or you could probably find it with some searching too.

Bug Davidson

great info thanks! I am certainly going to look into it!

Allison Bruning

I have a comedy short that is looking for a home called "The Fateful Wedding."

Dawn Johnston

Bug, another place to try is Inktip. They have loads on there. I've had one optioned from there before.

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