Post-Production : Music by Nick Tann

Nick Tann


I compose music for films and use MusicXray and a couple of other sites. As a film maker, how do YOU go about choosing the right music?

Devin Connelly

For me, footage where background music is involved has a sort of personality that is unique for each project. The music has to match the personality of the project. Kind of a nebulous way to put it, I know. Typically I'll look for something that builds up in the beginning as I often start each video with some sort of graphic intro before getting into the actual footage. Other criteria I have is whether or not the music distracts from the visual content. Typically, the more "elevator music" a song is, the more likely I'm to use it in things like corporate video as opposed to something with frequent starts and stops, instrument solos, etc. That isn't a rule of thumb for me in every scenario, but then again you did ask sort of a loaded question.

Nick Tann

Wasn't loaded and thanks for your comment. I was wondering where exactly you find the music? A website you use or do you use a music supervisor?

Devin Connelly

Ok well, that's not what your question stated, but in any case I personally go to a number of source. The two most common (simply due to their low prices) are iTunes and

Jeff Jordan

Devin, you use iTunes as a source to gather music for your project? I am assuming as a reference, correct?

Jeff Jordan

Nick, what other places do you use? For a lot of my projects I use There are a couple of composers that are great at providing options on each track. ie.. 30 sec, 60 sec, full and underscore versions. It is great, so I can take those tracks, tweak and edit them to fit my project.

.O.L Green-Bush

@jeff are the tracks royalty free? .O.

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