Jeff West

Jeff West


Dallas, Texas

Member Since:
June 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jeff

As much as he postures about the likes of Fincher, Tarantino and Luhrmann for his love of the craft, it was honestly 1997's Scream 2 that made Jeff West, Jr. realize the power of cinema.

Native to the Dallas, TX area, West said "Fuck film school" as a teen, and got his filmmaking education by consuming director's commentaries and BTS featurettes on however many DVD's his allowance would afford.

Upon graduating high school, he cut his teeth in the local film/tv industry as a PA, set dresser, writer's assistant, and basically every other position one could name on basically every production that came through town.

Currently, he sells books at a local retail chain. How time distorts things.



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