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BEYOND BLACK MY STORY Screenplay By Kevin Patrick Wright & Ramsin Givergis WGAw Registered Ramsin Givergis 818-692-4779 Kevin Patrick Wright 818-563-6292 Sisyphus Rising Productions 818-434-1083 BLACK SCREEN: TEHRAN, IRAN SUMMER 1982 SFX: DISTINCT SOUND OF A RUSSIAN IZH MOTORCYCLE AS IT WINDS OUT AND SHIFTS GEARS. FADE IN: EXT. DANESHGAH BOULEVARD - DAY A light breeze blows through the trees lining the street. Blue sky above as RAMIN AMIR, an energetic 17 year old student, straddles the seat behind his two friends ALI and HUSSEIN, also the same age. The three of them ride Ali’s Russian Izh motorcycle like a circus act. Travelling south they pass the Fine Arts Building and Faculty residences of Tehran University. Students casually stroll in the shade of the green canopy. Laughing and joking, Ali slows the motorcycle as they reach the intersection of Enghelab Avenue, which borders the main entrance to the University. A small assembly of students are constructing signs for a protest just east of the main gate. To the west of the gate is a larger crowd of Hezbollah radicals in red bandana’s carrying bats, machete's and other weapons. Hussein points to the radical’s. HUSSEIN Check it out! Ali slows the motorcycle down to get a better look as the swarming bodies begin to get agitated. RAMIN Let’s get out of here. HUSSEIN Come on, I want to see what’s going on. ALI On the way back. RAMIN I don’t think it’s a good idea. Ali guns the throttle and they scoot on down the road. EXT. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION - LATER Descending the steps of the Ministry of Education, Ramin, Ali and Hussein carry their Ideology Certificates for their final exams. Dwarfed by the giant marble columns of the building behind them, the boys stop at the base of the stairs. ALI That was pretty easy. HUSSEIN What’s that? Hussein points to the rising smudge of black smoke on the northeast horizon. RAMIN Looks like it’s coming from the University. HUSSEIN Let’s check it out. RAMIN I don’t think we should. Crazy shit seems to happen when the radicals are out. Ali jumps on the bike, then Hussein in front and Ramin in back. Ali fires it up and they rocket towards the University. EXT. KAREGAR BLVD. - MOMENTS LATER Travelling north on Karegar Blvd., Ali turns right on Enghelab Avenue. As he clears the corner, the mob has swollen to thousands and they are churning like a whirlpool, convulsing in every direction. Ali slows to turn around but it’s too late. The crowd is on them like a tsunami. The radicals engulf the trio before they can escape. Angry faces are grotesquely distorted, fists are flying in the air as they shout rabid slogans. CROWD TRAITORS!!!... INFIDEL’S!!!... HERETIC’S!!!... KILL THEM!!!... PRAISE KHOMEINI!!! RAMIN Oh shit! The crowd grabs the bike, which is still running, and proceeds to lift it into the air. As they do, Ramin loses his balance and crashes to the street. In the chaos, Ramin watches the motorcycle with Ali and Hussein still aboard, is carried off through the crowd. Ramin rolls over and gets to his knees and starts to crawl away, disoriented and hurt. Bumping into legs as he crawls, he is stepped on, spit at and kicked. In the distance, there is a cry. CROWD Where’s the third traitor? Ramin tries to get up and run but he is stunned by a crushing blow as he finds his feet. The punch is so powerful, it dislocates his jaw and splits his lip as he is knocked to the ground again. Pain radiates through his body as the militant that punched him, is winding up to swing again but Ramin kicks him in the balls. As the guy doubles over in pain, Ramin gets to his feet and runs in the opposite direction. He bounces like a pinball off the other militants as he tries to escape. STREET CURB: Ramin stumbles to the curb opposite the main entrance to the University. The street is lined with kiosks that sell merchandise and books to the students. Under the kiosks is a large gutter a couple feet deep that carries water away when it rains. Delirious and scared, Ramin searches for a way out. Blood is splattered all down the front of his shirt and face when he is grabbed forcefully from behind. Instantly, Ramin knows he’s going to die. Giving in to the inevitable, Ramin relaxes his body. Ramin acquiesces to the force and instantly, he finds himself thrown under a kiosk in the gutter. KIOSK OWNER Shhhh!... UNDER KIOSK: Ramin settles into a puddle of mud and water as he tries to catch his breath. Pain shoots from his head to his toes but he’s alive. Above, there are gun shots and more shouting for the Traitor’s and Infidel’s blood. Ramin fades in and out of consciousness. ROLL OPENING CREDITS: Credits roll over an aerial view of the protest as it surges through the streets of Tehran. Tires burning, guns being discharged, banners waving, etc. EXT. KIOSK - 3 HOURS LATER The demonstration is winding down and Ramin is stiff from being confined without moving. The KIOSK OWNER gets down on his hands and knees and peeks under the kiosk at Ramin. KIOSK OWNER Time to go!... Get out!... It’s time to go! Ramin slowly crawls out as he shields his eyes from the sun. He now looks more like the other Hezbollah radicals with dirt and mud all over his clothes. Ramin blends into the protest chanting and following the march down the street. Ramin grabs a headband they’re handing out along the route and ties it around his head. EXT. ENGHELAB AVENUE - DAY After a few blocks, Ramin sees an opportunity to escape. There is an alley just ahead and as the rest of the Hezbollah proceed down the street, Ramin makes his move. INT. MERCEDES BENZ - CONTINUOUS SHIRIN GHORBANI, and her daughter MARIAM have just come from a shopping trip and Mariam is showing her Mother the new blouse she bought. MARIAM I want to wear it Friday night. SHIRIN We’ll see what your father says first. EXT. ALLEY - CONTINUOUS Staying in the shadows, Ramin hugs the wall as he races to the other end of the alley. He tosses the headband in the alley as he breaks free. Now dizzy from the loss of blood, Ramin staggers into the street and collapses. INT. MERCEDES BENZ - CONTINUOUS Mariam catches a glimpse of something in the road. MARIAM MOTHER! LOOK OUT! Shirin slams on the brakes, barely missing Ramin. The front bumper is literally inches from Ramin's head. EXT. JAMALZADEH AVENUE - CONTINUOUS Mariam springs from the car and is hovering over Ramin as Shirin soon joins Mariam. Ramin can barely lift his head. MARIAM We have to help him. SHIRIN Of course. Shirin and Mariam gather Ramin and half carry, half drag him to the backseat of their car. INT. MERCEDES BENZ - MOMENTS LATER Shirin drives as Mariam keeps watch over Ramin who is lying across the seat. There are groceries and shopping bags piled in the footwells. Ramin regains consciousness and lifts his head. MARIAM What happened? RAMIN We got caught in the protest at the University. MARIAM What were you doing down there? Didn’t you hear the announcement? RAMIN What announcement? MARIAM The Ayatollah has pronounced that the spilling of Infidel’s blood is sacred! Shirin looks in the rearview mirror. SHIRIN You need to go to the hospital. EXT. HOSPITAL - LATE AFTERNOON After having his jaw reset and three stitches in his lip, Ramin gingerly walks with Mariam by his side and Shirin next to Mariam. RAMIN I’m sorry, I don’t think we were properly introduced. I’m Ramin Amir. MARIAM Well, this is my Mother Shirin Ghorbani and I’m Mariam. RAMIN It’s a pleasure to meet you. MARIAM Where do you live? RAMIN Northern Tehran about 5 kilometers from here. MARIAM Mom, can we take him home? SHIRIN Of course. Our house is on the way. We can drop off the groceries and have some tea. Would you like that Ramin? RAMIN Thank you. That would be nice. They make their way to the car. INT. MARIAM’S HOUSE - EVENING A very nice upscale home with tasteful furnishings throughout as Ramin and Mariam are sitting in the living room. In the corner is a piano. RAMIN Do you play? MARIAM Yes but as always, still learning. RAMIN I love music. It takes you to incredible places. There are definitely sparks between the two. MARIAM I know... I was just thinking. If you’re up to it, my cousin from London is coming to town and we’re throwing him a party. Maybe you’d like to come. RAMIN I would love to come. Mariam grabs a piece of paper and writes her number on it. MARIAM Here’s my number. Call me when you feel better. RAMIN How about tomorrow? They both laugh as Shirin comes into the room. SHIRIN I think we should get Ramin home. His parents are probably worried by now. RAMIN They’re down in Abadan doing their service for the government. My aunt is staying with us while they’re gone. SHIRIN We should probably get you home just the same. RAMIN I want to thank you so much for your kindness. I’m so happy to have met you both. Shirin grabs her purse and walks to the door as she covers her head with her hijab (headscarf). Mariam smiles as Ramin follows Shirin to the door. Ramin gets to the door and turns once more to Mariam. Mariam mimes holding a phone. MARIAM (silently) Call me! RAMIN (silently back) I will! LEGEND: ONE MONTH LATER INT. RAMIN’S KITCHEN - NIGHT Ramin studies for his entrance exams at the kitchen table. His AUNT SARINA, who is hard of hearing, knits in an arm chair in the living room. Text books are spread out in front of Ramin but his mind is elsewhere. He taps his pencil to a rocking beat. He checks his Aunt who is focused on her knitting. Ramin slips out of his chair and sneaks into the hallway. INT. RAMIN’S HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Ramin peeks around the corner to check that his Aunt is still busy then picks up the phone and dials Mariam’s number. He stretches the cord as far as it will go down the hall. While he waits for an answer, Ramin slides to the floor and sits crosslegged getting comfortable. RAMIN Hi Mrs. Ghorbani, is Mariam there?... Thank you... Ramin adjusts his position as he waits. RAMIN (CONT’D) Hi... What are you doing?... Studying again. Exams are in two weeks... I know, my brain’s about to explode... I don’t know, we’ve been out every night this week... Are you kidding me? That’s why my head’s going to explode. I can’t get you out of my mind so I can study... Maybe I can come over and we can play the piano or something... I thought he wasn’t supposed to be here until next week... I don’t know. Maybe we should wait. We’ve been going to a lot of these underground parties lately... What?... Can I see it later? Ramin stands up and checks his Aunt. RAMIN (CONT’D) What is it?... Tonight?... Only tonight?... Oh all right. I’ll have to wait for my Aunt to go to sleep and I’ll be over... The usual place... Okay, see you then. Ramin hangs up and returns to the kitchen table. INT. RAMIN'S KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Sliding into his chair, Ramin picks up where he left off. After a few moments, he slams his book closed. RAMIN Aunt Sarina, I’m tired so I think I’m going to go to bed now. Aunt Sarina is really focused on her knitting and doesn’t hear him. RAMIN (CONT’D) AUNT SARINA!... I’m gonna go to bed now! AUNT SARINA Okay Ramin... I’ll be in shortly to say good night. Ramin clears his books from the table and carts them to his room. On the way out, he plucks the keys to his dad’s Peugeot off the hook on the wall. INT. RAMIN’S BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Ramin stacks his books on his desk and quickly changes into his party clothes and places his dress shoes under the window with the keys in the toe. A quick squirt of cologne and Ramin is under the covers up to his neck. Ramin pretends to be asleep when Sarina comes in to say good night. At the door, she turns off the overhead light and closes the door, leaving just a sliver of an opening. Ramin waits until the hall light goes out then he jumps out of bed and grabs some extra pillows and makes a dummy under the covers. As the rest of the house goes dark, Ramin slips on his shoes and slides the bedroom window open. Like a Ninja, he slithers over the sill and drops into the flower bed beneath his window. Creeping to the driveway, Ramin unlocks the Peugeot and slides into the drivers seat. INT. PEUGEOT - NIGHT He disengages the parking brake and let’s it coast into the street. All clear, Ramin fires up his chariot and he’s off to fetch his Juliette. EXT. MARIAM’S HOUSE - NIGHT Just down the street, Ramin glides to a stop. He flashes his headlights two times and waits. INT. PEUGEOT - NIGHT A few moments later, a dark, fully cloaked figure rushes to the car. Ramin swings open the door and the figure jumps in. As the hood of the cloak flies off, Mariam flashes a very engaging smile. MARIAM Hi! She scoots over and gives Ramin a kiss on the cheek. RAMIN Hi... so what’s my surprise? MARIAM You’ll see. Let’s get outta here! Ramin flips a U-turn and heads to the party. Mariam giggles with the joy of her secret. EXT. PARTY APARTMENT STREET - LATE NIGHT Ramin parks about a block away and cuts the engine. Lights out and he turns to Mariam. INT. PEUGEOT - CONTINUOUS A couple of kids sprint passed the front of the car, towards the party. RAMIN Okay... We’re here, so what is it? MARIAM You’ll see... Come on, we’re already late. Mariam flips her hood back on and springs out the door. Ramin has to catch up. EXT. PARTY APARTMENT - MOMENTS LATER Racing up the stairs, Mariam stops and turns to Ramin. MARIAM Shhhh! Ramin slows and joins Mariam as they quietly approach the door at the end of the floor. Mariam knocks twice and then another three knocks. They wait for a moment before the door opens and they are waved inside. INT. PARTY APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Inside the walls are sound proofed and the windows are foiled to block the light from escaping. Multi-colored strobe lights are flashing as the music is rocking. There is a giant punch bowl in the center of the room. Couples are dancing to the music as others are trying to converse along the walls. Ramin grabs a couple of glasses and pours a drink for both of them. He points to a chair across the room that is empty and leads Mariam in that direction. He takes a seat and offers Mariam her drink as he motions for her to sit on his lap. As she settles in, he nuzzles her ear. RAMIN All right, now what’s the surprise? Mariam laughs and hands Ramin her drink. She stands up in front of him and whips off her cloak and displays this incredibly sexy silver sequined mini dress. Ramin is speechless, she captivatingly stunning. He just keeps looking at her up and down. RAMIN (CONT’D) Heaven on Earth! You are so hot! Get me some ice, I’m on fire! Mariam laughs and drops her cloak behind them as she wraps her arms around Ramin's neck and gives him a passionate kiss. Instantly, the front door splinters off its hinges as Khomeini’s Revolutionary Guards, pour through the door. With their guns drawn, the Revolutionary Guard are shouting at everyone. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD WOMEN ON ONE SIDE! DONKEY’S ON THE OTHER! MOVE IT! MOVE IT! NOW!... WHO HERE IS NONMUSLIM? Ramin raises his hand as the other Guards race through the apartment. They tear everything up. Bookshelves, tables, sofa and chairs are ripped apart. One of the Revolutionary Guard approaches Ramin and hits him with a punishing right hand. He is hovering inches away from his face, screaming questions as Ramin recoils from the strike. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) WHERE ARE THE GUNS? RAMIN I don’t have any guns. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD DON’T LIE TO ME! WHO’S YOUR RING LEADER? RAMIN I don’t have a ring leader. I’m a student. The Guard takes the butt of his gun and jabs it into Ramin's mid section. Ramin doubles over in pain. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD DON’T LIE TO ME! LITERATURE! WHERE’S THE LITERATURE? RAMIN I don’t have any literature. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD YOU’RE LYING! The Guard swings the butt of the gun and hammers Ramin along side the head, knocking him to the ground. Ramin is on all fours when the Guard kicks him in the side. Ramin collapses. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) YOU ARE UNDER ARREST! The Guards have been beating the other male students as well. Bloodied from the bludgeoning, Ramin and the other young men are forced to the street. EXT. PARTY APARTMENT STREET - LATE NIGHT 22 male students including Ramin are split up and herded into Toyota 4-Runners, as many as 6 per truck. Once all the trucks are loaded, they drive off. INT. TOYOTA 4-RUNNER - LATE NIGHT Ramin is sitting next to the side window as they ride through the city. As they approach EVIN PRISON, the driver shouts at the captives. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD DROP YOUR HEAD! DON’T LOOK OUT THE WINDOWS! All the young men drop their heads except Ramin. As they drive down the hill he can see out of the corner of his eye, Revolutionary Guards behind every tree leading up to the “GREEN GATE”, the infamous entrance of no return. The Guard in the passenger seat turns around and smiles while shaking his head. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) Legend has it that whoever sees this downgrade, never sees the upgrade again. Spotlights blaze from the gun towers in all directions as the trucks stop just outside the gate. EXT. EVIN PRISON GREEN GATE - LATE NIGHT The trucks are stopped and Ramin and the others are forced out onto the sidewalk. Everyone is blindfolded and has their hands tied behind their backs. The eerie sound from the hinges on the humongous iron gate reverberates in Ramin's ears as it creaks open. All the prisoners are marched into the courtyard and directed to the wall on the left. The Green Gate slams, disconnecting them from the outside world. EXT. EVIN PRISON COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS Ramin is lined up with the others. He can see out of a slight gap between his nose and cheek. Standing next to Ramin is Mariam’s cousin KAMRAN from England. Ramin recognizes his shoes. Kamran is crying as the Guards are laughing at him. KAMRAN Let me go! I don’t belong here! The Guards mock him. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Let me go! Let me go! I don’t belong here! They spit on him as well as beat him with their guns. Ramin stands stoically, waiting for his turn. When they finish with their fun, the Guards lead the prisoners to another wall and line them up. INSIDE WALL: Still blindfolded, Ramin is questioned again. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) What is your name? RAMIN Ramin Amir. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Where do you live? RAMIN Niavaran. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Who are your parents? RAMIN Why do you need this information? REVOLUTIONARY GUARD We need to know who is going to claim your body. The Guard laughs as he finishes his interrogation. A basin of water is put in front of Ramin. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) Now it is time to cleanse the defiled. They are handed a glass of water to drink as they are readied to be executed. Ramin resigns himself to his fate and drinks the water but the boy next to him breaks down and pees himself. The Guards make fun of him. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) Look at the baby! Can’t hold his pee! He needs a diaper like a little kid! The boy is now shaking violently. RAMIN It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. You need to calm down. One of the Guards slaps Ramin. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Shut up! After Ramin and the others have been “cleansed”, a proclamation is read. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) You have been found guilty of sins against God and the Almighty Ayatollah Khomeini and are sentenced to die by execution. Ramin hears the “click” as the firing squad release the safety on their rifles. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) Ready... FIRE!!!! The Guards discharge their rifles into the air and the prisoners lose it. They pee their pants, some vomit, many fall to their knees as it seems the Guards have missed their target. The Guards laugh wildly as they pull the prisoners to their feet again. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) We must have missed, so we will have to do it again. Again the “click” of the safety as they ready to fire. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) Ready... FIRE!!!! Again, the Guards fire into the air. This time some of the prisoners pass out including Kamran, who is next to Ramin. Others are convulsing and crying uncontrollably as the Guards laugh. The laughter dies down, the Guards prod the prisoners with their rifles to march them into the cell block. INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - MOMENTS LATER Ramin and the others are squeezed into a dark and damp concrete cell. Stuffed in like cattle, there is barely room to stand. Without food and drinking water, fatigue sets in very quickly. The prisoners are deathly quiet and just stare. Some of the prisoners pass out as Ramin tries to relieve the stress. He bows his head. RAMIN (quietly) Dear God, my life is in your hands. Throughout the night, the Guards spray cold water over the top of the prisoners to increase the discomfort. INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL HALLWAY- MORNING Ramin and 11 other prisoners are dragged from the cell with sticks and ushered into the interrogation room. The Guards use the butts of their rifles to keep the line moving. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Keep it moving... Stay in line... INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - DAY Once the prisoners are situated in the room, groups of six are lead to the bathroom to do their business. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Along the hallway, the Guards spit on the prisoners as well as hit them on the back of the head. They laugh as they push the prisoners into the bathroom. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Lined against the wall, the prisoners are given bread and cheese to eat. Ramin squats as he devours the sparse rations. Ramin barely finishes the last bite of bread when a Guard kicks his foot. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD You’re next. Ramin is lead into a tiny office off the main room. INT. INNER INTERROGATION OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ramin sits in a solitary chair in the center of the room. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD I know you’re scared so just tell us who you work for and we’ll let you go. RAMIN I don’t work for anyone. I’m a student. The Guard slaps Ramin up side his head with his hand. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD You’re lying. Make it easier on yourself. Who’s your group leader? RAMIN There is no group leader. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Why are you protecting him? We know it was his house. That’s why you were there. RAMIN It was a party that’s all. We went there to have some fun. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Fun! Where are your guns? RAMIN I don’t have any guns. This time the Guard hits him harder and knocks Ramin to the floor. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Who have you killed? RAMIN I haven’t killed anyone. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD You lie!!! The Guard hits Ramin again, this time almost knocking him out. Ramin can’t speak as he covers his head to protect it from more blows. Ramin is tossed out into the main Interrogation room. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD (CONT’D) Take this one back to his cell. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS Two Guards push Ramin towards the door and out of the room. LEGEND: THREE DAYS LATER INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - LATE NIGHT Ramin sits in the corner of the cell, picking what little beard he has out, one hair at a time. Screams can be heard from the adjoining cell blocks followed by gun shots. A Guard bangs on the metal door and slides the small hatch open. REVOLUTIONARY GUARD Come see! Come see! It’s show time! The prisoners slowly gather to look as a body is dragged from the execution cell through the hallway for the prisoners to see. The prisoner was shot in the head. One eye is dangling from it’s socket as a trail of blood follows the procession. Ramin vomits in the corner. LEGEND: FIVE DAYS LATER INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - DAY A MULLAH, dressed in traditional Muslim Garments topped off with a White Turban and glasses, sits on a stool just inside the door. Two Guards stand on either side of the Mullah. MULLAH ... anything that makes you weak and cry is “haraam” (forbidden). Music can make you weak therefore it is haraam. Ramin raises his hand and is called on by the Mullah. MULLAH (CONT’D) Christian Boy... RAMIN If everything that makes you cry is Haraam, what about the Salah (Muslim Prayer)? Doesn’t that make you cry? The Mullah gets a very angry look on his face. MULLAH I will have to take that up with a higher authority. The Mullah stands as one of the Guards opens the cell door. Cradling his Koran, the Mullah exits. The second Guard walks over to Ramin and smacks him behind the ear and spits on him before leaving the cell. LEGEND: THREE DAYS LATER INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - NIGHT Ramin sits against the wall as the other prisoners are in various states of rest. Lying, sitting or crouching around the cell on the dirty, threadbare rug. The lights flicker overhead and the door is opened. MUHAMMAD has a tray full of food. Rice, kabobs, flat bread as well as soft drinks. He puts the tray on the rug. He turns and reaches just outside the door and grabs a stool. Resting his rifle in the corner, he takes a seat as Ramin and the rest help themselves to the food. MUHAMMAD How are you tonight? RAMIN Could be better. We could be outta here. MUHAMMAD Don’t worry. They’re just messing with you. I like you guys. You’ll be fine. Ramin is more relaxed as he sits across from Muhammad. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) What kind of movies you guys like? I like Bruce Lee... Fists Of Fury... Enter The Dragon... Muhammad jumps from the stool and strikes a martial arts pose, the Horse Stance. He squats with his feet wide apart with one arm held out above his head and the other as an arm guard by his front knee. He lets out a signature Bruce Lee karate yell. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) Whooeeeaaaaa!!!! Ramin laughs with the other prisoners. RAMIN Hey... You’re pretty good. Muhammad puffs up and shows off some more moves which are actually quite awkward. Half completed round kicks, side kicks that are barely off the ground, double fist strikes that fall limp at the point of contact. With each finished move, he lets out the yell. It’s very comical for the prisoners to watch. MUHAMMAD Yeah, I saw Bruce take out twenty enemy with this move. It’s called the Touch Of Death. He does a half hearted series of punches with a front kick and finishes with the yell. RAMIN That’s amazing! You should be in the movies. MUHAMMAD Yeah. I practice a lot. Muhammad is a little winded as he sits back down on his stool. RAMIN Hey Muhammad, can we take a shower? I stink so bad the cockroaches won’t come near me. MUHAMMAD I tell you what, let’s do it. I will take four at a time. Ramin and three other prisoners follow Muhammad out the door and the door is locked behind them. INT. HOLDING CELL CORRIDOR - LATE NIGHT Muhammad leads Ramin and the three other prisoners down the corridor without blindfolds. Ramin and the others observe their surroundings as they pass through the door to the courtyard. EXT. EVIN PRISON COURTYARD - LATE NIGHT Muhammad turns to Ramin. MUHAMMAD Shhhhhh! Stay in the shadows. Ramin looks at the layout of the prison. The gun towers, the buildings that flank the courtyard. That’s where the military trucks enter. Just as they pass into an opening from the shelter of one building to another, one of the TOWER GUARDS spots them. TOWER GUARD Stop! You’re not supposed to have any prisoners out without blindfolds. What are you doing here? MUHAMMAD Shut up. I know what I’m doing. TOWER GUARD You’re stupid. I don’t know why they gave you a gun. You’re an idiot! Muhammad aims his gun at the Tower Guard. MUHAMMAD What if I shoot you right now? TOWER GUARD I’ll shoot you right back. Ramin and the other prisoners dive to the ground to get out of the line of fire. TOWER GUARD (CONT’D) Get out of my courtyard. MUHAMMAD Come on guys. Ramin and the others scramble to their feet and follow Muhammad. They get to the edge of the building and Muhammad turns to Ramin. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) You know what? Just to piss him off, I’m going to take you to the special showers. Ramin and the others are still laughing at the exchange between the two Guards. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) Shhhhhh! We have to be very quiet. They duck between two buildings and sneak down an alley where the female guards sleep and shower. EXT. FEMALE DORMITORY - LATE NIGHT Through a very tiny hallway, they climb a staircase that ends abutted to a wall with a window. To the right is the dormitory entrance where there is a line of the women's shoes and to the left is the showers. At the entrance of the dormitory, there is a picture of a young female guard with a full Hijab over her head and mouth, only her eyes can be seen. She has one finger up to where her mouth should be and the writing beneath says, “Shhhh, the Sisters are Sleeping!” Muhammad stops in front of the picture and grabs one of the girls shoes and rubs it against his crotch. He proceeds to pretend to masturbate onto the picture. Ramin can’t believe Muhammad’s doing it but he wants to get cleaned up so bad, he rushes into the shower room. MUHAMMAD (quietly) You have one minute so be quick. INT. FEMALE BARRACKS - CONTINUOUS Ramin is first and rushes to the shower stall. The plumbing is antique and barely any water drizzles out of the nozzle. Ramin splashes water everywhere he can. Even though he’s washed, he has to put his filthy clothes back on. The others follow suit. EXT. EVIN PRISON COURTYARD - LATE NIGHT On the return trip to their cell, Ramin takes special care in studying the location of the towers and entrances as well as the rooftops. INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - LATE NIGHT After Muhammad locks the cell door, Ramin calls the few prisoners over who were with him at the showers. RAMIN (Whisper) Hey! He motions the others over. They gather around. RAMIN (CONT’D) I’m thinking of getting out of here. Tomorrow night when Muhammad takes the others out, I’m going to get to the roof and jump on the top of one of those military trucks that leave every night. PRISONER You’re crazy. You’ll be shot. RAMIN I don’t want to die in here. INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - MORNING Muhammad slides open the metal hatch in the door. MUHAMMAD Hey Ramin... You want to be entertained? RAMIN Why? Do you have any naked girls? Muhammad laughs. MUHAMMAD I wish there were but maybe this is something better. There’s going to be a beating in the courtyard. This guy was caught drinking and he’s going to get 50 lashes. RAMIN Okay. Ramin follows Muhammad out of the cell. EXT. EVIN PRISON COURTYARD - MOMENTS LATER Ramin and Muhammad stand in the shadows as the PRISONER is escorted to a table in the middle of the courtyard. He is strapped to the table shirtless. A moment later, the EXECUTIONER approaches. He measures his distance from the prisoner. With all his might, the Executioner swings the leather strap. A devastating clap echoes in the courtyard as the prisoners back splits open. Rhythmically, the Executioner slaps the leather to skin. Blood is spraying with each contact. The prisoner screams in agony. Suddenly, a beige sedan pulls into the courtyard. Out steps a high ranking MULLAH in ceremonial dress. He raises his hand to stop the beating. GRAND MULLAH Where is the Koran? Why don’t you have the Holy Book under your striking arm? The Executioner bows his head and does not answer. GRAND MULLAH (CONT’D) Release the prisoner and place the sinner on the table. The Executioner is strapped to the table. GRAND MULLAH (CONT’D) Brother, how many lashes were struck? WHIPPED PRISONER Twenty your Most Holy. GRAND MULLAH Then you shall deal as many thusly. WHIPPED PRISONER Thank you Imam. The prisoner takes the strap and unleashes his fury on the Executioner. Ramin has seen enough. RAMIN I want to go back. MUHAMMAD But... Ramin starts to leave the courtyard. Muhammad is torn between watching the ending of the punishment and taking Ramin back to the cell. He finally joins up to Ramin. INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - DAY Ramin describes the punishment to the other prisoners. RAMIN ... right in the middle of the beating, the Mullah stopped it... There is a clank from the lock as the cell door opens. A Guard sticks his head in. GUARD Ramin Amir! Follow me. Ramin looks at the other prisoners as if to say “what now?” He walks to the door where he is blindfolded. The door slams shut behind him. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM - DAY Ramin is lead to a room where he sits unknowingly across from Mariam, his girlfriend who is also there for questioning. She is blindfolded as well. She lifts her blindfold to wipe her eyes when she spots Ramin and starts to cry. His appearance is so battered and he looks like a derelict bum. A prisoner is lead out of the room and a Guard grabs Ramin and takes him into the office. Mariam tilts her head to get another glimpse of Ramin before he disappears behind the Interrogators door. INT. INNER INTERROGATION OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ramin is steered to a chair behind a small desk in the middle of the room. The Guard takes off the blindfold. Seated behind a table are THREE PASDAR’S staring at Ramin. To the left are windows with a view of the Elburz Mountains as well as the towers on top of the prison. Ramin observes the mountains with new found awe. 1ST PASDAR Don’t look out the window. Turn your head this way. The Pasdar hands the Guard a two page confession. The Guard places it in front of Ramin. 2ND PASDAR Fill the form out and sign it. Ramin looks at the form and it’s questions of the most intimate details about the incident of his arrest. Have you had intercourse with a Non-Muslim girl? Yes/No. Did you take off her blouse? Did you take off her skirt? Did you touch her breasts? Vagina? Very specific and for a 17 year old, very embarrassing. At the bottom of the form, Ramin must sign it and put his fingerprint on the paper. Once finished, the blindfold is replaced and Ramin is lead out of the room. INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - LATE AFTERNOON Ramin is curled up in the corner of the cell, exhausted from the interrogation. The cell door opens and Muhammad brings some drinks for the prisoners. He sees Ramin in the corner. MUHAMMAD Hey Ramin... Coca-Colaaaa!!!!... Ramin barely acknowledges Muhammad as he approaches. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) What’s the matter, you sick? Ramin rolls to a seated position. RAMIN I think I want to convert. MUHAMMAD No... Really? RAMIN Yeah, I think so. Muhammad leaps in the air and does some fist strikes and karate kicks as he dances around the cell. MUHAMMAD This is fantastic!!!... Praise Allah!!! He runs over to Ramin and kisses him on both cheeks. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) I have to tell the Mullah!!! Muhammad runs out the door almost forgetting his gun. He whips around and grabs it as he slams the door shut. INT. EVIN PRISON HOLDING CELL - THREE HOURS LATER Muhammad unlocks the cell door and calls to Ramin. MUHAMMAD Ramin, come with me! I have a new place for you to stay! Ramin leaves the cell for the last time. He’ll never see these cellmates again. EXT. EVIN PRISON CORRIDORS - MOMENTS LATER Muhammad leads Ramin through the vast corridors and hallways of the prison to his new cell. MUHAMMAD This is a great day. Soon we will truly be Brothers in the eyes of Allah... You know, one day the whole world will be Muslim. It’s the only true religion on Earth. Ramin looks around at the various prisoners, some in cells others walking in the courtyard as though they are strolling in their own front yard. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) We’ll be at the front of the line when we go to Heaven. EXT. RAMIN'S CELL - EVENING Muhammad presents Ramin with his new cell like it’s the Presidential Suite at the Ritz-Carlton. MUHAMMAD This is your new home from now on. Ramin scans his new abode which is now a single cell which actually has furniture. A bed, a rug, a small table and chair. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) And... As if he is giving Ramin life itself. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) Your very own copy of the Holiest Book on Earth. Muhammad hands Ramin the Koran. RAMIN Thank you, Muhammad. Ramin kisses Muhammad on both cheeks like a devout Muslim would do. MUHAMMAD I have other work to do, so I’ll see you soon. Ramin steps into the cell and Muhammad locks the door. MUHAMMAD (CONT’D) One day... this won’t be necessary. Muhammad smiles and leaves. Ramin places the Koran on the table and slumps onto the bed, as uncomfortable as it is. It’s the first time in almost two weeks he’s been off the floor. LEGEND: TWO DAYS LATER EXT. EVIN PRISON COURTYARD - DAY Ramin is now walking freely in the mid-day sun without supervision or a blindfold. He has clean clothes and has begun to adjust to the prison life. Passing a twelve year old boy, Ramin flags down a Guard. RAMIN Why is he in here? GUARD We must wait until he is eighteen so he can be executed. He killed three Mullahs. RAMIN I see... Ramin walks further into the courtyard and sees some of the Prisoners in a pick up game of soccer. LEGEND: TWO DAYS LATER INT. RAMIN'S CELL - DAY Ramin is stretched out on his bed with the Koran resting on his chest. Two Guards come to the cell door. GUARD Stand up... Come with us. One of the Guards pulls out a blindfold and wraps it over Ramin's eyes. RAMIN Where are you taking me? The other Guard slaps Ramin on the back of the head. GUARD Don’t ask questions. They lead Ramin out of the cell and down the corridor. EXT. BUILDING STAIRWELL - DAY The Guards usher Ramin up three flights of stairs. Ramin can smell the pungent odor of mildew as they climb. EXT. GREAT JALLAD’S OFFICE - DAY The Guards escort Ramin to the door of the Great Jallad’s office. One of the Guards knocks on the door. GREAT JALLAD (O.S.) Enter. The Guards lead Ramin into the room. GREAT JALLAD (O.S.) (CONT’D) Take off the blindfold. GUARD But Sir, no one is supposed to lay eyes on you. GREAT JALLAD (O.S.) Remove the blindfold and leave us be. Reluctantly, the Guard removes the blindfold, they bow and leave the room. Ramin adjusts to the light in the room, which is expansive. At the end of the room is a large window that overlooks the courtyard. Ramin can see the Guard Towers and the Big Green Gate that he entered over two weeks ago. Ramin removes his shoes. The GREAT JALLAD, with his white hair and beard is wearing grey pants, a dress shirt buttoned all the way to the neck and very thick glasses. He is seated cross-legged on a large cushion, sipping tea from a Samovar. GREAT JALLAD (CONT’D) Let me ask you... Do you think I look like the Great Jallad? RAMIN No sir. You look like a very nice man. I have heard your voice on television many times. The Great Jallad smiles at the recognition. He pours another cup of tea. GREAT JALLAD Come closer, my boy. Have some tea. Ramin steps closer and takes the tea. RAMIN Thank you, sir. GREAT JALLAD I have been hearing very good things about you. RAMIN Thank you, sir. I’m learning a better way. GREAT JALLAD Your Father is a good man as well. He is serving his country and has asked me to discipline you for your misdeeds. RAMIN I understand, sir. The Great Jallad sips his tea and looks out the window. GREAT JALLAD You know that because of your actions, you are supposed to go to the border to assist in the Just War... but I’m going to do you a favor. I’m going to let you go. RAMIN Are you serious? GREAT JALLAD Now, you need to get yourself back in line. Don’t do stupid things like this. This isn’t the time for it... Do you have anything to say? RAMIN No sir. GREAT JALLAD Then you are free to go. God be with you. RAMIN Are you serious? GREAT JALLAD Of course I am. He stands up and crosses to Ramin. He kisses Ramin on both cheeks. GREAT JALLAD (CONT’D) Guards! The Guards enter the room. GREAT JALLAD (CONT’D) Please escort this gentleman with respect to the front gate. He is a special friend. GUARD Yes sir. RAMIN Thank you, sir. This time, Ramin leads the Guards out of the room. EXT. GREAT JALLAD’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS As Ramin struts down the hallway, the Guards open the doors and let Ramin pass first. EXT. EVIN PRISON COURTYARD - MOMENTS LATER Ramin crosses the courtyard for the last time. He looks up at the Guard Towers he had contemplated scaling for his escape. EXT. EVIN PRISON GREEN GATE - MOMENTS LATER Ramin stands before the Big Green Gate and waits for the command to open it. As it opens Ramin sees the city for the first time in 23 days. Something he wasn’t sure he was going to ever see again. The cars, the street and off in the distance, the freeway. Ramin steps out the gate and breathes the air of freedom. It’s an overwhelming moment. EXT. OUTSIDE THE GREEN GATE - CONTINUOUS Ramin looks around and spots his UNCLE EDVIN, who is getting out of his car. Ramin runs to hug his Uncle as his younger brother Ferenand, runs from the other side of the car. Ramin kisses Ferenand on both cheeks. FERENAND Man, it’s good to see you! RAMIN I know! I know! Me too. EDVIN Let’s get out of here. They load into the car and Ramin's Uncle drives off. EXT. RAMIN'S HOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON Ramin stares out the window as they pull into the driveway. The Peugeot is sitting off to the side. INT. UNCLE’S CAR - CONTINUOUS Ramin sees the Peugeot. RAMIN Thank God, it’s here. EDVIN Don’t thank God. Thank your Aunt. She tracked it down. RAMIN I’m sorry Uncle. EDVIN Wait for your parents, then you’ll be sorry. RAMIN I know. The three exit the car and enter Ramin's house. INT. RAMIN'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS The smell of Ramin's favorite food, Lubia Polo (Rice & Green Bean Stew) wafts through the air. Ramin rushes into the kitchen. INT. RAMIN'S KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Ramin's Aunt Sarina is putting the finishing touches to a three layered chocolate cake. He hugs her from behind. She wipes her hands on her apron, then gives Ramin a hug before whacking him with the spatula. AUNT SARINA You had us worried to death. RAMIN I know. I know, I’m sorry. AUNT SARINA Well, you better eat before your Father gets here or you won’t be able to eat at all. RAMIN Mad, huh? AUNT SARINA I don’t know if there’s a word for it. Ramin sits at the table as everyone joins. INT. RAMIN'S KITCHEN - ONE HOUR LATER Ramin is just finishing his chocolate cake as the front door opens and his parents rush in. Ramin springs from his chair to meet his Father. As Ramin reaches his Dad. ALBERT slaps Ramin hard on both cheeks. ALBERT You put us through Hell. RAMIN I’m sorry. ALBERT We thought you were dead. RAMIN I know, I’m sorry. Ramin's Mother, ANA approaches and slaps him as well only this time, she hugs Ramin. ANA Do you have any idea what your Father had to do to find you? You should get down on your hands and knees and kiss your Father’s feet. RAMIN I know. I know... I’m sorry. I didn’t think... ANA That’s right you didn’t think. He had to call people very high up in the government to find you. He saved your life. She grabs Ramin again and gives him more hugs. Ramin's Father and Uncle leave the room. They go into the living room where they whisper to one another. ANA (CONT’D) You look tired... Take a shower and get some rest... Go on, get to bed. Ramin looks at his Father, who is deep in conversation with Ramin's Uncle. Ramin leaves the room. INT. RAMIN’S BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING It’s still dark outside as Ana shakes Ramin awake. ANA Ramin... Ramin... Wake up, it’s time to go. RAMIN Huh... What?... What’s the matter? ANA Come on, it’s time to go. Get dressed. Ana leaves the room. Ramin struggles to get out of bed. He sees clothes laid out for him and proceeds to dress. INT. RAMIN’S KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Ramin drags himself, still half asleep into the kitchen, which is bustling with activity. His Grandmother is working away at the sewing machine, sewing a money belt. His Aunt stands by a chair with hair clippers in her hand. AUNT SARINA Come here, we’re going to change your look. RAMIN Why? AUNT SARINA No questions, just do as I say. Ramin stumbles over to the chair and sits down. Aunt Sarina flips on the switch and begins to give Ramin a buzz cut. As she finishes the hair cut, Ramin sees his bags are readied at the door. She brushes the shorn hair off his shoulders. AUNT SARINA (CONT’D) Now, go get your jacket. Tears are forming in her eyes as she takes the money belt from Ramin's Grandmother. Ramin's Father, Uncle, Mother and Brother are standing at the kitchen door. RAMIN Where are we going? ALBERT Don’t ask, just get in the car. Ramin pulls his jacket on and leaves for the front door. EXT. RAMIN'S DRIVEWAY - MOMENTS LATER Ramin sits in the back seat of the Peugeot looking out at his family on the front porch. Everyone is crying as they hug one another. Ramin's Grandmother throws him a kiss as his Aunt walks up to the car. AUNT SARINA You be safe and know I love you. I know I won’t see you again. She kisses Ramin on both cheeks and stands back as Ramin's Uncle kisses her on her cheek. He slips into the back seat as Ferenand sits on one side and he sits on the other. Ramin sits in the middle. Albert takes the wheel as Ana sits in the passenger seat. The engine is started for a moment, no one talks. Then... ALBERT Any check point we come to... you slide down like your brother. Don’t say anything. Albert puts the car in gear and they drive off with Ramin's Aunt and Grandmother waving goodbye. EXT. PEUGEOT - EARLY MORNING The family drives north to the outskirts of Tehran where they meet their first road block. Albert slows the car to a stop as the Guard searches the cab, scanning the eyes of everyone. Ramin slumps lower into the seat as the Guard looks at him. With his new haircut, he looks about 13. GUARD Move on. Albert puts the car in gear and drives off. Silence fills the car as no one dares to talk. EXT. KARAJ - TWO HOURS LATER Slowing for the next road block, Ramin slumps down again as the routine is repeated. EXT. NAZARABAD - TWO HOURS LATER Same routine, only this time, the Guard asks to see the trunk. Albert exits the drivers seat and opens the trunk. Inside is luggage and a cooler for food. ALBERT Going to Gilan for a couple of days rest. GUARD Okay. Move on. Albert gets back into the vehicle and drives off. EXT. QAZVIN - THREE HOURS LATER Same routine and the family moves on. Ramin notices his Mother keeps wiping tears from his Father's face. Ramin starts to cry as well. RAMIN Mom, what’s going on? ANA Your Father and I have decided you must leave Iran. We don’t want to risk losing you to the war. We would rather have you safe outside the country. RAMIN But... ANA It has already been decided. The car remains silent for the rest of the trip. EXT. ZANJAN - EVENING The Peugeot stops at the road block and as the Guard looks into the cab, Albert rolls his window down. ALBERT Do you know a hotel in town? The Guard finishes looking at the passengers. He turns and points down the road. GUARD About a half kilometer on your right side. ALBERT Thank you. GUARD Move on. Albert puts the car in gear and accelerates. Tail lights glow crimson as the Peugeot rolls down the road. EXT. MOTEL PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER The wheels stop for the night after driving for more than 14 hours. INT. PEUGEOT - EVENING Albert turns off the ignition and gathers a deep breath. ALBERT Wait here. I’ll be out in a moment. He exits the car. FERENAND Daddy, I have to pee. ALBERT All right. Come with me. Ferenand pops the rear door open and joins his Father. Everyone else in the car remains silent. Ramin stares out the window and then turns to see his Mother wiping tears from her cheeks. Ramin reaches out and touches her arm and she in turn touches Ramin's hand with hers but doesn’t look back. Through the windshield, Ramin can see Ferenand running back to the car followed thereafter by his Father. ALBERT (CONT’D) Okay, let’s go. Ana and Edvin open their respective doors and step out into the brisk night air. The men unload the luggage from the trunk and make their way to the hotel room. INT. HOTEL ROOM - EVENING A very modest two bedroom accommodation, the common area has a table with four chairs, a couch and sitting chair with a coffee table in front of the couch. Ana and Albert take one bedroom and Ramin and Ferenand take the other. Ramin's Uncle takes the couch in the common area. As they unpack more tears are shed. Ana unpacks some sandwiches and drinks from the cooler. Ramin and Ferenand sit at the table with their barely touched food. Edvin is sitting on the couch. Ana takes a map out of her purse and spreads it on the table. ANA This is a map so when you get to Istanbul, you’ll have someone waiting for you. Here’s his number... These are numbers for your Uncle and your Sister in the United States. Albert unloads stacks of Turkish Lira and drops them on the table. Ana takes the money belt that Ramin's Grandmother sewed and begins stashing the notes into the pouches in the belt. Albert also pulls out some gold coins and places them next to the Lira. ANA (CONT’D) Now... you wrap this around your waist and hide it with your shirt. Don’t show it to anyone, okay? RAMIN Okay. Once it’s filled, Ana puts it in Ramin's bag. Ana starts to break down. Ramin and Ferenand cry as well. ALBERT Everything is going to be all right. This is the way it has to be. He tries to comfort Ana with an embrace. ALBERT (CONT’D) Let’s get some rest. We have a busy day ahead. Ana hugs Ramin for a long moment, like she wanted him to melt into her so she could protect him from harm. Finally, she relaxes her arms and kisses him on both cheeks. ANA See you in the morning... I love you. RAMIN I love you too. Albert squeezes Ana’s shoulder as she leaves for the bedroom. ALBERT Everything is going to be all right... This is as much to reassure himself as it is for Ramin. Albert turns and gives a weak smile to Edvin and follows Ana into the bedroom. He closes the door. EDVIN Ferenand, give me a hug and go to bed. I want to talk to Ramin for a minute. Ferenand runs over and hugs Edvin. Edvin kisses Ferenand on both cheeks and swats him on the behind. EDVIN (CONT’D) Now go... (To Ramin) Sit! Ramin sits in the chair across for Edvin. EDVIN (CONT’D) I want to tell you a few things... There are a lot of crooks out there and they will want to take advantage of you. They will try to steal your money any way they can. Use your head. You’ll be on your own and there are a lot of temptations ready to seduce you. Stay away from drugs and alcohol, they’ll just get you in trouble and waste your money. Be good Ramin, for your family, be good. Edvin gets up and opens his arms. Ramin stands and steps into his Uncle’s embrace. EDVIN (CONT’D) Sleep well. Ramin returns the hug and turns towards the bedroom. RAMIN Thank you Uncle. Good night. INT. MOTEL ROOM BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Ramin slides under the covers and tries to sleep. The last 48 hours are racing through his brain. Nothing can shut it off. The arrest, prison, the beatings and torture, Mariam, the pain on his parents face. Ramin rolls over and sees Ferenand looking at him. RAMIN You okay? FERENAND (Weakly) Yes... Tears are in his eyes. RAMIN Come here. Ferenand whips his covers off and hops into Ramin's bed. He cries himself to sleep as Ramin cradles his head to his chest. Ramin stares at the ceiling as the hours crawl by. The images reappear. The riot at the University, the exploding door, the dead prisoner dragged across the floor, the beatings. It’s non-stop. INT. MOTEL ROOM BEDROOM - MORNING Ramin is still open eyed as there is a knock on the door. ANA (O.S.) Ramin... Ferenand, time to get up. Breakfast is ready. Ramin shakes Ferenand gently until his stirs. RAMIN Ferenand... Time to get up. Ferenand rubs his eyes and hugs Ramin. RAMIN (CONT’D) Come on, we gotta go. Up first, Ramin is in the same clothes he wore yesterday. INT. HOTEL ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Ramin and Ferenand drag themselves into the room and plop down at the table. There is a knock at the door. MOTEL STAFF Room service. Albert opens the door and the attendant brings a tray of tea and cheese. He sets it on the table and leaves. Ana serves the boys cereal and fruit as Albert and Edvin pack the rest of the luggage into the car. Ana pours a cup of tea for both Albert and Edvin. The boys eat in silence as Ana readies herself for the final leg of the journey. She comes out after combing her hair and covering her head with her scarf. ANA Okay, let’s go... Brush your teeth. We have an exciting day today. Ramin and Ferenand disappear into the bathroom and brush their teeth. Albert and Edvin finish their tea and wait at the door. Ana hands Albert her overnight bag as she cleans the last of the breakfast from the table. A once over of the room and they leave. EXT. MOTEL PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS The car is packed and Albert puts Ana's travel bag in the trunk as Ramin, Edvin and Ferenand climb into the back seat and Ana and Albert settle into the front. Albert cranks the engine and waits for a moment to let it warm up. The only sound is the coughing of the Peugeot's engine as it finds it’s rhythm. Albert looks in the rearview mirror and backs out of the parking space catching a glimpse of Ramin. Into gear and the vehicle lurches forward. Back on the road to Salmas. EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF SALMAS - AFTERNOON A small border town on the fringes of civilization. Clay and sod houses, cobblestone and dirt streets with a majority of the population being Kurds with a small number of Turks thrown in. Albert slows the car down and peers through the windshield. ALBERT I need to check the oil. He searches for a gas station as he idles slowly down the road. Just a little farther down the road is a garage. Albert pulls in. EXT. GARAGE - CONTINUOUS Albert gets out of the car and pops the hood. A MECHANIC approaches. ALBERT Will you check the oil?... Do you have a phone? The mechanic points to a wall phone. Albert strides to the phone. He pulls a paper from his pocket and dials the number. A moment later, Albert is back at the car with the mechanic. The mechanic shows the dipstick to Albert. ALBERT (CONT’D) A quart and a half is fine. The mechanic gets the oil as Albert returns to the drivers seat. INT. PEUGEOT - CONTINUOUS As Albert waits for the oil, he turns to Ana but also looks at Ramin in the rearview mirror. ALBERT We have about 10 minutes until the guide will be here. These are the instructions and it is absolutely necessary for them to be carried out exactly as I am telling you... EXT. SALMAS STREET - AFTERNOON Albert watches as a Jeep parks across the street. ALBERT (V.O.) The Jeep is going to signal us by blinking it’s lights twice... Ramin sees the signal. ALBERT (V.O.) No one is to show any emotion. Is that understood? There are spies everywhere looking for deserters. We don’t want to tip them off. Tears are running down Ana's face as she tries not to wipe them off. Albert has both hands on the steering wheel, squeezing until his knuckles are white. Ramin pulls on the door handle as Ferenand grabs his arm. Edvin pulls Ferenand’s hand free. ALBERT (V.O.) When you leave the car... do not look back. Grab your bag and walk directly to the Jeep. Keep your focus on the Jeep. Ramin looks at everyone in the car, wanting to remember every detail of his family. ALBERT (V.O.) Your safety hinges on you following these instructions to the letter. Ramin grabs his bag and steps into the street. His knees are weak and his stomach is in knots like he’s going to vomit as he makes his way to the Jeep. It feels like he has to walk miles although it’s less than a few hundred feet. ALBERT (V.O.) You won’t be able to contact us until you have reached Istanbul so please be very careful and may God watch over you. Ramin can’t help himself, he turns and sees his Mother crying uncontrollably and his Father wiping tears from his face. His Brother and Uncle with their heads down, are crying as well. Everything in him wants to turn and run back to them but he keeps walking. EXT. JEEP - CONTINUOUS Ramin grabs the door handle on the Jeep and climbs up into the cab. ALBERT (V.O.) We love you. Ramin tosses his bag in the footwell of the Jeep and closes the door. INT. JEEP - CONTINUOUS The Kurdish Driver, TEZO fires up the Jeep and drives away. Ramin starts to follow his parents car as they drive by. TEZO Don’t turn around! They are watching from everywhere! Ramin slumps into the seat, tears stream down his face. TEZO (CONT’D) You’re going to be all right boy! We’ll take care of you. Tezo slows the Jeep down and turns down an alleyway. He stops at the exit and looks across the street. EXT. SALMAS ALLEY - CONTINUOUS Sitting on a bentwood chair, is an OLD KURDISH MAN in traditional Kurdish clothes. A wool pair of pantaloons with layers of shawls and a sheepskin vest. He looks up and down the street and then gives a subtle wave to the driver. Tezo turns right and heads out of town. EXT. DIRT ROAD - LATER Tezo pulls off a dirt road and stops in front of a large gate across the driveway. He waits for a minute to see if anyone has followed him, then honks his horn with three short blasts. A moment later the gate opens and Tezo rolls down a long driveway into the courtyard as the gate is closed. EXT. COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS Ahead is an ancient house made of mud and clay with a thatched roof. A fountain sits just outside the entrance which is filled with goldfish. Just off to the side are a group of women dressed in their Hijab’s and three little kids waiting to see who’s visiting. TEZO We’ll stay here a few hours. The women shoo the kids away and disappear as Ramin climbs out of the Jeep. Tezo leads Ramin into the house. INT. KURDISH HOUSE - CONTINUOUS As Ramin enters the house, there is a room just off the entry where an old man in his 90’s sits on a cushion drinking tea. A BOY stands in the hallway. TEZO This is my son. He will show you where to go and what to do. The boy, just a few years younger than Ramin, leads Ramin into another room. INT. KURDISH BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS The son points to a cushion across the room for Ramin to sit. KURDISH SON Take your clothes off... I will bring you different clothes. The boy leaves and Ramin commences to undress. He notices a flock of chickens roosting under the window. On one wall is a picture of the Prophet Muhammad with a portrait of the whole family on another wall. Persian rugs cover the clay floor and cushions for sitting. Next to the cushion is a Hookah Pipe and a tray of Turkish tobacco. Ramin stands in his underwear as the son returns with a pile of traditional Kurdish all black clothing. KURDISH SON (CONT’D) Put these on. Ramin takes the clothes as the son leaves. He ties the money belt securely around his waist and covers it with his pants and shirt. INT. KURDISH DINING ROOM - EVENING Ramin enters the room, black from head to toe. Only his face and hands can be seen. The entire family is sitting in a circle, passing food around. TEZO Join us, we have plenty. Ramin sits but can’t really eat anything. TEZO (CONT’D) What’s the matter? Don’t trust Kurdish food? RAMIN No, I’m sorry. I don’t want to offend but I just can’t eat right now... TEZO I understand. Soon, you’ll be fine. God be with you. RAMIN I think I’m going to lay down for a while. TEZO Sure. Ramin gets up and leaves the room. INT. KURDISH BEDROOM - TWO HOURS LATER The sun has set and the air is getting cool. Tezo comes to the door with an OLD KURDISH WOMAN. TEZO We will leave as soon as it gets dark. You will meet others on the way... My Aunt will finish getting you ready for the journey. The old woman carries with her a blackened rag with chunks of charcoal inside. She smiles at Ramin and opens the rag. She reaches for Ramin's hand and starts to rub. OLD KURDISH WOMAN Poor baby... Poor baby... Everything is going to be okay. She reaches for the other hand and continues rubbing. By the time the Old Woman is finished, the only visible body parts are the whites of Ramin's eyes. OLD KURDISH WOMAN (CONT’D) Time to go! EXT. KURDISH HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Ramin is ushered into the courtyard where a Peycan (Iranian car) Taxi is waiting. INT. TAXI - CONTINUOUS The passenger door is opened and Ramin is rushed inside. The Cab Driver, ZORAV, instantly starts pumping his arm downward. ZORAV Lay down!... Lay down!... Don’t be seen! The back of the seat is laid back and Ramin is looking at the ceiling. As the door slams shut, the driver takes off like a shot. Ramin starts to take in his surroundings. It’s like he’s in a 60’s discotheque. Mirrored balls hanging from the ceiling, red fringe dangling from the edges of the headliner, 3-D pictures of animals in the door panels. To complete the aura, Kurdish music blasts from the speakers in the back dash. The Driver is very nervous and keeps stealing looks into the rearview mirror. Each time Ramin tries to sit up, the Driver pushes him back down. ZORAV (CONT’D) Shhhhhh!!! Shhhhhh!!! After a few minutes of driving, the Taxi driver pulls over and shuts off his lights. RAMIN What’s the matter? ZORAV Shhhhhh!!! Shhhhhhh!!! Just then, two cars pass them. ZORAV (CONT’D) Revolutionary Guards! INT. TAXI - TEN MINUTES LATER Ramin is getting tired of laying down and tries to get up but Zorav pushes him back down. ZORAV Shhhhhh!!! Shhhhhh!!! We wait! Finally, Zorav flashes his headlights and another car pulls along side. There are two boys and a girl inside. ZORAV (CONT’D) Out! Go with them! Ramin grabs his bag and lifts himself out of the cab. EXT. ROADSIDE - CONTINUOUS Ramin opens the door and sees the other three dressed identically to himself, all black. He quickly piles into the back seat and the car takes off. INT. CAR - MOMENTS LATER Ramin introduces himself to the guys in the back seat. RAMIN I’m Ramin. The two respond in kind. YOUSEF I’m Yousef. VALI I’m Vali. The girl, BITA, in front keeps to herself as she seems to be on the verge of tears at any moment. MOMENTS LATER: No one is talking and the only sound is the tires on the gravel road. Suddenly, NICO, the driver, tenses up. NICO (In Farsi) Oh Shit! RAMIN What’s wrong? NICO Shhhhhh!!! Revolutionary Guards! The Driver quickly pulls off the side of the road, down an embankment and behind a tree. He shuts off the headlights and waits. EXT. ROADSIDE - CONTINUOUS As the Revolutionary Guards search the mountain with spotlights, everyone in the car holds their breath. The dancing beam of the spotlight skips over the car as the Guards continue down the road. Finally, the lights disappear over the ridge. INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS Nico starts the engine. NICO We go now! With no headlights, the car pulls back onto the road and creeps along, more cautious than before. EXT. CAR - FIVE MINUTES LATER Slowing down even more, Nico searches for a stone marker, then turns onto a faint dirt path. A few minutes and the sound of barking dogs pierces the still night air. Nico stops the car. NICO God be with you... He motions them out of the car. Ramin steps out into the night and instantly smells horseshit. Then the snuffling of horses in the darkness. The car drives off and as Ramin's eyes adjust to the night, he sees three Kurds on horseback armed with AK- 47’s. There are four additional horses with saddles packed heavy on both sides. The Leader, BEYANI, rolls his own cigarettes. BEYANI You know how to ride? RAMIN I’ve only ridden once. BEYANI Don’t worry, you’re going to learn. The other two Kurds, DERBAZ and SABAR, help get the kids up and on the horses. BEYANI (CONT’D) You want a cigarette?... The kids shake their heads no. BEYANI (CONT’D) Then, let’s move out. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - NIGHT Beyani takes point and guides the caravan into the mountains. Ramin is next, followed by Yousef and Vali. Bita is last before the tailing Kurd Derbaz and the other Kurd Sabar rides on the side. Other than the huffing of the horses and their hooves clopping, the night is dead silent. Ramin drifts into a dream-like state as the motion of the horse sways him. The night sky is blanketed with stars, more than Ramin has ever seen in his life. Ramin stares at the stars and chooses the brightest star. RAMIN (quietly) Goodbye Papa. And the next brightest star. RAMIN (CONT’D) (quietly) Goodbye Mama. And the next. RAMIN (CONT’D) (quietly) Goodbye Ferenand. All the way to his Aunts, Uncles and Grandmother. As he does tears stream down his cheeks. The more he rides into the darkness, the better he starts to feel. Deep breaths help to relieve the tension that has been building since prison. EXT. PASTURE - 3 AM Beyani, the leader of the train directs the troupe through an opening in a stone wall. The fields are covered with tall grass and fruit trees are everywhere. The horses have made this trip many times as they stride directly to the grove of trees. Ramin and the others slide down off the horses, with their butts sore and tired. As he stretches, Ramin looks at the bundles hooked to the saddles on the horses again. RAMIN What’s in the packages? One of the other Kurds, DERBAZ, steps in front of Ramin. Ramin nick names him, the “Evil Kurd”. DERBAZ None of your business. Ramin looks to Yousef and Vali. They smile knowingly. With the horses tied off, the Kurds pass out some bread, cheese and water to Ramin and the rest. Ramin has his appetite back and scarfs down every morsel. The Kurds sit under another tree against the stone wall. As the food is finished off, Ramin, Yousef and Vali get to know one another. Bita, although sitting with the guys, holds herself out of the conversation mostly. RAMIN Where you guys from? YOUSEF Tehran. RAMIN Really?... All of you?... All three nod their heads. RAMIN (CONT’D) Me too. I lived in Northern Tehran. VALI Us too... we’re cousins. YOUSEF We didn’t want to go to war. There was no choice. War or jail or leave. RAMIN Me too and I’ve already been to jail. YOUSEF What for? RAMIN Underground party... I never thought I’d get out. (To Bita) What about you? BITA Black listed... They executed my Father and were looking for the rest of my family. RAMIN Where are you going? BITA The US, my Uncle lives there. YOUSEF We are too. We have family there as well. Beyani puts out his cigarette. BEYANI Mount up. We got to get moving. Ramin and the boys jump up onto their horses a little better this time but Bita can’t do it on her own. Derbaz, who is already mounted, grabs the back of her shirt and pulls her onto the horse. BITA Ow! That hurt! She starts to cry again. DERBAZ Keep up! EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - 3:30 AM Beyani moves out first and the caravan falls in step as they ascend into the mountain pass. Temperatures are in the low 40’s and dropping. The trail narrows abruptly as they climb. The rhythm of the journey sets in. Ramin watches the red glare of the tail fire of rockets lobbed from Iraq to Iran. Every once in a while, there is a sob from Bita. EXT. 1ST MOUNTAIN CAMP - DAY BREAK Beyani raises his hand and the procession stops. This is the first opportunity for Ramin to get a look at the faces of the Kurds. Deep, dark eyes with long mustaches, each carrying Kalashnikov AK-47 and Glock 17 pistols on their hips with another rifle mounted on their horse. Ramin looks around and the view is incredible. Vast ravines as well as snow capped mountain peaks. BEYANI Dismount. We camp here for the daylight. Situated under some trees on an outcropping next to a cave, Ramin and the others are lead into the cave. Oil lamps are lit as they descend deep into the mountain. The rumble of Cobra helicopters, searching for deserters, can be heard echoing off the canyon walls. Ramin and the guys get further acquainted as Bita continues to cry. YOUSEF What was it like in prison? RAMIN Beyond your imagination. Everything short of death and believe me, sometimes I wished for it. VALI My friend went in last year. I never heard from him again. RAMIN They have executions every night. Bita is getting louder. RAMIN (CONT’D) Hey... It’s going to be okay... We have to be quiet. BITA I hate sitting on the ground. My legs hurt and there are bugs everywhere. RAMIN It’s only temporary. A few more days and you’ll be free. BITA That horse stinks... She cries even harder. Ramin moves closer to comfort her. As he does, Derbaz steps in. DERBAZ Don’t touch her! You... quit your crying. There are soldiers crawling all over these mountains. Ramin sees a real sense of danger in this guy. RAMIN Better try to get some rest. They roll out a sleeping blanket and Ramin turns off the lantern. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - EVENING Beyani is already on his horse as Sabar and Derbaz round up the pack horses. Ramin is a bit stiff from the previous nights ride and has trouble mounting his horse. After the second attempt, Sabar glides by and in a single motion, snatches Ramin at the belt and hoists him onto his saddle. RAMIN Thanks. SABAR Humph! Sabar does the same to Yousef and Vali. Bita sits on the ground whining. BITA This is ridiculous! DERBAZ Get on the horse or we leave you here. BITA I can’t. DERBAZ Stand up! Bita climbs to her feet and before she can find her balance, Derbaz has her by the back of the shirt and pulls her onto the horse. BITA Owwww! Don’t do that! It’s now completely dark as the caravan ascends an even steeper grade up the mountain. In cadence, the horses plod sure-footed up the trail. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - MIDNIGHT The troupe crests the mountain top and Beyani holds his hand up for all to stop. BEYANI Dismount. We walk from here. Ramin and the boys slide off their horses and they almost collapse because their legs hurt so much. RAMIN Oh... Oh... Owwww! Oh that hurts! BEYANI Shhhhh! RAMIN (whisper) Sorry! Everyone has dismounted but Bita. DERBAZ Get down off the horse. BITA I don’t want to walk. DERBAZ Get down, now! RAMIN Bita, come on get down. Derbaz starts towards the horse. Bita relents and climbs off the horse. They lead the horses down a very steep and narrow grade. Without provocation, a pack horse bolts. It takes off in the opposite direction. The Kurds mount their horses and give chase. They disappear as Ramin and the others keep crawling down the mountain. It gets so steep in places Ramin is siding on his ass as are the others. 20 MINUTES LATER: Beyani approaches first as Derbaz is chewing out Sabar. DERBAZ You’re so stupid. SABAR I didn’t do nothing. DERBAZ It’s your fault. You didn’t tie it off right. SABAR Yeah I did. You were supposed to check it. DERBAZ Now we got no food. BEYANI Shut up, both of you! The caravan falls into complete silence except the echo of the hooves. As they reach the bottom of the ravine, there is a trickle of a stream flowing through the creek bed. The horses dip their heads for a drink as they cross to the other side. Beyani mounts up. BEYANI (CONT’D) You two! (Pointing to Yousef and Vali) You ride together. So mount up! Bita starts whining again. BITA My butt hurts. Why can’t we just take a break? This time without notice, Derbaz just grabs her and tosses her on the saddle, face first. DERBAZ Get on the horse. Bita starts to cry harder. DERBAZ (CONT’D) Shut up or I’ll gag you. She whimpers as the horses take off up the next ridge. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - HOURS LATER Cresting another ridge, Ramin pulls up close to Beyani . RAMIN How far is Turkey? Beyani points to the next ridge. BEYANI Just over that ridge. Ramin settles back and focuses on the next ridge. As they reach the next ridge, Ramin looks out into the ravine. RAMIN Is that Turkey? BEYANI It’s over the next ridge. RAMIN For sure? Beyani smiles and descends into the ravine. The next ridge, Ramin catches Beyani again. RAMIN (CONT’D) Turkey? BEYANI We camp for the day. Dawn is just peeking over their shoulder to the East. There is a grove of trees in a very narrow pass with shear cliffs above and below. Ramin notices a stream just down the gorge. RAMIN I’m thirsty. Let’s get some water. Ramin, Yousef and Vali scamper down to the stream. EXT. MOUNTAIN STREAM - DAY BREAK Ramin cups his hands and slurps the ice cold water. Yousef jumps to the other side and scoops a handful himself. Vali holds back. VALI That might not be clean. RAMIN So what. It’s water. YOUSEF Come on Vali. What’s your choice? Ramin and Yousef continue to drink as Vali just watches. RAMIN I get a bad feeling about that one guy. He’s evil. I don’t trust him. YOUSEF I’ve been thinking the same thing. He just keeps staring at us. RAMIN Did you see the way he handled Bita? I think we should start taking shifts when we’re sleeping. I’ll take the first shift. YOUSEF Okay. Vali you’ll be next and I’ll do the last shift. Ramin splashes his face and tries to stand up but his legs are so sore he almost falls into the creek. EXT. 2ND MOUNTAIN CAMP - EARLY MORNING Ramin and the boys climb back up to the campsite. The horses are all tied up under the trees. This time, Bita is sequestered away from where Ramin and the boys are sleeping. They roll out their sleeping blankets and Ramin leans on his bag as Yousef and Vali bed down. As the sun rises higher in the sky, Ramin gazes over the snow capped peaks. EXT. 2ND MOUNTAIN CAMP - THREE HOURS LATER Ramin rolls over and shakes Vali. RAMIN (quietly) Vali... Vali... Wake up! It’s your turn... Come on, wake up! Vali finally opens his eyes. RAMIN (CONT’D) Get up! I gotta get some sleep. VALI Okay! I’m awake. Vali rolls over on his back as Ramin settles in to sleep. Shortly after Ramin is asleep, Vali nods off as well. EXT. 2ND MOUNTAIN CAMP - AFTERNOON Ramin is awakened by an argument between the Kurds. They are out of ear shot but Ramin can see they are agitated about something. BEYANI What happened? DERBAZ Nothing happened. SABAR I woke up and the girl was gone. DERBAZ She left... Derbaz looks to Beyani and smiles. DERBAZ (CONT’D) ... no more problem. By this time, Yousef and Vali are awake as well. RAMIN You fell asleep! VALI Just for a minute. RAMIN Then, where’s Bita? VALI I don’t know. She was sleeping over there, under that tree. Ramin gets up off his sleeping blanket and walks over to the Kurds. Yousef and Vali follow. RAMIN Where’s Bita? DERBAZ Don’t worry about it. It’s none of your business. RAMIN Where is she? YOUSEF Yeah, where is she? Derbaz looks at the other two Kurds. DERBAZ She was complaining so much about the blisters on her ass and the sores on her legs... we sent a car for her. They picked her up a while ago. Ramin and Yousef look at the trail in both directions. There’s no way even a four-wheel drive vehicle could reach their location. When Ramin looks back at Derbaz, he smiles at Ramin. DERBAZ (CONT’D) Get some more rest, the worst is yet to come. Ramin and the boys are now more scared for their lives as they return to their encampment. They lie down but can’t sleep. It’s late afternoon and Ramin can’t take his eyes off Derbaz. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - EVENING Mounted and on the trail, there are now enough horses that Yousef and Vali don’t have to share. This is the second day without food. Up a ridge and down into a ravine. Miles through the darkness. Ramin tries to distract himself by counting missiles shooting across the sky. His stomach growls constantly. MIDNIGHT: Vali is starting to lose it. He begins shouting. VALI How much farther? RAMIN Vali... Shut up! VALI My legs hurt! Sabar, who has been riding along side of the caravan, reaches over and shakes Vali. SABAR Keep quiet! VALI I’m hungry! Why can’t we eat? RAMIN Shut up Vali! Vali’s voice is echoing through the ravine. Yousef pulls along side of Vali and grabs him. YOUSEF Stop it Vali! You’re going to get us killed! Yousef is pissed and shakes Vali really hard. YOUSEF (CONT’D) Stop it! Derbaz rides up next Vali. DERBAZ If you don’t shut up, I’ll throw you off this mountain! Derbaz looks straight through Vali. He means it. Vali quiets down for the time being. Ramin's stomach is growling so loud that Yousef can hear it ten meters away. EXT. 3RD MOUNTAIN CAMP - DAY BREAK Ramin and the boys roll out their sleeping blankets under a large rock outcropping, the Kurds are further up the trail. Laying on his blanket, Ramin is scratching all over. He pulls up his shirt and he has flea bites everywhere. Big red welts all over his stomach and blisters on his ass from the saddle. All three are extremely tired and hungry since they haven’t eaten in over two days. Nobody’s in the mood to talk so they just sack out. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - EVENING Up and riding again, the sky is littered with Scud Missiles. The war is escalating as Ramin watches the bright red embers of the tail fires arc above him. The caravan has developed the tempo of the mountains. The rise and fall between ridges and ravines. They stop as dawn approaches. EXT. 4TH MOUNTAIN CAMP - DAY BREAK Ramin is an hour into his sleep when he is jarred awake. Ramin rolls up on his elbows. He sees Vali kneeling in front of him crying. RAMIN What’s going on? Vali can barely keep it together. VALI The Evil One, he put a gun to my head. RAMIN What?... Why? VALI He said that if we didn’t pay him more money, he will leave us stranded at the border. Ramin looks around and only Derbaz, is in camp. RAMIN Get Yousef. Vali shakes Yousef as Ramin approaches Derbaz. RAMIN (CONT’D) Why are you doing this? Our parents paid you to take us to Istanbul. Yousef and Vali join Ramin. DERBAZ Plans have changed. You cost me a horse and supplies. You pay or I leave you at the Turkish border. RAMIN Where are the others? DERBAZ None of your business. RAMIN How much do you want? DERBAZ A half million Lire. YOUSEF We don’t have that amount of money... our parents gave it all to you. Derbaz smiles. DERBAZ Then you get left at the border. Ramin stares at Derbaz for a moment and then turns away. The three boys walk back to their side of the camp. Vali is about to lose it. Tears are in his eyes as his body trembles. YOUSEF What do we do? Ramin glares over at Derbaz, then turns his back. RAMIN I have the money... but it’s almost everything I have. YOUSEF I promise you, my Uncle will pay you back when we get to Istanbul. VALI Yeah he will. RAMIN Okay. Ramin slips behind a boulder and unfastens his money belt. He counts out the 500,000 lire and secures the belt around his waist again. Ramin motions to Yousef and Vali. RAMIN (CONT’D) Come here. They join Ramin behind the boulder. RAMIN (CONT’D) I don’t want that jerk to know where the money came from. Let’s go. The three step out from behind the boulder together and approach Derbaz. RAMIN (CONT’D) This is everything we have. Derbaz grabs the money and stuffs it into his belt. DERBAZ No mention of this to the others. If you do, I will kill you all. Now, go away and leave me alone. Ramin and the others are now even more terrified as they go back to their blankets. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - EVENING Sliding down into a deep gorge with mountains towering above them, wolves begin to howl. As they traverse the valley floor, they cross a mountain stream. Ramin and the boys slide off their horses and plop face down in the ice cold water, gulping mouthfuls not noticing that the horses are drinking and peeing upstream. Drinking their fill, Ramin catches a glimpse of an enormous raspberry patch. RAMIN Berries! Ramin rushes across the stream and feverishly harvests the berries. Yousef and Vali are right behind. Stuffing handsful into their mouths as well as filling pouches for later. Beyani lets out a sharp whistle. BEYANI We need to keep moving. Lets go! Ramin's hunger is now satiated and most of his discomfort has been relieved. The constant gurgling of the stream and a full belly relax Ramin enough that he falls asleep in the saddle. Ramin’s horse grazes on the berries as Ramin snoozes. Startled awake when his horse stumbles on a cobblestone in the stream, Ramin grabs the horses mane to keep from falling. Looking around, Ramin can’t make out anything. It’s pitch black, so he just follows the stream down the mountain. The temperatures are in the 30’s now with patches of snow on the ground. The isolation is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. A change is happening to Ramin. A sense of destiny, taking charge of his own life. A boy to a man. Ramin searches the horizon for Yousef and Vali as the howls from the wolves seem to be getting louder. It’s been almost two hours that Ramin’s been on his own. Numb from the isolation, Ramin is in his own world. Suddenly, a hand clamps down on Ramin's shoulder. Pure terror explodes inside Ramin. A voice from the darkness. GORAN Are you lost? Ramin turns and sees the silhouette of a giant sitting on what looks like a Shetland Pony. GORAN, who stands about 7 feet tall, puffs on his hand-carved pipe. In the red glow of the burning tobacco, Ramin can see Goran's face. Rich brown eyes and a gigantic handlebar mustache you could hang a slab of bacon from. Bands of ammunition crisscross his chest with a rifle over each shoulder, topped off with a chapkas ushankas (furry Russian hat). Ramin is scared speechless. GORAN (CONT’D) You’re lost and you’re scared! Ramin finds his voice. RAMIN Wouldn’t you be if you saw you? Goran laughs. GORAN Get on... Viyan will tend to your horse. We will find your friends. Ramin drops down off his horse and with Goran's help, settles on the back of Goran's horse. VIYAN gathers the reins of Ramin's horse and follows Goran. Into the night they ride. About an hour out, Goran stops and cups his hands to whistle. He blows a series of short and long notes. In the distance, lights blink. GORAN (CONT’D) There’s your friends! Ramin gives Goran a big hug then reaches into his pouch and pulls out a 10,000 lire note. RAMIN Thank you. GORAN Keep your money. It will mean more to me if you arrive safe and start a new life. RAMIN I will do my best!... I will never forget you. Grabbing the reins from Viyan, Ramin saddles up and rides towards the flickering light. Ramin rides into camp and Yousef and Vali jump up to greet Ramin. YOUSEF We thought we lost you for good. VALI Thank God you’re back! BEYANI Enough! We need to move on. We’re behind. Derbaz just stares at Ramin as he takes his place at the rear of the caravan. Two more hours and the troupe crosses the Turkish/Iranian border which is represented by a black and white mosaic tile line. Beyani stops on the Turkish side. BEYANI (CONT’D) Off your horses... Ramin looks at the other two and they slowly dismount. Are they going to be left at the border? BEYANI (CONT’D) Step on this side... The boys follow his instructions. BEYANI (CONT’D) ... now that side... Turkey... Iran... Turkey... Iran... The boys jump back and forth laughing that they’ve finally made it to Turkey. BEYANI (CONT’D) Enough!... Let’s ride. Back on their horses they ride. Descending into a small Turkish village, Yousef's horse steps on a sleeping Turkish soldier. He jumps up and fires off a round that pierces the night air. It just misses by a fraction of an inch, Ramin's ear, which is singed as the bullet whizzes by. Ramin grabs his ear as Beyani hops down and placates the soldier with some money. They continue as Ramin rubs his ear, happy it’s still there. EXT. TURKISH VILLAGE - DAY BREAK First light shows a small primitive village of about 10 sod houses with goats, sheep, donkey’s and chickens. Dogs begin to bark announcing their arrival. Beyani guides them directly to a barn where they dismount. The VILLAGE ELDER escorts Ramin and the boys into a house. INT. SOD HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Once inside, the Elder points to Ramin's shoes VILLAGE ELDER Off! Ramin as well as Yousef and Vali pull off their shoes. Their feet stink so bad that the Elder holds his nose and laughs. They are lead into another room where they sit. They are fed fresh goats cheese, bread, tea and yogurt. The boys are so hungry, there is no conversation, just the sound of mastication. Eating their fill, the Elder returns. VILLAGE ELDER (CONT’D) Follow me. EXT. STABLE - MOMENTS LATER The Elder shows Ramin and the boys into the stable. VILLAGE ELDER You can sleep here. Ramin pulls out his sleeping blanket and tosses it over a bed of straw in the stable. Yousef and Vali are near by. Almost instantly, they are sound asleep. Perched on one of the stall railings, the barnyard rooster let’s loose with his morning crow. Jolted out of a sound sleep, Ramin tries to orient himself. It’s very cold in the stable since there is no glass in the window openings. Ramin hears giggling coming from the other side of the wall. He stands and peers over the window sill and finds three little girls peeking through the cracks in the stable wall. Across the yard, the MOTHER yells at the little girls. MOTHER Get away from there! Come here! As the little girls run to their mother, she whacks them on top of their head. The Father comes out of the house and chases them with his cane. INT. SOD HOUSE - MOMENTS LATER Awake, the boys go back inside the house to eat some more food. Since they don’t speak Turkish, it’s difficult to communicate. EXT. TURKISH VILLAGE - LATE AFTERNOON Ramin tries to learn some new phrases from the book that he brought but the effort breaks down and they just play with the animals and have a pick up game of soccer with a few of the boys from the village. EXT. TURKISH VILLAGE - EVENING As Ramin readies to mount his horse, the wife of the Village Elder, kisses him on the forehead and says a Turkish prayer. The villagers toss pails of water behind them for good luck as they ride away. EXT. MOUNTAIN TRAIL - NIGHT As the night settles in, the caravan has just hit it’s stride. At once, Beyani jumps off his horse and drops to his knees. He places his ear to the ground, just like in the westerns. BEYANI 10 maybe 12 riders heading this way. Beyani leads the group into a stand of trees off the trail and they wait. About 5 minutes later, 10 riders gallop by. Beyani waits a few more minutes and then mounts up. BEYANI (CONT’D) Let’s go. Throughout the night, there are various check points that Beyani evades and avoids. Spot lights rake the terrain for deserters. Riding around and sometimes under the check points, he uses the boulders and trees as camouflage. LAST CHECK POINT: Riding quietly below the final check point, Beyani turns and gives the stay quiet sign as they creep along watching the ridge above. Suddenly, the guard dogs detect their scent and all hell breaks loose. The dogs bark incessantly and the spot lights are juiced. In an instant, Ramin can see his shadow. This is not good. From the ridge the Guards are shouting. BORDER GUARDS Dur... Dur... (Stop... Stop...) The spot lights are focused on the caravan. Instantly, Beyani shouts at the horses. BEYANI Heeyaaahhh! Like a shot, the horses bolt. BEYANI (CONT’D) STAY LOW AND HOLD ON!... THE HORSES KNOW WHERE TO GO!!! Gunfire erupts from the ridge. Bullets zipping by. Puffs of dirt detonate like little mine explosions all around. Ramin clings for his life. It’s a full out dash for safety. Racing for the next village, the caravan is greeted by the locals with oil lamps while throwing rocks and shouting. LOCAL VILLAGERS YABANGEE!!!... YABANGEE!!!... (Foreigners!!!... Foreigners!!!) The horses dash through the narrow alleys as dogs are biting at Ramin's legs. Ramin has a death grip on the horses mane, riding as low as he can. Rocks bounce off his back as the horse slips on the slick cobblestones. Ramin can’t see any of the others as he rides to the whim of the horse. He has no idea where he’s going and has to trust his mount. Somehow, Ramin comes out the other side of the village and catches up with the rest of the caravan. As Ramin decompresses, Beyani directs the troupe towards Van. Through the frantic pursuit, Ramin's horse picked up a stone and bruised it’s hoof. It has started to limp conspicuously. Derbaz shouts at Ramin. DERBAZ Get off the horse! Can’t you see it’s hurt! Ramin dismounts and walks as Derbaz takes the horse. Blisters, sore feet and bruises everywhere, Ramin struggles to keep up. He runs until he’s out of breath and has to slow down to a walk which is more like a hobble. The pain is so great that he has to stop and find a place to sit except his ass is so sore he can’t sit very long. Yousef offers his horse so Ramin can rest his legs but mostly, Ramin just tries to keep up. Finally, Ramin sees the caravan stopped ahead and he moves as fast as he can to see why. Off in the distance is a paved road with cars and busses driving, further in the distance is Van, their first taste of civilization. Beyani dismounts and points to the bridge at the bottom of the mountain. A car is parked on that bridge. A light is flashing just outside the car. BEYANI That’s your connection. I will tell your parents you’re safe. Good luck. The trio grab their meager belongings and take off for the bridge. Some of the pain is alleviated by shear joy as Ramin races down the mountain towards the car. It takes all of two or three minutes but it feels like an hour before Ramin reaches his destination. They are so happy to have made it alive, they hug one another. INT. CONNECTION CAR - EARLY MORNING ROCCO, the driver of the car, starts the engine. ROCCO Come on! Get in! They pile into the car and Rocco pulls off the bridge and heads toward the city. The boys are breathing hard from their run down the mountain. As they catch their breath, they absorb their first taste of freedom. EXT. TOWN OF VAN - MORNING Even though the air is crisp, Rocco has all four windows down. Ramin and the boys stink so bad, it’s like riding inside a cattle car on the railroad. Rocco plows through a flock of chickens on the outskirts of town. Still mostly farmland, Ramin spots sheep, donkey’s, cows and horses. Driving down the road, Ramin takes in the sights like a blind man who can finally see. Everything looks fresh and exciting. Rocco slows to a stop in front of an old clay and sod house. Ramin, Yousef and Vali, still stiff from their ride tumble out of the car with their bags. EXT. SOD HOUSE IN VAN - MORNING Standing in the driveway are some neighborhood women, curious about the strangers. HEZAN, the owner of the house chases the women away. HEZAN Go-Go-Go... Go on, leave me! Leave me in peace!... (to the boys) Welcome... Welcome my friends. Come with me! Come inside! It’s as though there is a cloud of putrid air emanating from the very space the boys inhabit. Flowers wilt as they pass and yet, Hezan opens his home to the weary travelers. INT. HEZAN’S HOUSE - MORNING After washing the charcoal off their face and hands, Hezan waits at the dining room door. Windows are opened full as Ramin and the others are lead into the dining room. The table has been prepared with roast lamb, fresh goat cheese, bread, fresh vegetables and tea. Eating their fill, the boys slump with contentment. Shortly thereafter, Hezan carries in some large overstuffed pillows for the boys to sleep on. HEZAN You must be very tired. You shall rest here. He tosses the pillows around the room. RAMIN Thank you very much. Your hospitality is really appreciated. YOUSEF Yes, thank you. VALI Bless you. The boys curl up and are out almost instantly. Less than two hours later, Ramin is shaken from a sound sleep as are Yousef and Vali. HEZAN Time to go!... Wake up!... You must leave now! Still groggy from the abrupt awakening, they stagger out of the house. EXT. HEZAN’S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Idling in front of the house is a white van. Ramin and the others are herded to the vehicle. The side panel opens and they are hurried into the cargo hold. The door is slammed shut and away they go. EXT. WHITE VAN - AFTERNOON The van rolls to a stop behind a beat up shack that looks like it’s been abandoned for centuries. JIR We go in. The driver, JIR, leads Ramin and the other two into the shack. The boys are still dressed in black and look like battered Ninja’s. INT. SHACK - CONTINUOUS The interior is barren except an old box radio. JIR Sit there. He points to the floor opposite the door. As the boys drop to the floor, Jir turns on the radio. It takes a moment for it to warm up. Jir scans for a station with Turkish music. The music is low but there is no conversation. Fatigue weighs on them like a 50 pound anvil. Barely able to keep their eyes open, one by one, they slump to the floor. EVENING: Jir, peeks out the window. It’s now dark enough to leave. JIR (CONT’D) (whispers) Hurry... Hurry... Ramin and the boys follow Jir back to the van. EXT. WHITE VAN - EVENING Jir rides the shoulder of the highway for a few hundred meters then veers completely off the road and stops. INT. WHITE VAN - CONTINUOUS Jir turns off the engine. JIR We wait! Shortly, an old Mercedes Bus that is dented with it’s paint peeling, slows and stops in front of the van. There are baskets, packages and luggage spilling off the roof and hanging over the side. JIR (CONT’D) This will take you to Ankara. Make sure to sit all the way in the back of the bus. Don’t talk to anyone. There will be check points for the next 100 kilometers so be aware. The ragged three file out of the van. INT. RURAL BUS - CONTINUOUS They board the bus. It is filled with peasants, farmers and farm animals. As the boys make their way to the back of the bus, Jir whispers into the Bus Drivers ear and palms him some money. As Jir leaves, Yousef finds a seat near the back and Vali finds a place to lean against one of the seat supports. Ramin is forced all the way to the back of the bus with the sheep. He looks like a natural sheep herder. The bus lurches forward onto the highway and Ramin has to avoid falling into the sheep shit on the floor. A couple of hours pass as Ramin uses the sheep for armrests to take some of the pressure off his legs. The sun is setting when Ramin hears a siren. Through the filthy window out the back, he sees the driver of the police car is a young beautiful female cop. Her partner settles in the passenger seat and pulls his hat over his eyes for a quick nap. The driver flips the lever and opens the door for the officer. She mounts the bus and slowly searches the travelers. Yousef and Vali divert their eyes and try to blend into the crowd but they are all wearing the same black clothes they came over the mountains in. She spots this right away and stares at each of them individually, then singles out Ramin. POLICEWOMAN (in Turkish) Where are you going? RAMIN (in Turkish) I am a student going to Istanbul. She takes a long look at Ramin, then smiles and turns her back. She skims the others as she leaves the bus. The driver closes the door and grinds the bus into gear. With a cloud of black diesel smoke belching from the exhaust, the bus rattles back onto the road. Yousef can’t believe what just happened. He reaches over and kicks Ramin. YOUSEF (whisper) What did you say? RAMIN (whisper) I told her I’m a student. YOUSEF (whisper) Good job! Yousef drops back into his seat and Ramin rejoins his sheep. It’s a long ride but Ramin can’t sleep. He bounces to the beat of the highway and gazes at the passing cars, busses and trucks. EXT. ANKARA BUS STATION - EVENING The following evening, the bus arrives in Ankara. It’s chaotic as the villagers claim their packages and luggage along with the farmers collecting their sheep. Ramin follows the last of the sheep off the bus. It’s not a sure bet which stinks more. Ramin stretches his legs and walks around to get the circulation back. A local TURK is waiting off to the side, leaning on a pole. LOCAL TURK (in Turkish) Are you Hezan’s friends? Ramin just nods. The Turk gives Ramin a slip of paper with the name of their next contact. LOCAL TURK (CONT’D) (in Turkish) Follow me. Ramin and the others trail the Turk across the terminal. The Turk points to the bus going to Istanbul. Ramin nods to the Turk, instantly the Turk blends into the crowd and is gone. Ramin inspects their new ride. It’s much nicer than the first one. INT. ISTANBUL BUS - EVENING There are no animals on this bus, although you wouldn’t know that once Ramin and company are boarded. Hard stares and accompanying hand waving when the boys pass to the back of the bus. Just as the bus is ready to depart, a MUSLIM MULLAH steps aboard. He walks the isle with his prayer beads. MUSLIM MULLAH God be with you... God be with you... God be with you... The Turkish passengers aren’t very tolerant towards the old religious Mullah and they ignore him. He stops with his blessings and finds a seat. As the sun sets through the busses windshield, the Mullah forces the driver to pull over so he can perform his evening prayers. The rest of the passengers are very angry. The Mullah exits the bus with his prayer mat and spreads it out on the shoulder of the highway. The Mullah kneels on his mat to start his lamentations. When he does, the Bus Driver closes the door and drives off, leaving the Mullah on the side of the road. The passengers erupt in applause as the Mullah can’t believe he has been left behind. LATE NIGHT: The Bus Driver stops so the passengers can eat and stretch their legs. Ramin, Yousef and Vali keep to themselves. They eat in silence so they don’t draw any undue attention. Back on the bus, they nestle into their seats for the final leg of their journey. It’s two or three in the morning when Ramin sees the bridge that crosses into Istanbul. He’s in awe of the size of the city and the fact that at this late hour there are people still roaming the streets. EXT. ISTANBUL BUS TERMINAL - 3:00 AM Ramin, Yousef and Vali are the last to disembark from the bus with their bags slung over their shoulders. Walking through the terminal, they exit to the street and hail a cab. RAMIN The Aksaray Hotel. The trio climb into the cab and ride to a very seedy part of Istanbul. Streets crawling with drug dealers and other petty hoods. EXT. AKSARAY HOTEL - 4:00 AM Ramin and the others trudge down an old cobblestone alley to the entrance of the hotel. Not much on amenities and just barely enough light to see the clerk behind the desk. Ramin approaches the clerk. CLERK (in Turkish) Passport! Ramin pulls his passport which is invalid since they were issued when the Shah of Iran was still in power. The clerk grins and hands them a key. He points down the hall, first floor. INT. AKSARAY HOTEL ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Yousef and Vali collapse onto the beds as Ramin drops his bag and goes into the bathroom first. BATHROOM: He opens the spigot and tests the water. Ramin strips and tosses his clothes in a heap. Just as Ramin steps into the shower, there is loud pounding on the door. CLERK (O.S.) POLICE!... POLICE!... GET OUT! GET OUT NOW! Ramin scrambles to get his filthy clothes back on as the pounding continues. No socks or underwear, he barely gets his shoes on. Ramin charges out of the bathroom. No Yousef or Vali. He snags his bag and jacket as the Clerk stands at the door. CLERK (CONT’D) THAT WAY!... THAT WAY!... THEY’RE COMING IN THE FRONT! Ramin streaks out the back door into the alley. EXT. HOTEL BACK ALLEY - CONTINUOUS Ramin looks around for Yousef and Vali. RAMIN YOUSEF!!! VALI!!!... SHIT!!! Panicked times two. The cops at the front door and his money he paid the Kurds is now MIA (missing in action). Ramin sprints to the street. EXT. HOTEL STREET - CONTINUOUS Ramin reaches the street with Yousef and Vali already in a cab. The rear door is still open as the cab pulls away from the curb. RAMIN WAIT!!! HEY!!! HOLD ON A SECOND!!! Ramin makes a mad dash and dives into the cab, blocking the door with his foot. INT. TAXI - CONTINUOUS Ramin grabs Yousef as his feet dangle out of the cab. Ramin is livid as he pulls himself into the cab. RAMIN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?... YOU LEAVE ME!!!... YOU OWE ME MY MONEY!!! Yousef is truly sorry. YOUSEF We’re sooo sorry!... We got scared!... We weren’t thinking right! Vali is frozen quiet. Ramin takes a deep breath to calm down a bit. The Cabbie is checking out the action in the rearview mirror. RAMIN All right then... I guess we should go to the next address they gave us. YOUSEF Maybe we should go to my Uncle Daroosh’s instead. RAMIN It’s probably safer. Yousef gives the cabbie Daroosh’s address in Beyazit which is due east from where they are now. Ramin looks over his shoulder to see if the police are following them as the cab accelerates down the street. EXT. BEYAZIT NEIGHBORHOOD - EARLY MORNING The cab pulls up to a granite brick and mortar duplex. YOUSEF I’ll be right back. Yousef runs to the front door and knocks, leaving Ramin and Vali in the cab. Ramin is searching the surroundings while Vali remains silent. Shortly, Yousef leads his UNCLE DAROOSH to the cab. Daroosh pays the cabbie as Ramin and Vali stagger out of the cab. Daroosh grabs Vali and gives him a huge bear hug. DAROOSH Thanks be to God, you’re safe! YOUSEF Uncle... This is Ramin Amir. He saved our lives. Daroosh lets go of Vali and with a gigantic display of affection seizes Ramin and bounces him up and down while kissing him on both cheeks again and again. DAROOSH My boy!!! My boy!!! Thank you!!! What a great surprise!!! Welcome!!! The boys snatch their bags and follow Daroosh into the duplex. INT. DAROOSH’S APARTMENT - EARLY MORNING Daroosh escorts the boys into the two bedroom apartment. The incredible aroma of freshly prepared spaghetti is almost overpowered by the stench emanating from the boys. DAROOSH My God you stink!... Toss your bags at the door. You’re going to get scrubbed. Daroosh collects a series of cleaning supplies and a very strong disinfectant from the kitchen. DAROOSH (CONT’D) Follow me! Daroosh takes the lead and marches Ramin, Yousef and Vali out to the backyard. EXT. DAROOSH’S BACKYARD - MOMENTS LATER Daroosh opens the faucet for the garden hose. Pulling out a metal trash barrel, Daroosh initiates the cleansing. DAROOSH Strip naked boys! Who knows what freeloaders you’ve got stuck to you. Ramin starts to undress and Yousef and Vali follow. They toss their clothes one by one in a pile in front of them. Daroosh takes a pole and flips each article of clothing into the barrel. When the boys are stark naked, Daroosh splashes some kerosine on the clothes and flicks a lighted match onto the heap. The fire warms the cool morning air as Daroosh hands over the soap and disinfectant to the boys. DAROOSH (CONT’D) Scrub hard, I’m sure some of those critters have become quite attached to you by now. The cleanser smells like Lysol. RAMIN I don’t know which smells worse. DAROOSH I do! Keep scrubbing. Get behind your ears and pay attention to your butt. As each finish lathering up, they look like ivory frosted snowmen. One by one, Daroosh squirts them with water from the garden hose. It’s freezing. RAMIN Hey-Hey-Hey!!! Damn that’s cold! DAROOSH Think how good it’ll feel when your nice and dry, eating that fresh homemade spaghetti we have inside. Daroosh tosses each of them a towel as they buff themselves dry next to the burning barrel of clothes. INT. DAROOSH’S APARTMENT - LATER Dressed in clean clothes, Ramin relaxes in the living room which has Persian rugs wall to wall. Daroosh is a wonderful poet and has framed poems in Farsi hung throughout the apartment. Yousef is dialing Tehran. DAROOSH Don’t say anything about your location or who you’re with. Keep it short. YOUSEF Okay... (Into the phone) Mom!!! I’m here! We made it to Uncles house. We’re all safe... I want you to call Ramin's parents and tell them he’s fine. Give them this number... I love you too... Okay, talk to you soon... Okay... Okay... Bye. Yousef hangs up. YOUSEF (CONT’D) (To Ramin) They said they’d call your place right away. A few minutes later, the phone rings. DAROOSH Hello... Of course, he’s right here. Daroosh hands the phone to Ramin. RAMIN Hi... I know... Yes it is... I’ll be here for a while... Hi Dad... I won’t... Yeah, thanks... Yeah, you can reach me here...Thanks, tell Mom I love her, too. Ramin hangs up the phone. DAROOSH Let’s eat! The boys, freshly laundered, gather at the dining room table. INT. DAROOSH’S DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS It’s like piranhas devouring a calf. Forks and elbows flying everywhere. Food disappears from the plates like a magic act. Plate after plate, Coca Colas downed in gulps. Not a morsel is left on the table. As the dust settles, Daroosh clears the dishes from the table. Ramin sinks in his chair as the tryptophan kicks in. Yousef and Vali do the same. DAROOSH I’m not carrying you to bed. We can talk when you have rested. The trio stagger from the table through the living room to the bedroom. INT. DAROOSH’S BEDROOM - MID-MORNING Ramin zeros in on the comfort of an actual bed with fresh sheets. It’s the first time actually sleeping in bed in over a week. Ramin dives face first into the pillow. He doesn’t even change out of his clothes. Nothing else in the world exists. Lights out for 32 hours. INT. DAROOSH’S LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON Ramin drags himself into the room like a zombie. He plunks himself down on the sofa. Body parts are moving in molasses, his eyes gaze at the clock. RAMIN No way... It’s only been 6 hours? DAROOSH 6 hours for what? RAMIN Since we’ve been asleep! DAROOSH Are you kidding?... You’ve been out for a day and a half! Why don’t you get showered and we’ll go to town. Ramin is a little perplexed about how to ask for his money back from Yousef and Vali. RAMIN Ummm... I’m a little short of funds. DAROOSH Don’t worry. Yousef told me about the trip. First thing, we’ll stop by the bank and get your money. Then we’ll get you some decent clothes so you don’t look like refugee’s from the war. RAMIN Cool. Ramin hoists himself from the sofa and trudges off to the shower. EXT. DOWNTOWN BEYAZIT - AFTERNOON Ramin, Yousef and Vali wait on the street looking a little out of fashion with the western influenced Turkish residents. Daroosh exits the bank and motions the boys to follow him. Daroosh steps to a more secluded location. They stop in an unoccupied alley and Daroosh counts out Ramin's money to the penny. RAMIN Let’s go to lunch! My treat!... Where’s a good place to eat? DAROOSH There’s a great place down by the Grand Bazaar. RAMIN Then that’s where we go! Daroosh leads the procession down the street to the Grand Bazaar. EXT. BEYAZIT GRAND BAZAAR - AFTERNOON As they eat, Ramin and the boys absorb the new culture around them. No political or religious oppression. Women walking around in dresses and pants without hijabs. Daroosh plays tour guide as they discover the Turkish life style, checking out shops and buying new clothes. They stop to enjoy a refreshment and play backgammon in a quaint neighborhood square. Ramin stops into a bookstore and buys a dictionary for the Turkish language. INT. DAROOSH’S LIVING ROOM - EVENING Sitting in the living room, Daroosh serves some tea as Ramin, Yousef and Vali process all they’ve seen today. RAMIN Daroosh, this was a great day. Thank you. DAROOSH I enjoyed it as well... What are your plans now? RAMIN I don’t know exactly... but I think I’d like to stay in Turkey and go to medical school. DAROOSH Okay... let’s get you settled in. This place is too small for all of us but I’ve got a cousin Hajid that’s not too far from here. I’ll give him a call. LEGEND: THREE MONTHS LATER INT. CITY BUS - DAY Ramin is riding back from a day of sightseeing on the peninsula while visiting the Topkapi Palace, built in 1478. Reading street signs that are now unfamiliar, he snags the stop cord. RAMIN (Yelling in Turkish) INEK VAR! All the passengers within ear shot start snickering and laughing at Ramin. Ramin looks around and slowly gets embarrassed as he’s not sure why they’re laughing at him. The bus stops at the next station and Ramin rushes to get off. EXT. BUS STOP - CONTINUOUS Ramin studies the bus routes and realizes he’s in Sururi, due north of Beyazit. He has to walk two blocks west to catch the bus to Beyazit. INT. RAMIN'S APARTMENT - LATER Ramin drops his backpack on the floor next to the kitchen table. Carlo, Ramin's new roommate who is also from Iran, is watching television. It’s one of the very few furnishings in the apartment. Ramin is still perplexed about what happened on the bus. RAMIN Hey... Carlo... Tell me something. I almost missed my stop on the bus today and I yelled to the bus driver, “Inek var.” Carlo starts to crack up as well. CARLO You know what you said? You said “A cow wants to get off!” RAMIN No I didn’t... Really? CARLO Yeah. What you should have said was, “Inecek Var!” Carlo goes back to watching the soccer match on television. RAMIN No wonder everybody was laughing at me. I guess I need more classes. CARLO I got a call from Carmen... She and my cousins want to come and stay for a while. RAMIN Where’s they gonna stay? CARLO I was thinkin’ that she could stay in my room and the guys could stay with you. RAMIN When? CARLO Tonight! RAMIN Thanks for the notice... anything in the fridge? CARLO Kabobs and rice from last night. Ramin ducks into the kitchen and raids the refrigerator. INT. RAMIN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Carlo’s family has arrived and they brought bottles of whiskey to celebrate. Well into their second bottle, Ramin has balled up 4 or 5 pairs of socks and have commenced playing soccer. Carlo and Ramin against Carlo’s cousins. Carmen is the cheering section. It’s getting louder the more they drink. Sliding on the hardwood floors, they crash into the walls and tumble over one another. Ramin boots the sock ball in between the whiskey bottles for a score. RAMIN GOOOOOAAAALLLL!!!! He slides on his knees in front of Carmen, who is clapping. From the apartment below, there is a banging on the floor. NEIGHBOR (O.S.) (In Turkish) STOP IT!!! IT’S 3 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!! The team collapses into a fit of laughter. EXT. RAMIN'S APARTMENT - MORNING Ramin looks out over the Sea of Marmara from the roof. Carlo crawls out to join Ramin with the weight of a massive hangover. RAMIN I gotta get a letter from the Iranian Embassy for school. CARLO Can’t do it! RAMIN I know... I’m gonna meet Daroosh today. See if he can arrange something. CARLO Good luck. If anybody can, it’s him. Carlo shuts his eyes as he leans against the restraining wall on the roof. The phone rings inside. RAMIN Don’t get up... INT. RAMIN'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Standing in the kitchen watching Carlo slumping over in agony. RAMIN Hello... Ali!!! Are you in town?... Really, when? You made it... Man, that’s great!... Hey, I’m meeting a friend for lunch. Why don’t cha come?... Maybe he can help you too... Great, I’ll come by in an hour. EXT. BAZAAR CAFE - AFTERNOON Ramin and ALI, his friend from Tehran, eat lunch with Daroosh and his friend MANSOOR. The cafe is surrounded by multitudes of international shoppers. DAROOSH So... do you have family in town? ALI Yeah, my Uncle. He’s a doctor here in town. His practice is growing and he’s gaining more regular patients. Everything is good. DAROOSH Okay, so what’s up? RAMIN They said we have to have a letter from the embassy saying we’re in the country legally or we can’t go to school... ALI ...and I don’t want to go back to Iran. DAROOSH I see... So, instead, we need to get you out of Turkey and back. For that we need an official entry stamp from Turkey. That we can do, right Mansoor? MANSOOR We can do anything for a price. I know somebody that can do it for 500 Marks each. RAMIN Best price? MANSOOR Best price. Ramin looks over to Daroosh, who smiles and nods. RAMIN Okay. Ramin pulls out the 500 Marks as does Ali. They slide it over to Mansoor under a napkin. MANSOOR Meet me at 6 tonight, we’ll go together. DAROOSH More tea? Daroosh waves for the waiter. EXT. BUS STOP - EVENING Ramin and Ali step off the bus and they scan the neighborhood. It’s right out of Indiana Jones. Dark, narrow cobblestone alleys, filthy with overflowing trash cans and rotting debris. Mansoor appears from out of the shadows. If it weren’t for Daroosh’s endorsement, Ramin and Ali would be very afraid wandering this area of town. MANSOOR Let’s go! EXT. ISTANBUL ALLEY - NIGHT Mansoor leads the boys down one of the darkest, dirtiest alleys in existence. The smell of dank, mildew soaked walls is over-powering. Ramin's gag reflex kicks in and he has to hold his nose as Mansoor plods on. A few more twists and turns, which has Ramin and Ali completely disoriented. They are looking every which way. Finally, Mansoor stops and knocks on a door. Just like in the movies, a peephole slides open. VOICE (O.S.) What do you want? MANSOOR To do some business! INT. DILAPIDATED BUILDING - NIGHT The door creaks open and this BEHEMOTH stands guard as Mansoor descends the stairs with Ramin and Ali in toe. Three flights of stairs and another door. Signal knocks, three-two-three and wait. The door opens and across the room, under a pale yellow light, sits the BLACK MARKETEER. The epitome of the biblical money changer. Seedy and grungy, bent over a desk littered with paperwork. BLACK MARKETEER Who’re they? MANSOOR Friends who need some help. BLACK MARKETEER What kind of help? MANSOOR Passport stamps. BLACK MARKETEER From where? MANSOOR Iran. BLACK MARKETEER 400 Marks!... Each! Mansoor pulls the cash from his waistband and lays the 800 Marks on the table. BLACK MARKETEER (CONT’D) Be back tomorrow. Same time. Now get outta here. Mansoor taps Ramin on on the shoulder. MANSOOR Let’s go. The boys follow Mansoor out the door. EXT. ISTANBUL ALLEY - NIGHT Ramin holds the crude map that Mansoor drew for them. The buildings all look the same and the alley stinks just as it did the night before. RAMIN There are no numbers on the buildings. ALI I don’t see any street names either. Where the hell are we? RAMIN According to the map, we’re right in front of the door. Ramin looks at the building and doesn’t see an entrance in sight. ALI Where? RAMIN There! Ramin points to the wall in front of them. Ali takes the map. ALI Maybe we’re reading it backwards or something. RAMIN That means the building is on the next block behind us. Ramin and Ali retrace their steps and turn the opposite direction at the corner of the building. They see a door. ALI There!!! Ramin reaches the door and gives the knock. No answer. RAMIN Wrong door? ALI I don’t think so... knock again. Ramin knocks louder this time. A few moments pass and then the peephole opens. VOICE (O.S.) What do you want? RAMIN We have business. The peephole slams shut and the door opens. Again the Behemoth stands aside as the boys enter. INT. DILAPIDATED BUILDING - MOMENTS LATER Ramin and Ali stand in front of the Black Marketeer. He reaches into a drawer and tosses the passports on the table. BLACK MARKETEER Now get outta here! RAMIN Yessir! The boys turn and scurry out the door. EXT. BUS STOP - LATER Waiting for the bus, Ramin and Ali examine their passports. RAMIN No way!... Look at this shit! Ramin shows Ali the stamps on the passport. One stamp is from Tehran Airport and the other is from the Turkish border. RAMIN (CONT’D) This is useless... He stamped it like we flew from Tehran and walked into Turkey. What an idiot. ALI What are we gonna do?... Are we gonna go back? RAMIN No way. Did you see the size of that guy? No, we’ll talk to Mansoor. The bus arrives and they board for Ramin's apartment. INT. BULGARIAN EMBASSY - DAY Ramin and Ali approach the reception desk. There are soldiers stationed at the entrance and throughout the building. RECEPTIONIST (Bulgarian accent) How can I help you? RAMIN We’re here to see Anton... RECEPTIONIST One moment please. The receptionist thumbs through the directory and dials the number. RECEPTIONIST (CONT’D) Anton... Two visitors are here to see you... Yes, I will... She hangs up the phone. RECEPTIONIST (CONT’D) He said you should wait... Have a seat. He will be here shortly. Ramin and Ali cross the lobby and sit looking directly at the guards. Ramin diverts his eyes, working at not being nervous. Ali does the same. Minutes pass and the boys begin to sweat. Each person that appears from behind the desk brings a flutter of hope they will get this over with. Finally, ANTON, stands beside the desk. ANTON Are you friends with Mansoor? RAMIN Yes... That’s us. Friends with Mansoor. ANTON Come on in. I’m Anton... Ramin and Ali disappear behind the Glass barrier. INT. RAMIN’S APARTMENT - AFTERNOON Ramin has a bottle of beer in his hand and Ali has a glass of wine. The Transit Visas to Bulgaria are laying on the kitchen table. RAMIN To Bulgaria!... ALI Bulgaria... They take a swallow from their drinks and then, a booming knock rocks the front door. Ramin looks out the window and sees police at the door as well as waiting on the street. Ramin grabs his passport and a 500 Mark note as Ali just grabs his passport. Ramin opens the door. POLICE You’re under arrest! RAMIN Why? What for? POLICE Questioning! RAMIN For what? POLICE You’ll find out. Ramin and Ali are handcuffed again. Just like Tehran. EXT. POLICE VAN - CONTINUOUS Ramin and Ali are tossed into the back of the police van and driven to the 1st Division Prison. There are other Iranian Nationals in the van as well. RAMIN What’s going on? IRANIAN NATIONAL A bomb went off in Beyazit. We’re the first suspects. RAMIN I thought we left this behind. The van clatters down the road. EXT. 1ST DIVISION PRISON - LATER The rear doors of the van fly open and the prisoners are blindfolded. RAMIN Again? GUARD Shut up! Each prisoner, after being blindfolded, is thrown down a slide like a sack of dirty laundry. INT. 1ST DIVISION PRISON - CONTINUOUS At the bottom of the slide, every prisoner is slapped upside their head and dragged to separate holding cells. INT. HOLDING CELL - CONTINUOUS As Ramin stands in darkness, he can smell the aroma of a cigar. He tilts his head and he can just barely see rays of sunlight cutting through the haze. There is a flush from a toilet and the rasp of rusted hinges. The sound of footsteps and the buckling of a military belt. Out steps USMAN, the Captain of the Guards. USMAN (In Turkish) What’s your name? RAMIN Ramin Amir. USMAN (In Turkish) Pasaport. There is a guard standing behind Ramin. USMAN (CONT’D) OUT! GUARD (In Turkish) Yes sir! The guard turns and leaves. Ramin hands Usman his passport with the 500 Mark note sticking out. Usman opens the passport and pockets the note. USMAN (In Turkish) Come here! Ramin walks over to Usman. Just as Ramin settles in front of Usman, he is struck with a potent right cross. Ramin is hit so hard, he thinks his eyes are going to pop out. USMAN (CONT’D) (In Turkish) Do you think you can bribe a Turkish official? RAMIN No sir. I wouldn’t dare. No-no-no. Usman gets a wicked smile on his face. USMAN (In Turkish) Get out of here! If I ever see your face again, I’m going to send you back to Iran! RAMIN Thank you so much for letting me go! Ramin walks out of the room and turns back. RAMIN (CONT’D) Did my friend Ali... Mid-sentence, Ramin gets a swift kick in the back, knocking him to the ground. While he’s on the ground, two more kicks to the ribs and they toss Ramin out the door. Ramin lands on his elbows, ripping the skin to the forearm. INT. ALI’S UNCLES HOUSE - EVENING Ali’s Uncle treats Ramin's wounds. RAMIN He didn’t come out with me. I don’t know where he is. UNCLE I’ll make some calls. Get some rest. RAMIN Thank you. Ramin leaves for his apartment. INT. RAMIN'S APARTMENT - AFTERNOON Ramin is lying on the floor with an ice pack on his jaw watching television when there’s a knock at the door. He apprehensively peers out the window and sees Ali. Ramin quickly opens the door. RAMIN Ali!!! Shredded with scratches everywhere, Ali is a mess. His face, neck, arms, legs, back and chest. Bruises are under the scratches. RAMIN (CONT’D) What the hell happened? Ali is on the verge of tears as he limps to the kitchen. It’s the only room with chairs. Ali sits gingerly at the table. ALI They threw me into a gunny sack with some cats and heaved me down the stairs. Then... they soaked me with water. The cats went crazy and tried to rip my face off getting out of the sack. RAMIN Holy shit! Tears are now flowing from Ali. ALI I hate this place! It’s no better than Iran! I want to get as far away from this shithole as I can. Ramin tries to calm Ali down. He gets the transit visas for Bulgaria and places them in front of Ali. RAMIN Hold on just for a little while. We’ll get our tickets and go to Bulgaria for a couple of days. Okay?... Come on. What do ya say? Ali calms down and breathes a little easier. RAMIN (CONT’D) How about a beer? Ali finally smiles. ALI Sure, why not! EXT. RAMIN'S APARTMENT - 3:00 AM It’s raining buckets as a river rushes through the street in front of Ramin’s apartment. A cab floats to a stop, causing a tidal wave to splash the front steps. The driver sounds the horn. Ramin and Ali swim to the cab. It’s only 10 feet to the cab but they are drenched to the bone when they climb into the cab. EXT. ATATURK AIRPORT - 3:40 AM The rain hasn’t let up as Ramin and Ali exit the cab. It’s as though they are the only passengers at the airport. INT. AIRPORT TERMINAL - CONTINUOUS It’s deserted except one woman standing at one of the five checkpoints. RAMIN Over there. He points to the Balkan Airlines desk. No sooner do they make their move to the desk, police converge. It’s as though they smell Iranian’s. Ramin and Ali stand at the desk with the female clerk in front. OZGUR, a policeman with three stars on his shoulders settles in behind the boys. Ramin and Ali hand over their passports and tickets for Sophia, Bulgaria to the clerk. OZGUR I would not advise you go to Bulgaria. Russian officials are visiting. You know they are friends... Russia and Iran, it might cause you trouble. RAMIN Thank you but we have our tickets, we’ll take our chances. Ramin returns his attention to the ticket clerk. Suddenly, a hand lands firmly on his shoulder. “Oh, shit! Trouble again.” Ramin turns to see the policeman. OZGUR Walk with me. Tell your friend to stay. RAMIN Wait here and I’ll be back. The policeman leads Ramin to an isolated space in the terminal. OZGUR You want to get through, you buy me 5 cartons of Marlboro Reds cigarettes and two bottles of whiskey from duty free shop. RAMIN 5 cartons of cigarettes and two bottles of whiskey? OZGUR That is right. RAMIN Okay. OZGUR Meet me at kiosk #3 at 5:30. The policeman smiles and escorts Ramin back to the ticket counter. Ali waits anxiously. Ramin smiles, everything’s all right. ALI What happened? RAMIN I’ll tell you later. INT. AIRPORT TERMINAL - 5:30 AM Ramin and Ali arrive at the #3 Kiosk. Waiting behind the counter are maybe 10 more policemen with Ozgur standing behind them. Ramin steps towards Ozgur but is blocked by NAZAR, a young, tall policeman with a pointy hat. NAZAR Pasaport! Ramin hands it over without any bribe money inside. Nazar examines the passport. NAZAR (CONT’D) How did you come here? With a parachute? RAMIN Of course! The young Nazar jumps the counter and slaps Ramin hard across the face. He grabs Ramin and starts to take him down. OZGUR That’s enough. Let him go. NAZAR Oh, I see... You got a deal with him. I’m gonna report you. Ramin is caught in the middle of the insurrection. OZGUR You’re not going to report me. NAZAR Only if he buys for all of us! RAMIN Gladly! Whatever you guys want! All of a sudden, everybody is smiling and money is changing hands. Ramin and Ali are now contraband runners between the duty free shop and the security kiosk. INT. DUTY FREE SHOP - LATER On their second trip to the shop, the SHOPKEEPER catches on to what’s happening. SHOPKEEPER No more merchandise. You’re over the limit. RAMIN I know but we have to do this. Ramin puts a $20 bill on the counter. The Shopkeeper smiles and rings up the order. INT. AIRPORT RESTROOM - MOMENTS LATER Ramin and Ali deliver the goods. The policemen are laughing and high fiving each other. Instantly, it’s as though a bomb went off. The cops scatter like cockroaches. Ramin is sitting in the stall with cartons of cigarettes and a case of whiskey on his lap. Slowly, the stall door creaks open. Standing in the doorway is BAHIR, a 4-Star Policeman shaking his head. BAHIR Tch-tch-tch! Aren’t you in trouble today! Ramin offers the case of whiskey to Bahir. RAMIN For you! Ramin hands over the whiskey. BAHIR Don’t let these stars fool you. We don’t get paid very much. The Policeman nods to Ramin and carts his booty out the door. Good thing Ramin was in the bathroom stall, he almost shit himself. He takes a ragged breath and goes to the sink where he splashes water on his face. INT. BULGARIAN AIRLINER - EARLY MORNING Ramin and Ali are busy filling out the visitation paperwork for Bulgaria, which are all lies. The purpose for their visit, all of it. Ramin looks out the window as the plane hits the tarmac. It’s a blizzard outside. EXT. BULGARIAN AIRLINER - MOMENTS LATER Ramin and Ali deplane with the other passengers. It’s bitter cold as they descend the stairs. Ramin holds Ali back from the others as they enter the terminal which looks more like a giant warehouse. There are two enormous hanger doors that are wide open. The wind and snow swirl above the concrete floor inside the terminal. INT. BULGARIAN AIRPORT TERMINAL - CONTINUOUS The furniture looks like it was salvaged from a 1950’s barber shop. Worn black and brown leather chairs and sofa’s with chrome supports and armrests. Prowling the terminal are Russian Guards in grey woolen military trench coats, carrying Kalashnikov AK-47 machine guns and German Shepherd attack dogs. There is one very large heater in the center of the room where most of the people are gathered. Ramin and Ali start for the heater and just get into the radius of the warmth. RUSSIAN GUARD Pasaport! The Guard examines the passport. He flips them shut and marches over to the guard station. Keeping his attention on Ramin and Ali, he picks up the microphone. RUSSIAN GUARD (CONT’D) (over the PA) Zhora!!! The name echoes throughout the building. From across the room, ZHORA, this Mastodon that stands at least 6’7” with a bright red mustache that stretches into a different time zone, marches on a collision course with Ramin and Ali. Ramin lays eyes on Zhora and turns to Ali. RAMIN Our asses are grass! Zhora approaches Ramin and Ali. The dog begins to bark menacingly. ZHORA QUIET! The dog obeys as Zhora grabs Ramin and Ali, shoving them across the room. He draws his hand gun and parades them through the other passengers in the terminal. Everyone stares as Ramin and Ali disappear into an office at the end of the room. INT. YURI’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ramin and Ali stand in front of Yuri’s desk. The office is very clean and neat. The chair is very nice and there is a family portrait. Without his hat, Yuri is as bald as Yul Brynner. YURI enters from behind Ramin and Ali. He unbuttons his trench coat and hangs it on the coat rack in the corner. Yuri turns to face the boys in an all beige suit with a blood red tie and cowboy boots. There is a whiff of cologne mixed with vodka and cigar smoke in the air as he drops into his chair. There is complete silence as Yuri stares at the two boys. Ramin can’t control himself any longer and starts to laugh. Yuri reaches into his desk and pulls out a bottle of Cognac and pours himself a glass. Leaning back, Yuri props his boots on the desk. He admires them for a long moment. YURI You like my boots? RAMIN Yeah... they’re beautiful! Yuri pulls out a cigar and lights it with flare and delight. He pulls a deep drag on the cigar and lets the smoke hang in the air, then he locks onto Ramin. YURI Start! What’s your story? What do you want in my country? RAMIN Listen, this is the truth... We had to get out! YURI You’re illegal and your government has asked our government if you come across our border, we have to send you back to Iran. Ramin and Ali just about stop breathing. Yuri lets the moment sink in as he watches the boys squirm. Yuri begins to laugh very hard. YURI (CONT’D) I’m sorry. It looks like you’re going back to your homeland. You should be very happy! Yuri takes out the flight schedule and scans the entries. YURI (CONT’D) Looks like the next flight is coming from East Berlin which will take you back to Tehran. So you have 36 hours to enjoy our hospitality. RAMIN PLEASE!!! They will kill us if we go back! YURI I don’t give damn what they do! Get out of my office! Zhora... Sergei... get in here! The door opens and the two guards enter and stand behind Ramin and Ali. Yuri puffs on his cigar and concentrates on the swirling smoke. YURI (CONT’D) You are free to go anywhere in the transit area. Eat, sleep, drink. Anything you want. Find a couch, buy some gifts for the Ayatollah Khomeini... but these guards are your shadow... Out! The guards tap the boys on the shoulder. A total sense of despair blankets Ramin, Ali is about to pee himself. The guards help them out of their chair. INT. BULGARIAN AIRPORT TERMINAL - LATER Slouched in chairs facing one another, Ramin and Ali just stare vacantly, not really seeing each other. Deep seeded depression has set in. Death is just a plane ride away. RAMIN Fuck it! Let’s get drunk! ALI What??? RAMIN Fuck it! If we’re gonna die, let’s enjoy what little time we have left. ALI Why not! Ramin and Ali get up from their chairs and saunter towards the bar area. RAMIN (To the guards) We’re gonna get drunk! BAR AREA: Ramin and Ali sit at the bar and pound a couple of quick shots. They begin to loosen up a little and start to laugh a little. TERMINAL: Ramin and Ali wander around the room, watching people come and go to their flights. A RUSSIAN WOMAN and her CHILD wait for the Aeroflot flight to Moscow. She sits across from Ramin and Ali, with her son. He must be 2 or 3 years old and has the most beautiful piercing blue eyes with chubby red cheeks. He is dressed in a complete Russian military costume, boots, belt, jacket and hat. Ramin starts to make faces at the boy to make him laugh but the boy remains stone faced. RAMIN (CONT’D) Why doesn’t he laugh? RUSSIAN MOTHER That’s the way the government wants them, like a machine. It’s out of my hands. RAMIN It’s too bad. Kids should have fun. RUSSIAN MOTHER I know. I’m so sad I have to go back... We must go. Our flight leaves shortly. RAMIN Goodbye. The Mother holds her little boys hand and leaves. RAMIN (CONT’D) Let’s go back to the bar. BAR AREA: Ordering some food, Ramin and Ali start drinking again. With each drink, they are getting happier. The Guards are getting a little concerned for the boys. ZHORA Maybe you should slow it down. SERGEI Yeah, take it easy. RAMIN If we’re going to die, we’re going to have a good time before we go! ALI That’s right! ZHORA That’s fine. Kill yourself. Whatever! The longer Ramin and Ali sit at the bar the better they feel. Finally, Ramin stops and looks at Ali. RAMIN What’s beyond black?... They put a bullet in us and we’re dead! So, we might as well have fun, right? ALI Absolutely! RAMIN More drinks! Zhora and Sergei just stand back and watch as the night floats by on a river of alcohol. Flights come and go as do the passengers around Ramin and Ali. They drink and then they wander the terminal and they drink again. INT. BULGARIAN AIRPORT TERMINAL - EVENING Ramin and Ali are having dinner with the next shift of guards, DRAGO and IVAN watching over them. Ramin checks the clock. It’s 9 PM. RAMIN Three more hours... Not quite as happy as they were throughout the day but not depressed either. Across the room, Ramin can see Yuri’s bald head above the crowd. He is wearing the same beige suit, red tie and cowboy boots. Yuri spots Ramin and Ali. YURI Come with me! Ramin and Ali fall in behind Yuri as Drago and Ivan trail Ramin and Ali. INT. YURI’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Positioned behind his desk again, Yuri studies the two detainees. YURI I understand you had quite a party here last night. RAMIN Yeah man, we’re goners anyway. Yuri smiles in admiration. YURI Well... good luck. Drago and Ivan lead Ramin and Ali out of the office. INT. BULGARIAN AIRPORT TERMINAL - MOMENTS LATER Walking out of Yuri’s office, Ramin can see the Iranian Air Airbus 300 on the tarmac as it taxis to a stop. Ramin and Ali watch as the passengers deplane and cross the tarmac to inside the terminal. Now, it’s real. The dread of last night comes flooding back. Ramin's heart is racing. He finds it hard to breathe. As the other passengers start to board the flight to Tehran, Yuri comes out from his office. YURI Here are your tickets... RAMIN Please Yuri, Sir! I beg of you... Please make an exception this one time. You can save two lives here. YURI You think I was joking? I told you I wasn’t joking! Yuri points to two lines forming across the terminal. YURI (CONT’D) Go over there... Good luck, boys. As Ramin and Ali approach the lines, there is one for Iranian Air and the other is for Bulgarian Air. Ali opens the ticket envelope and sees the tickets. Instantly, Ali punches Ramin in the left shoulder, almost knocking Ramin to the ground. Then he grabs Ramin in a headlock as he starts to laugh uncontrollably. ALI Yeeeaaaa!!! Ramin tries to get loose from Ali’s grip. RAMIN What’s going on? ALI Look!!! Ramin looks at the tickets and then he turns around. He sees Yuri with his big cigar clenched in his teeth, doing the Russian dance and smiling. Ramin runs over to Yuri. He kisses Yuri’s bald head and hugs him. Yuri enjoys it for a minute. RAMIN I love you, man!... Now, please will you stamp our passports. If we go back to Turkey, it looks like we flew and circled around Bulgaria and came back out again. YURI No I can’t do that. RAMIN Please... We won’t even come into your country, we just need the stamp. YURI That’s something for you to do when you get back. This is the best I can do... Get out of my face. We pay for your ticket. Now go! RAMIN Thank you! We won’t forget you Finally the Bulgarian airplane is ready to depart. Ramin and Ali hug Drago and Ivan and they’re on their way across the tarmac to the plane. EXT. ATATURK AIRPORT RUNWAY- 3:00 AM As the flight taxis to a stop at the gate, the ASIS, Turkish Military Police are all around the exit stairs. Ramin and Ali wait to the last moment to deplane. It’s raining just as hard as when they left. Down the stairs and onto the tarmac. Ramin and Ali walk deliberately to the terminal entrance. INT. ATATURK AIRPORT - CONTINUOUS Inside and out of the rain, there is only one Kiosk open at this late hour. They are the last two in line for the customs check. RAMIN Look for any of the Goons we dealt with last time. They scan every face without luck. Moving closer to the end, Ramin is getting more nervous. One person left and it’s Ramin's turn. Nobody looks remotely familiar as the last passenger is wrapping up their inspection. Leaning on a pillar is Nazar, the policeman that slapped Ramin. Ramin and Nazar make eye contact and Nazar tosses his arms in the air as though he’s saying, “What are you doing back?” Ramin shrugs his shoulders and pleads with his hands for Nazar to help them. Nazar waves them over to another kiosk. KIOSK: Ramin and Ali walk to the kiosk as the rest of the policemen watch. NAZAR Pasaport! Ramin and Ali present their passports. Nazar inspects them. NAZAR (CONT’D) You didn’t go in? Without the stamp I can’t let you in! RAMIN Dude, where are you going to send us? NAZAR How many times you going to parachute? You just circle the air? I can’t let you in. RAMIN Please, I’ll do anything you want. Just let us in... Nazar gets a big smile on his face. NAZAR More Marlboro’s and whiskey! RAMIN As much as you want. I won’t even charge you! NAZAR 2 for me and 2 for my friend! RAMIN You got it! Nazar opens Ramin's passport and slams the stamp down. It’s the most amazing sound Ramin has ever heard. Nazar does the same for Ali. NAZAR Now your passports are healthier. You are free to go! RAMIN Thank you!!!! Ramin and Ali run down the terminal isle laughing and arguing who is going to buy the merchandise. RAMIN (CONT’D) I’ll buy it... ALI Let me. I’ll do it. RAMIN No. I’ll take care of it. INT. DUTY FREE SHOP - MOMENTS LATER Ramin buys a half dozen cartons of Marlboro’s and an extra bottle of whiskey. RAMIN To celebrate!!! INT. KIOSK - MOMENTS LATER Ramin slips the bag of merchandise under the counter to Nazar. They smile at one another and Ramin turns to leave. Ramin's feet don’t touch the ground, he feels so good. Ali shoulder bumps Ramin as they reach the exit from the terminal. EXT. ATATURK AIRPORT TERMINAL - MOMENTS LATER Ramin spins in the rain and drops to the ground and kisses it. On his feet again, Ramin flags a cab. INT. TAXI - MOMENTS LATER Ramin and Ali settle into the back seat and as they drive off, Ramin tosses a carton of Marlboros into the front seat. RAMIN For you my friend! Both boys take huge, deep breaths as they are now legally in the country. ALI Thank you... Without your language skills and experience, I would have never made it! The rain beats on the roof of the taxi as they drive into the early morning. LEGEND: THREE MONTHS LATER INT. RAMIN'S KITCHEN - AFTERNOON Ramin sits at his kitchen table with books on the Turkish language in front of him. The phone rings. RAMIN Hello... Hi Daroosh, what’s up?... He wants an American visa? Nobody’s getting one of those... Sure we can try but... Okay I’ll meet you at Taksim Square at 10 tomorrow... Okay, bye. Ramin laughs as he hangs up. EXT. TAKSIM SQUARE - MORNING Ramin paces the sidewalk in front of the American Embassy on Beyoglu Street. There is already a very long line waiting to get into the embassy. Daroosh approaches with his young cousin from Iran, AZAD. Daroosh does the introductions. DAROOSH Ramin, how are you? RAMIN Good. Learning to speak better Turkish. DAROOSH Ramin, this is Azad, my cousin. Azad, this is Ramin, a very resourceful young man. AZAD It’s a pleasure to meet you. DAROOSH I’ve got to get back to the house. We’ll see you later for dinner and to celebrate, okay? AZAD With our visas! Daroosh leaves as Ramin and Azad get in line. As they wait, person after person exits the embassy with their heads hung low. Rejection after rejection. No one is being admitted. RAMIN It doesn’t look good. AZAD Let’s take a chance. We’re going to get lucky. Some people in line overhear the conversation. OLDER IRANIAN Are you kidding, there’s no way you’re going to get a visa! AZAD Of course we are! RAMIN Absolutely we’re going to get one on our first try. Ramin shrugs his shoulders at Azad. RAMIN (CONT’D) Why not? AZAD Why not! HOURS LATER: The line has wound down to where Ramin and Azad are next to go in. OLDER IRANIAN Nobody has come out with a visa all day. AZAD We will! The embassy door opens and lets Ramin and Azad inside. INT. AMERICAN EMBASSY - LATE AFTERNOON Ramin and Azad crane their necks to see everything in the room. Military guards are stationed in every direction. In the waiting area, benches line the walls with a thick bullet-proof partition of glass dividing the room. U.S. Government employees bustle from desk to room to hallway and back again. Ramin watches the parade behind the glass. Suddenly, MR. BROOKS, a neighbor from when Ramin lived in Tehran during the Shah’s regime, is walking to his office. Ramin jumps up and knocks on the glass. A Guard from the other side comes to where Ramin is standing. RAMIN Sir, would you please call Mr. Brooks? EMBASSY GUARD Who? RAMIN Mr. Brooks. I know Mr. Brooks. Ramin points over the Guards shoulder. EMBASSY GUARD He says he knows somebody here. Mr. Brooks... He says he knows you. MR. BROOKS Oh my God! Ramin!... Come on in! To the Guard. MR. BROOKS (CONT’D) Let this boy through. RAMIN I have my best friends cousin with me. MR. BROOKS Bring him in too. The Guard unlocks the door and Ramin, along with Azad walk through the door like they’re dignitaries. The other Iranians in the waiting area watch in awe. Behind the glass, Mr. Brooks gives Ramin a hug. MR. BROOKS (CONT’D) How are your parents? RAMIN They’re doing fine. I haven’t seen them for a while though. How are you? MR. BROOKS I was in some turmoil a while back but I really can’t get into that right now. RAMIN Yeah, I know. I read about it. MR. BROOKS Enough about the past. What are you doing here? RAMIN I want to go to the US. I can’t study here. MR. BROOKS All right. Who’s this and what’s his tale? RAMIN He’s the cousin of a very dear friend that wants to go too. MR. BROOKS Where are your passports? Ramin and Azad hand over their passports. Mr. Brooks inspects the documents. MR. BROOKS (CONT’D) His passport is fine but yours Ramin, it’s illegal. I can’t do anything with it. RAMIN But I went out of the country to get it stamped and everything. MR. BROOKS That doesn’t make it legal. Have a seat, let me see what I can do. Ramin and Azad take a seat and wait. Moments later, Mr. Brooks returns with a piece of paper in his hand. MR. BROOKS (CONT’D) So Azad, you can come back tomorrow and pick up your passport. As for you... I have this contact for you. Mr. Brooks hands over the paper. MR. BROOKS (CONT’D) Call her and make an appointment. Her name is Madame DeMouzik and she handles cases of political asylum. Her address is on there as well. Mr. Brooks hugs Ramin and Azad kisses Mr. Brooks’ hand as well as Ramin's. AZAD Thank you... Thank you, very much! Mr. Brooks gives Ramin his card. MR. BROOKS Call me anytime and tell your parents everything is fine. One more hug and the Guard opens the door as Ramin and Azad walk out. RAMIN Don’t tell your parents yet. We’ll surprise them. INT. DAROOSH’S APARTMENT - EVENING Daroosh and Azad's family are waiting as Ramin and Azad walk in with their heads down like they are very depressed. AZAD’S FATHER Hey, don’t worry about it. We can try again later. Then Azad pulls out the appointment slip to go back tomorrow to pick up his passport. There is a huge celebration with food, drinks and music. Ramin is king for the night. EXT. CAFE ON SEA OF MARMARA - AFTERNOON Ramin and Ali are eating lunch at a cafe overlooking the Yenikapi Marina. RAMIN Azad got his passport to the US. We should go too. ALI I don’t want to go to the US. The wait is too long. Maybe we should go to Sweden. If you enter without a passport they have to let you in. We just have to get a visa and bribe the official at the airport. RAMIN That means we have to go back to Mansoor. Remember how that turned out. ALI I don’t want to go to America. RAMIN Okay, then... Let’s give it a shot! They watch the Ferry dock and dozens of passengers disembark. INT. ATATURK AIRPORT TERMINAL - NIGHT Ramin and Ali search the terminal to locate the ASIS who are in their usual positions around the kiosk. Ramin scans the name tags of the kiosk clerks. RAMIN (quietly) There he is. Ramin and Ali wait their turn as SELIM finishes with the passenger ahead of them. KIOSK: Ramin and Ali step to the counter and place their forged Swedish Visa with their passports in front of Selim. As Selim picks them up, two SWEDISH UNDERCOVER AGENTS walk up from behind Ramin and Ali. SWEDISH AGENT Where are you from? RAMIN Iran. The Swedish Agents inspect the documents. RAMIN (CONT’D) Oh shit! The Swedish Agents wave over the ASIS. RAMIN (CONT’D) We’re screwed. The ASIS handcuff Ramin and Ali and they lead them away to jail. INT. ISTANBUL POLICE STATION - LATER Ramin and Ali are standing handcuffed in the middle of the holding cell. In walks a Turkish Police Officer laughing at the boys. POLICE OFFICER (In Turkish) When will you learn... You know how this goes, right? RAMIN Yeah-Yeah-Yeah. I know. I got it. Ramin struggles to reach for his money in his front pocket. POLICE OFFICER (In Turkish) Here, let me help you. The Officer pulls out a 500 Mark note. POLICE OFFICER (CONT’D) (In Turkish) This will do!... Now don’t let me catch either of you around here again. Ramin and Ali are released without any physical harm. EXT. ISTANBUL POLICE STATION - MOMENTS LATER As Ramin and Ali exit the station, Ali is still rubbing his wrists where the handcuffs were. They walk towards the bus stop. ALI I can’t stay here anymore. RAMIN Where do you want to go? We just lost our tickets and visa to Sweden. ALI I hear Canada is easier. RAMIN I don’t want to. I’m done. I’m going to go through legal channels. I’m going to try to get to the US. I still have the number Mr. Brooks gave me. ALI I don’t want to be disappointed again. I’m going to give Canada a try. They arrive at the bus stop just as their bus pulls to the curb. LEGEND: THREE DAYS LATER INT. ICMC OFFICE - DAY Ramin sits in the waiting room of the International Catholic Migration Commission. On his lap is a three page letter. A few moments later, MADAME DeMOUZIK, a curly haired, redheaded beast, opens her door. MADAME DEMOUZIK Ramin Amir!!! RAMIN Yes Ma’am! That’s me. MADAME DEMOUZIK Come in. INT. MADAME DEMOUZIK’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Madame DeMouzik rounds her desk and plants herself in her swivel backed chair. MADAME DEMOUZIK Have a seat. Ramin sits across the desk from Madame DeMouzik. MADAME DEMOUZIK (CONT’D) So... you know Mr. Brooks do you? RAMIN Yes Ma’am. He is a friend of my family back in Tehran. MADAME DEMOUZIK Okay... Let me see your passport. Ramin pulls out his passport and hands it over along with the letter he wrote. MADAME DEMOUZIK (CONT’D) (referring to the letter) What is this? RAMIN The reason I need to go to America. MADAME DEMOUZIK Hmmmm... She glances over it then opens Ramin's passport. MADAME DEMOUZIK (CONT’D) This passport is legal. RAMIN But the US Embassy says it’s illegal. MADAME DEMOUZIK There is nothing I can do. It’s legal here in Turkey. Now, out of my office... Out-Out-Out. She brushes Ramin out of her office. INT. RAMIN'S APARTMENT - EVENING Watching soccer and eating a meat and potato stew, Ramin drowns his set back with Madame DeMouzik with a bottle of wine. Another glass of wine and the phone rings. RAMIN Hello... ALI!!! Where are you?... Canada! You got in?....Ah Man, that’s great!... Naw, she turned me down but I’m going back tomorrow... That is so good!... One day, we’ll meet in America, I promise you!... Take care. Ramin hangs up and is energized by the conversation. He gulps the last of the wine. RAMIN (CONT’D) I’m getting outta here too! He tosses his dishes into the sink. INT. ICMC OFFICE - MORNING Ramin waits in line with all the other applicants trying to get to America. Madame DeMouzik sees him in the line. MADAME DEMOUZIK What are you trying to do, get on my nerves? I said no! She motions to a Guard. MADAME DEMOUZIK (CONT’D) Get this boy out of here! The Guard escorts Ramin to the door. EXT. ICMC OFFICE - DAY TWO Ramin has packed his belongings along with a tent, sleeping bag and food. He has constructed a big sign, “SEND ME TO AMERICA.” Ramin sits on the lawn as reporters gather and take his picture. He makes the local newspaper. EXT. ICMC OFFICE - DAY THREE Ramin is waiting at the entrance but the Guards won’t let him in. Finally, a woman with a little dog opens the door to enter. Ramin dives and grabs her ankle before the big Red Door can close. Ramin only has his head and arm through the door when the Guard tries to force Ramin out. INT. ICMC OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The Guard is banging the door on Ramin's chest as the woman is trying to break free. RAMIN (At the top of his lungs) MADAME DEMOUZIK!!! MADAME DEMOUZIK!!! MADAME DEMOUZIK!!! Hearing all the commotion, Madame DeMouzik comes out of her office and sees Ramin wedged in the door frame, hanging on to this woman for his life. MADAME DEMOUZIK My God! I’ve never seen anyone as persistent as you! To the Guard. MADAME DEMOUZIK (CONT’D) Let him in! INT. MADAME DEMOUZIK’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Madame DeMouzik assumes her place behind her desk as Ramin sits once again across from her. MADAME DEMOUZIK Tell me your story. RAMIN I gave you my letter. MADAME DEMOUZIK I want to hear it from you. A secretary sits off to the side and records the interview. An hour and a half later, Ramin finishes his adventure out of Iran. RAMIN ... and that brings me to you, Madame DeMouzik. MADAME DEMOUZIK Fine... Now get out and let me see what I can do. Ramin gets up and turns for the door. MADAME DEMOUZIK (CONT’D) Call tomorrow at this time, my secretary should have some news. RAMIN Thank you! INT. ICMC OFFICE - NEXT DAY Ramin stands at the secretaries desk as she hands Ramin his passport and Italian visa. SECRETARY Congratulations. Here are your papers, your airline ticket and instructions. Be ready at the appointed time. The bus will pick you up at the address you provided. Ramin is overjoyed with the news. RAMIN May I see Madame DeMouzik? SECRETARY She’s very busy right now. RAMIN But I have to see her! SECRETARY She can’t be disturbed right now! Ramin calls out. RAMIN MADAME DEMOUZIK!... MADAME DEMOUZIK! Shortly, Madame DeMouzik pops her head out her office door. RAMIN (CONT’D) Madame DeMouzik! I needed to say thank you in person! She steps out into the hall and Ramin rushes over to her and gives her a big hug and kisses her on both cheeks. RAMIN (CONT’D) Thank you so much for helping me! Madame DeMouzik pats him on the head. MADAME DEMOUZIK You be good and use that persistence to make something of yourself. Now, get out and leave me alone. She smiles as Ramin collects his paperwork and races out the front door. LEGEND: TWO WEEKS LATER EXT. RAMIN’S APARTMENT - MORNING Ramin paces back and forth on the curb outside his now, old apartment. All of his belongings are in two duffle bags resting on the sidewalk. Down the street, the rumble of a diesel engine announces the arrival of Ramin's ride to freedom. The air brakes release and Ramin loads his bags onto the bus. INT. ICMC BUS - CONTINUOUS Ramin climbs the steps and nods to the bus driver. RAMIN Hello! There are 6 or 7 other boys about Ramin's age already on the bus. They are all smiling in anticipation. RAMIN (CONT’D) Hey... Ramin takes a seat as the bus lurches forward. It’s finally happening. EXT. ATATURK AIRPORT TERMINAL - LATER Ramin bounds off the bus with his bags. There is a guide waiting for the group as they collect at the entrance. GUIDE Okay, everyone stay together and follow me. The procession enters the terminal. INT. ATATURK AIRPORT TERMINAL - CONTINUOUS The guide directs the group to the check-in kiosk. GUIDE Passports and tickets out. All the boys fumble for their papers. Ramin is smiling as he readies his papers. Ramin scans the Guards waiting at the various kiosks. He spots Nazar, the ASIS that helped Ramin when he got back from Bulgaria. RAMIN NAZAR!!! Ramin waves at Nazar, who approaches Ramin. RAMIN (CONT’D) I’m legal! Check it out! Ramin holds his new passport out for Nazar. NAZAR Good for you my friend. Not so good for me. Now I have to find a new pigeon!... Good luck. Nazar shakes Ramin's hand. EXT. BOARDING GATE - LATER Ramin climbs the stairs to the airplane and at the top, he hesitates and looks back at Istanbul one more time. A smile and he ducks into the entrance to the plane. EXT. ROME AIRPORT - AFTERNOON Ramin and the rest of the ICMC group congregate at the passenger loading zone. Another ICMC Guide holds a sign up for the guys to see. EXT. ITALIAN ICMC BUS - MOMENTS LATER The bus rolls to a stop and the guide herds Ramin and the others on board. INT. ITALIAN ICMC BUS - CONTINUOUS Ramin bounces up and down in his seat, he’s so happy. The bus launches into the mid-day traffic as they head east from the airport. INT. ITALIAN ICMC BUS - LATER Cruising through downtown Rome, they pass ancient ruins and brand new architecture. A new, more progressive city. Ramin is glued to the window as they fly by fabulous shops and people. The bus slows to take a turn and sitting in a peaceful piazza is a bedazzling woman. She is dressed in a finely tailored business suit with her hair twisted into a shiny caramel colored nest. A navy skirt, high heeled pumps and a ivory silk blouse unbuttoned as she lets the sun tan her most attractive assets for 17-year-old Iranian boys. RAMIN STOP THE BUS!!!... STOP THE BUS!!!... The bus driver laughs. BUS DRIVER Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing more of that everyday. The driver continues around the corner as the boys stay glued to the view until the very end. Ramin drops back in his seat with a well satisfied smile on his face. The bus continues down Via Veneto Avenue. Ramin resumes taking in the Italian scenery as the bus slows in front of the American Embassy with flags waving in the afternoon breeze and US Marines standing guard. Ramin turns to the rest of the boys. RAMIN That’s our ticket home boys! Ramin settles into his seat with his fingers laced together and his hands behind his head. Mission accomplished. THE END