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By Holly Zeches Kurasz

GENRE: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-fi
LOGLINE: A boy is born with a disease that will kill him should he ever fall in love.


Having everything you ever care about taken from you your entire life, being kept from loving anyone or anything...What would life be? What would you be? And what if you had to make that choice? Life is nothing without love but love,love goes on even without life.


Fade in. The thudding of a heartbeat drums in the blackness...A journey from Heaven. Sailing past the stars and through the atmosphere, beneath the moon and through the glistening clouds. Clearing the underside the snow cascades heavily in the darkness of the night, a gliding descent towards the hospital far below. Toby age 20,the narrator begins to speak. Toby (vo) It was a cold night when he was born. The heavy snow fell from the sky.The contrast of light and dark was a marked one..... Many things that night were to be marked. The sounds of screaming pierce through the blizzard drowning out the heartbeat. INT.HOSP.-NIGHT Vicky age 25 lays in labor in a dim hospital room. A soft glow seems to illuminate around her.Her husband Dennis age 25 sits next to her.Nurse Shelly, an aging grandmotherly nurse in her sixties is stretching latex gloves over Dr.Browns hands and though he's only in his forties the unnerving night has dulled his skin to a pasty pale leaving him looking drawn out and aged. Vicky curls forward, wailing out another agonizing scream then slumps back again out of breath and rests before the next devastating contraction. Dennis is holding her hand while using his other to smooth her hair away from her drenched and deathly face.She is barely able to breath, let alone speak. Dennis You're doing great honey. Just keep it up. VICKY Something's wrong...It shouldn't be taking this long. Dennis looks in quiet desperation to the doctor for comfort but the doctor himself is unable to hide his concern as he comes to take his position behind the sheet draped over Vickie's propped up knees. DR.BROWN Twenty hours of labor always feels wrong but you'll be fine... Lets try this again Vicky. VICKY I don't know if I can. DENNIS Everything's alright honey.You're just in pain and scared. Vicky But I,I, oh God... Then another labor pain sweeps over her and she hurls forward screaming out in agonizing pain. DR.BROWN OK Vicky you're doing it.He's coming.Just keep it up. Then after a few more deep grunts, quick breaths,body wrenching pushes and continued coaxing from Dennis, baby Pierce makes his way down the birth canal and with one final violent scream he is finally forced into the world. DR.BROWN OK,OK we got him, we got him. The baby doesn't make a noise though as he is snipped away unseen and swiftly carried to a darkened area of the room. The sound of potential death screams through the silence. Vicky,barely able to speak wets her lips and looks up to Dennis. VICKY My baby... DENNIS (masking concern) He's alright, they're just cleaning him up. Dr.Brown and Nurse Shelly discreetly work on the infant in the shadows as the air thickens with unbearable suspense. in the shadows But in the gloom where shadows hollow every fragility, the small blue face of a lifeless infant lays motionless.The doctor puts his ear down to the babies mouth and listens intently then whispers to himself. DR.BROWN He isn't breathing. And as the doctor begins CPR, the babies body writhes under each powerful compression.His little head and body bouncing, barren of all vitality. Nurse Shelly puts on her stethoscope. The Doctor leans his head down and breaths in the babies mouth and lifts back up,pausing for a moment as he looks in utter disdain to the nurse who holds the stethoscope to the infants wrist and listens carefully.... Back at the bedside Dennis sits keenly aware himself that something is terribly wrong. DENNIS Doctor? NURSE (nerve wracked) Just a moment dear boy. Then the sound of suctioning followed by relentless silence. Vicky pulls Dennis down by the arm in terrified desperation and in an exhausted voice begs. VICKY My baby. Dennis caresses her head and tries to comfort her. DENNIS Shhh it's alright. But as he looks blindly to the obscured figures in constant motion his own concern is too much to bear and the tormenting silence stands him to his feet. DENNIS Doctor?! Then there's a sound of a smack and finally the baby cries out to the world and the relief sends laughter into the hearts of everyone in the room. And in the darkness Nurse Shelly cleans the baby as Dr.Brown leans against the station and wipes sweat from his brow with the back of his arm and closes his eyes in thankfulness as he releases a deep breath. DENNIS That is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Nurse Shelly squeezes the doctors arm as she walks by and whispers. NURSE You done good. Still cloaked in the shadows Nurse Shelly replies under faint movement. Nurse Well we'll see what you say about that when you get this little cutie home and he starts screaming' every time you try to get some rest. Then she steps out of the shadows and into the light with the beautiful baby cuddled in her arms. Dennis Oh I could never get tired of hearing that voice. Pierce looks up at the nurse and everything looks fuzzy from his POV. Nurse Here you go little fella meet mommy and daddy. Peirce looks at them.They too are fuzzy but slowly their beaming faces come into view as the nurse hands him to his anxious mother who has Dennis sitting next to her on the bed. VICKY Awe he is so perfect. Dennis (tenderly caresses the babies head) He's a miracle. Then the familiar sound of a heartbeat comes back to life and from outside the hospital window and through the falling snow is the perfect image of two new parents holding their little baby and loving him in the warmth of the glowing light as Dr.Brown and Nurse Shelly begin the recovery in the background. TOBY (VO) And a miracle he was in so many ways.... EXT.FOREST-DAY, seven years earlier TOBY (vo) It all began in the forest dew of a misty morning dawning. The beautiful lush forest is alive with the sounds of birds and the morning sun is just beginning to rise making the mist glow a beautiful orange color.The bottom of a white dress flows in slow motion just above the grass and the sound of giggles echo through the trees.Vicky and Dennis age 18 run laughing through the woods.In slow motion a masculine hand reaches out for a delicate ivory hand and captures it.She twirls around in slow motion and laughs as her long hair flows in the breeze. He pulls her close and they kiss. TOBY (VO) You can never tell when or where love is going to capture you but it always does and when that happens you are forever changed. Montage-various A)EXT.FIELD-DAY Vicky and Dennis lay in an open field with little puffs of white falling around them like a slow motion dream. Dennis is relaxing stretched out on his back as Vicky lays next to him propped up on one elbow looking down at him and smiling while she caresses his face.Then the scenery morphs... B)INT.HOTEL ROOM-NIGHT Vicky and Dennis lay in the same position on a bear skin rug in a honey moon suite sipping champagne in front of a crackling fire place with windows over looking a forest.Vicky wears a wedding gown and a sign written in marker that was salvaged from the back of their car is propped up against a wall and it reads "Just Married." Again the scene morphs... C)INT.VICKIE'S ROOM-NIGHT Vicky and Dennis lay in the same position in their own bedroom in their house. Sliding glass doors lead to their woodsy back yard. Tears are streaming down Vickie's more mature face and Dennis reaches up to wipe them away.She rests her head on his chest and stares into the distance. Vicky We've been trying for so long. Sometimes I think we'll never have a little one of our own. Dennis caresses the top of her head and whispers. DENNIS Sh.... Then he kisses her head. DENNIS Sh.... D)INT.DR.WAITING ROOM-DAY Vicky and Dennis are walking down a corridor and they see a sign that reads reproductive endocrinologist with an arrow directing them down the hallway. They follow it and enter into a fertility doctors office and sit in the waiting room. Vicky looks hopeful at a pregnant woman's stomach and the woman notices her staring and she smiles at her and Vicky smiles back, sharing a moment. E)INT.DR.OFFICE-DAY Vickie is sitting on the edge of the patient table and getting a shot from the nurse. NURSE There now this should help you along. Then the nurse smiles,rubs the spot and holds a cotton ball over it as she bends Vickie's arm up.Dennis smiles at Vicky who sits with a distant look in her eye and a hopeful smile on her face. F)INT.VICKIE'S HOUSE-DAY Vicky is taking some fertility pills out of the cabinet. She looks down at the label.It reads Reprodrux. She opens the bottle and swallows a couple down with a glass of water then she looks in the mirror and opens it to replace the bottle and closes it to darkness. Ext.park-day Vicky and Dennis sit on a bench on the bank of a pond feeding ducks.Charlie, a little boy of about 4 years old walks up and stares at them throwing the bread.His mom is busy chasing his older brother around and she can be heard in the background. MEAN MOM "Get back here Rudy!" Dennis slowly holds up some bread to little Charlie. dennis You want to help us feed them? Charlie looks over at his mother who is still preoccupied then back at Vicky and Dennis and nods his head yes and cautiously comes over and joins them. Vicky watches with a bitter sweet smile on her face as Dennis and the child laugh and toss bread crumbs to the ducks. Then she joins in the fun and all is perfect in the world for a few moments until the child's mother comes over dragging his older brother by the shirt collar.Then she gives Vicky and Dennis the once over look and grabs hold of Charlies wrist and yanks him away spilling his bread crumbs to the ground. mean mom Come on Charlie,time to go. And she marches off pulling him and his brother along but Charlie looks back at Vicky and Dennis and they smile and Dennis puts his arm around Vicky and she gives Charlie a little baby wave. VICKY Good by little Charlie.... Int.vicky and dennis' house-day/night Dennis is in the bedroom, he nervously runs his hands through his hair. TOBY (VO) Something magical finally happened that day.Who can say exactly why? Maybe it was all the doctors visits or the medications or the determination. Vicky comes laughing and running out of the bathroom with the pregnancy test held high like a runners torch and she jumps on to Dennis' back and shows it to him. She gets down and they kiss then look into each others eyes and kiss again and continue laughing as they both look at the test stick. TOBY (VO) Or maybe in that one brief moment they got to spend as parents the Gods of fertility were watching and shined their blessings on them. DENNIS We did it. We're going to have a baby! Then he holds her face in his hands and looks deep into her eyes and tenderly repeats himself. We're going to have a baby. And he kisses her again and they continue laughing. int.VICKIE'S room-night TOBY (VO) Pierce grew healthy and strong in his mothers womb,safe and sound. Unaware of the destiny that was entrusted to to him. The stars are brightly twinkling and the full moon beams in the window as lightning bugs flicker about.The long white curtains are glowing as they gently flow in the breeze that's coming through the open sliding glass door. Vickie's stomach is even bigger now and her and Dennis are laying on the bed looking at her stomach watching the baby move around as her flesh pushes up and convolves. VICKY Do you think he knows we're here? Dennis caresses her stomach. DENNIS I'm sure he can feel us. VICKY They say babies can hear what's going on around them. Dennis puts his mouth to her stomach. INT. Vickie's womb PIERCE'S POV And from inside the womb where everything slowly floats in a pink paradise of glowing comfort comes the muffled whispers. I love you. Then the side of one of the pink walls gently pushes in and caresses Pierces cheek and he responds with a warm acceptance,rubbing his cheek against the soft flesh. Back to Vickie's room-night Dennis is caressing his cheek against the babies movements as he looks up at Vicky.She slowly smiles and looks into his eyes and caresses his face and they lay there in the magical moment in the room where a patchwork teddy bear lays on the bed and floor length curtains blow in slow motion.Lightning bugs blink under the full moon as it shines down onto them, dusting everything in the powdery blue of the midnight sun. BACK TO PRESENT- i/e. hosp/car-day Dennis wheels Vicky who has the babe swaddled in her arms out of the hospital to the car they have parked out front.He quickly opens the passengers door and helps Vicky get into the car then he takes Pierce and gently buckles him in the car seat in the back as a nurse pushes the wheelchair back into the hospital.Dennis gives Pierce a smile of deep pride then he shuts the door and gets into the drivers seat and they drive away.Vicky looks back at Pierce and smiles. VICKY He's just amazing. Dennis adjusts the rear view mirror so he can see him as much as possible. DENNIS Yes he is and he's all ours now. There's no turning back now little guy. You're coming home to stay and you're going to have to put up with hugs and kisses and cuddles and the most horrible of all things...mommy's cooking. Vicky gives Dennis a little shove and laughs. VICKY Nice. Then she looks back at Pierce with love. PIERCES POV The bright scenery slowly passes in the large rear view window as muffled sounds surround him on his journey home in this new and beautiful world. int.Vicky and dennis' house-day Vicky and Dennis carry Pierce into the their home where a party is ensuing with a welcome home banner hanging over one of the door arches and joyous hugs welcome them in.Vickie's mother Betty in her mid 50s greets her with a hug as she looks down at the baby. bETTY Awe welcome home honey. VICKY Thanks mom. BETTY And welcome home to you little Pierce. Can I take him to meet his great grandma? Very gently Vicky hands Pierce over to her mom. vicky Please just be so careful. BETTY Honey, I raised you and you're still here. Don't worry he's in good hands. Grandma won't let anything happen to her little read and butter. Will she?No she wont. And she walks away continuing to baby talk to Pierce.A very pregnant Gail in her late 20s who is being tugged on by her little boy Billy age 6 sees the concern on Vickie's face so she comes over and gives her a big hug. gail Oh don't you worry,in no time you'll be begging your mom to take him away. And they both laugh as they look down at Billy who is now repeating mom over and over again. Gail Welcome home besty. They hug and Vicky looks up with a smile at her mother carrying Pierce away and more welcome home hugs continue. Friends and family let out Ooos and Ahs as he is being carried past them. Betty Awe welcome to the family little one.We've waited forever for you. Then he is handed to great grandma who is very elderly and wise. She is sitting in a rocking chair. BETTY And here is your great grandma Marion. I'll give you two some time to get acquainted. GREAT GRANDMA Thank you dear. And she pats her daughters hand in gratitude and Betty smiles and walks away to join the other guests. Great Grandma looks down at Pierce and smiles tenderly. Great Grandma Ah little Pierce.It's nice to finally meet you. She rocks him gently and with one arm she reaches over to the side of the chair and pulls up a package she has. She unfolds the paper and pulls out a baby blue blanket she has knitted for him and she tucks it in around him. Marion Now don't think I knit these for just for anyone. No,no I knit these for the special ones. The ones I know are going to change the world. Then once he's all snuggled nice and cozy in his new blanky in her arms she takes a nice long look at him and smiles. Marion You sure are a handsome one.... Well now I guess we better just cut to the chase before they all come and whisk you away... You see these people here..well they expect me to tell you some ancient words of wisdom but between you and me Pierce.... And she looks around making sure no one else is listening. Ancient wisdom is something you're born with, something that slowly dissolves into the atmosphere of life and something you spend the rest of your years trying to recapture...You see it's the ability to trust without reservation, give without expectation and love without fear.You little Pierce are the most wise of all the souls in this room....Welcome to Earth my boy,welcome to life.... And as the peripheral party goers connect with one another,mingling with light hearts and gay smiles, grandma continues to gently rock Pierce in the glowing center of their ambient little world. int.babies room/VICKIE'S room-early morning The sun is just beginning to rise over the misty land and a long brilliant orange beam comes shining into the window of the babies room as Vicky sits rocking Pierce and softly humming their song. In the other room Dennis sleepily rolls over to put his arm around Vicky but the fact that she isn't there revives him. Groggily he gets out of bed and scratches his head then saunters down the hallway where he peeks his head around the corner to witness the beautiful sight of Vicky rocking Pierce in the morning sun. Dennis quietly walks in. DENNIS How did I know I'd find you here? VICKY He couldn't sleep. DENNIS You mean you couldn't sleep. Dennis stands behind her and puts his arm around her shoulder as he looks down at Pierce who is laying peacefully cooing in her arms. VICKY I'm afraid if I close my eyes I might wake up and all this will have just been a passing dream. Dennis smiles and runs his fingers through Pierces hair. DENNIS Yah... he's pretty amazing. Then Vicky rubs his little wrist where a rash is beginning to develop. VICKY What do you suppose this is? Dennis chuckles. DENNIS That is something only an over protective mommy would ever even notice. And Vicky contently laughs at herself as she puts her hand over Dennis' and looks up at him and smiles and he leans down and kisses her. TOBY (VO) And like that a seemingly inconsequential disruption can be diminished in the radiance of euphoria. PIERCE'S (pov) Stares up at his parents for a long moment as they look down at him with loving eyes and slowly fade into the brilliance of the morning sun. ext.HOUSE-DAY The branches gently sway in the tree tops above as a million leaves softly rustle in the passing breeze.The sun blinks through at little Pierce who is looking up into the magical spectacle from his bouncer.He gleefully claps,laughing at it as he jumps up and down.He lets out an occasional cough. He is about 6 months old now and has a rash on his arm. He is sitting in the shade near Vicky who is doing her gardening in the full radiance of the mid day sun. She looks over at him and laughs at his exuberance. TOBY (VO) Little Pierce began to grow and realize that the world he was born into was a magical and wonderful place that he couldn't wait to explore. Vicky wipes the sweat from her brow with her wrist. VICKY Whew I think it's time to call it a day. She takes off her gardening gloves and lays them down in the nearby wheel barrel then she goes over and looks down at Pierce. VICKY What do ya say little man? He looks up at his mom and starts bouncing faster and holding his arms up to her. She giggles at how excited he is and baby talks as she reaches down for him. VICKY You want mama? But then he does something completely unexpected and says his first word. PIERCE Mama Shocked Vicky doesn't move but then slowly she drops to her knees and just stares at him for a moment and puts her hands over her mouth and giggles. VICKY Oh my gosh, did you just say momma? PIERCE Momma Vicky laughs and stands up and lifts him out of the jumper and swirls him around under that huge magical tree as leaves fall around them. TOBY (VO) But even more than that, he began to realize that there was something even more profound beyond life. day Vicky joyfully carries Pierce through the back door into the kitchen and as the screen closes behind them she yells out. VICKY Dennis! Dennis come here! A thud comes from under the sink Dennis is working on.Vicky looks over and sees she scared him and he hit his head under the cupboard and she giggles. VICKY Oh honey I'm sorry. Are you alright? Dennis rubs his head. DENNIS Ya I'm fine. What's going on? What's the matter? Vicky carries Pierce into the living room as she talks to Dennis who is standing up and wiping his hands with his handkerchief. VICKY Come on I want to show you something. Dennis follows her and she sets Pierce on the floor and kneels in front of him. VICKY Watch this. Mama? Mama? Then Pierce laughs and bounces but doesn't repeat her so Vicky keeps trying to coax him while Dennis leans again the door frame and smiles. DENNIS Wow,that's quite a mile stone.He has finally learned how entertaining you are. Vicky is slightly amused and smiles as she rolls her eyes and nods her head. VICKY Well he did say it outside. DENNIS (teasing) Yah and then he asked you to cook some of that yummy meatloaf for him. Now we both know no one would ever do that either. VICKY (playfully scowling) You better watch it. DENNIS Or you'll make a double batch? Then Vicky smiles at Pierce. VICKY Excuse me little guy I have some business to take care of. Then she slowly gets to her feet and starts to approach Dennis but then Pierce reaches his arms out for her and says Mamam again and they both stop playing and look down at him with their mouths open. Vicky contently smiles. VICKY See I told you! And they both sit down on the floor with Pierce as he says it again.Then they start laughing and tickling him and he starts giggling but quickly his giggles turn into coughing and the coughing quickly gets out of control and his parents look confused and panicked at each other and Vicky picks him up and starts patting his back and their panicked voices saying his name over and over again along with his coughing can be heard slowly echoing into the distance as everything fades into a brilliant white light. TOBY (VO) And that's when things really began to change for this little miracle child. int.doctors office-day In the light of the doctors office Dennis stands next to Vicky who holds Pierce on her lap on the edge of the patient table.Both parents look anxiously at the doctor.The baby holds his patchwork teddy as Dr.Brown finishes looking into his eyes with a penlight.Then the doctor steps back and rubs his chin,thinking. VICKY What is it Dr.Brown? DR.BROWN Well he seems to be fine. If anything the persistent rash and cough indicate he might have some allergies but nothing out of the ordinary. I'll have Nurse Shelly write you a prescription. Vicky and Dennis are so relieved they finally let out the breath they were holding since the incident occurred and they cuddle Pierce in victory as Dr. Brown picks up his charts.But very discreetly he lifts his eyes and his face twists with the underlying worry he hasn't shared with them.Then in that brief second Dennis unexpectedly redirects his attention back to Dr.Brown and catches the expression he was'nt meant to see and the doctor quickly looks down and pinches the furrow between his brows as if thinking. DR.BROWN Um..O.K. Now it looks like you guys have Pierces next vaccination appointment scheduled in 9 days so we might as well get that out of the way and do some blood work since you're already here. Dennis looks suspiciously at the doctor but not wanting to worry his wife he disguises his apprehension and they agree. DR.BROWN Alright then,nurse Shelly will be in shortly and we'll get you guys on your way. And he shakes their hands and messes Pierces hair and Dennis keenly notices as Dr.Brown gives his son an almost sympathetic smile. Good by little guy and no more worrying your parents. And he exits the room leaving Dennis in a private wold of confusion and apprehension. Nurse Shelly sits at her station reading a book about angels when Dr.Brown approaches her. DR.BROWN I want a full work up done on the Withey boy. Nurse shelly (concerned) Why? Dr.Brown shakes his head in thought DR.BROWN Something's very wrong. I don't know what..but we need to figure it out.. Nurse Shelly closes her eyes in disbelief. NURSE SHELLY Oh dear Lord,those poor people. DR.BROWN Well,let's try to think positive.Could just be a middle aged doctors paranoia but let's find out for sure and lets do it discreetly. NURSE SHELLY (sadly) O.K. And spreading her arms wide apart she pushes away from the desk to begin her task. EXT.LAKE-DAY And the heart beat beats on and on... It's a warm summers day,Vicky and Dennis are sitting with Pierce in the shallows along the waters edge.The baby is laughing and splashing but he lets out an occasional cough and his skin is starting to look more pale.Another rash has developed on his chubby little hand. Dennis notices it while gently holding his hand and sadly he runs his thumb over the area.He looks at Pierces face and his twinkling, laughing eyes are staring straight back at his daddy.Vicky notices Dennis caressing the rash and looks up at Dennis to see the heavyhearted endearment on his face and still half laughing she kids him. vicky Now who's the over protective parent? Halfhearted he smiles back. vicky The doctor said it was nothing to worry about.Probably just some allergies. DENNIS Yah I know.. VICKY So relax. It's been a few months and I'm sure if there was something wrong he would've told us by now. Dennis just looks down at Pierces rash trying to reconcile his own fears when out of no where Pierce splashes him right in the face.Dennis sits for a second with a playful look of shock on his face as Vicky and pierce giggle.Then an all out splashing war ensues and their laughter echos through out their little piece of paradise where other souls sprinkle the large crystalline lake of blended hues and glowing sailboats that lazily float through the beautiful evening sunset. TOBY (VO) But the sun was setting faster than anyone knew and beyond it a darkness lurked that no one could've imagined.. int.lab-night In front of a cathedral style arched window a hand gloved in latex holds up a vial of blood,swirling it around under the brilliant blue moon beam that shifts through the passing clouds.Dr.Brown takes a deep breath as he stares up into it.Helen,his wife in her forties comes down the staircase behind him.She wears a long modest nightgown that she holds up so as not to trip on it. helen Are you coming to bed honey? Dr.Brown lowers the vial and holds it in the palm of his hand as he stares out at the moon. dr.brown Soon.. Quietly she comes up behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder. helen Are you alright? He continues to look out at the sky as he covers her hand with his. dr.brown No...No I'm not.... And with deep sadness in his eyes he turns to look at her. Dr.Brown Do you remember that baby I was telling you about? helen The one with the strange blood disorder. DR.BROWN Ya...Well I think I finally found what's causing it. He walks over to his dimly lit work station where papers scatter the oversized oak desktop and vials line the length. In the center is a microscope and he sits at the swivel chair in front of it.Helen follows him and kneels in front of him and looks up into his eyes. HELEN What is it? dr.brown Here,let me show you. And she stands as he takes the vial that's in his hand and holding it up he slowly drips a drop of the precious blood on a specimen glass and it spreads out. Then carefully he slides it under the microscope. He looks into it,adjusting the focus. Then he rolls back in his chair so Helen has room.She searches his face one more time then bends down and analyzes it for a moment.Lifting her head and shrugs. Helen Seems fine. Doctor Now watch what happens when I induce the levels of oxytocin and vasopressin. Then he adds a droplet of the hormones onto the platelet and Helen looks into the microscope again for a long while this time. Helen What in the world?....That's just from those hormones?... The doctor nods yes. HELEN But that's impossible. Doctor Is it? You're a biologist, you know how many people suffer from hormone specific autoimmune diseases everyday. helen But from these hormones? DOCTOR It's a first, I know but it's right there in front us. Helen looks stunned and doesn't move as Dr.Brown stands up and walks back over to the window and stares out in the ominous night. Helen Oh my God...What are you going to do? Doctor I don't know....I just don't know.. Helen You have to tell the parents. Doctor No,not yet..Not unless I have to.I'm hoping he grows out of it somehow, or maybe we can find a way to combat it. HELEN With drugs? Doctor I hope so. helen If not? The doctor turns to look her in the eyes. doctor If not,then we'll have to think of something else. helen These hormones...they're the product of love. Unless you can find a cure this child is going to die. doctor A cure for love? And behind him a dark,menacing cloud steals the stars and moonlight from the sky as bats flutter by. INT.HOUSE-DAY TOBY (VO) Time went by too quickly as always it does when babes are young and life holds unspoken promises. Pierce, 12 month old lays quietly sleeping in his crib when Vicky comes in.She quietly smiles down at him. VICKY (whispers) You sure sleep a lot my little man. Then she moves his patchwork teddy down to the foot of his mattress and carefully she pulls his blanky up to cover him.She turns and begins to pick up his room as she softly hums their song.Pierce's tiny eyelashes glisten and his little eyes move back and forth under the their lids and slowly awakening he opens them. PIERCE'S (POV) The sound of a soft heartbeat fills this magical room as he watches Vicky move about cleaning in slow motion.Her hair shimmers in the sun as her soft hum blends with the beating of his heart. She picks up some stuffed animals and smiles at them as she lines them along his window sill then she quietly opens the window and leans out it and stares out into the wintery blue sky continuing to hum as a soft cool breeze glides through her hair and clothes and for a moment she looks like an angel in flight. BACK TO SCENE A breeze floats through Vickies hair and rustles the story books, gently making it's way to Pierce who has a loving smile on his face as he stares silently at Vicky with blood trickling out of his nose and beginning to pool beneath his head.In slow motion Vicky turns with a smile to look at him but then her smile turns to a look of horror and his heart beat begins to beat faster and faster as she comes to him and picks him up. VICKY Oh my God Pierce!Oh my God! Are you alright? And she quickly carries him out of the room leaving the bloody mattress behind with the frosty breeze. intercut Vickies house/Dr.browns office-day Vicky holds Pierce on her lap facing her and cleans him with a wash cloth as she squeezes the phone between her head and shoulder. VICKY Yes I'll hold. She rolls her eyes in disgust.Then Dr.Brown comes on the line and she grab the phone woth her hand as she talks. VICKY Yes Doctor Brown? Oh thank God.Dennis is out shopping and Pierce just woke up with a bloody nose.Should I bring him in? His birthday party is in a few hours. Doctor Brown takes off his glasses and holds his hand to his head in grief. DR.BROWN No,no that's not necessary.When's his next appointment? VICKY Well I think he has another follow up next week. DR.BROWN OK Just keep an eye on his nose. VICKY Well it's pretty much stopped now but why did it start? Is this another one of those allergy attacks he keeps getting.I feel like they're getting worse. DR.BROWN We'll talk about it some more when you come in. VICKY (confused) Um O.K. DR.BROWN O.K. I have to get back on the floor. I'll see you next week. VICKY (confused) O.K. And she looks at the phone in complete confusion then she hangs it up and looks over Pierce. VICKY What's going on?... Then outside Dennis pulls the car in and takes some balloons and gifts out of the car.Vicky stands holding Pierce and looks out the window at the happiness on Dennis' face. VICKY What do ya say we tell daddy about this tomorrow so he can enjoy your birthday? Then she gives Pierce Pierce one last wipe with the rag and kisses his nose then she tosses the rag in a dirty clothes bin as Dennis comes in the front door and she carries Pierce to go greet him. I/e. VICKY AND DENNIS' HOUSE-DAY It's a beautiful day in early November.Colorful,floating balloons sway in the breeze as their strings relentlessly tug from the mailbox. Cars line Vicky and Dennis' drive way and string out along the curb side. Inside,the house is bustling with family and friends and little children chasing each other around the legs of the adults. In the living room Pierce is playing with Jenn.They are both giggling and hitting a balloon around. And from the camcorders POV they are being recorded. The little red record symbol is lit in the top corner with the date and time.Dennis circles the babies then comes in and focuses in on Pierce laughing. DENNIS And here we are at my baby boys first birthday and he is already a ladies man. Then the camera looks over to Jenn and she laughs as the balloon bounces off her nose. BACK TO SCENE Then Vicky bends down and whispers something in Pierces ear and he wobbles over and gives Jenn a big hug and kiss and it is viewed from the camcorder as everyone simultaneously lets out a big Awe... DENNIS (vo) He's going to be a heart breaker. Gail (bends down and laughs) Well only until Jenn ties him down that is. DENNIS (VO) (laughs) Oh no Pierce run away before she starts planning your wedding. Then Peirce comes waddling over smiling and his smile overtakes the camcorder and Vicky and be seen in the background sitting down biting her nails in worry as she looks at Pierce. INT.VICKY AND DENNIS' HOUSE-DAY The main theme music plays drowning out all the noise. The dining room is packed full of people and the crowd overflows from the doorway into the living room but they are all looking into the dining room.Slowly weaving through the crowd of party goers silently laughing and blowing silent noise makers, the sight of Pierce sitting at the dining room table wearing a birthday party hat finally emerges. There's a birthday cake with candles lit set before him. He looks at it then he blows the candles out and for a moment the sound of his breath lights the atmosphere and the flames sway from him and go out... INT.VICKIE'S ROOM-NIGHT Vicky and Dennis lay with Pierce between them.He is in a little diaper with his blanky bundled at the side of him and his teddy. Dennis is running his hand through Pierces hair.Pierce is half asleep and his eyes are very heavy.Vicky is rubbing his belly.Dennis looks up at Vicky. DENNIS You seemed a little distracted today. Everything alright? VICKY Yah, I just can't believe how the time has flown by. DENNIS It's been an amazing year. Vicky smiles a distant smile then she leans in and whispers in Pierce's ear. VICKY Happy Birthday my little man.We love you. DENNIS (caresses his cheek) So very much. Then he pulls the blanket over and covers the baby nice and snug and both Vicky and Dennis move in nice and close and snuggle the baby. PIERCE'S POV He looks over at his daddy then his mommy and hears their hearts beating in time on both sides of him and he blinks a few times and slowly drifts off to the magical land of sleep surrounded by the thudding of their hearts and from outside their window and through the snow they can be seen sleeping and their hearts can be heard thumping through the night. Slowly the sun begins to illuminate the bedroom and one by one the birds begin to chirp. Vicky snuggles up close to little Pierce. She breaths,deeply inhaling his essence through her nose as a smile broadens her face and she gently touches his cheek. Her fingers stroll across what should be soft smooth skin but it is rough and wrinkled. Puzzled,Vickie's face twists awake. Her eyes focus in on Pierce and suddenly she jerks her hand away from his face. Quickly she scrambles out of bed,grasping onto a blanket for dear life. Her head is nodding,no,no,no. Then she lets out a horrified scream waking the baby who begins to wail. Dennis jerks awake and looks up at Vicky then follows her stare over to the crying baby laying next to him and his eyes widen in horror as he lets out a gasp. The baby laying there bares no resemblance at all to Pierce. This baby looks...dead. His eyes are bloodshot red and his lips are pale and cracked and his skin is covered in soars and scabs. day Dennis puts his hand up to the rear window of the ambulance. DENNIS I'll follow you. Vicky looks out with tears rolling down her cheeks as her hand touches the window. DENNIS Don't worry he'll be alright. Then the sirens begin to blare and the ambulance takes off out of the drive way and Dennis runs and gets in the car to follow them. int.hosp.waiting room-day Vicky and Dennis are in the waiting room. A doctor comes in. Doctor I'm the attending doctor. We've called Dr.Brown and he'll be here shortly.Pierce is stabilized if you'd like to see him. Vicky and Dennis emphatically agree and start to follow the doctor down the hallway to see Pierce. DENNIS I don't understand. What's going on? What's wrong with him? DOCTOR I'm not really sure.Dr.Brown has all the charts and medical records.He can tell you more. Then he slowly opens the door to where Pierce is... INT.HOSP./Pierces room-DAY The cream white room is dimly lit as a heart monitor steadily beeps.An I.V. drips and tubes come out of Pierce's little nose.He is laying asleep and Vicky and Dennis gasp at the sight of their baby. Doctor He's sleeping peacefully now.If you'd like you can wait for Doctor Brown here. I'm sure he'll be along shortly. Vicky and Dennis are barely able to even nod yes let alone talk and they hold on to each other as they sit in terror and stare at their child.The doctor understands and exits the room with a sad look on his face as tears stream down their faces.The second hand ticks away on the wall clock. Pierce slowly begins to open his eyes and Vicky notices and grabs tighter on to Dennis who looks up and sees him.Vickie's eyes connect with Pierces and for a moment they just stare at each other. Then a tear rolls silently down Vickie's face as a gentle smile forces through the pain she's feeling and she begins to hum their little song. Very slowly a painless smile broadens Pierces sickly little face and Vicky and Dennis let out a quiet tearful laugh and she continues to hum feeling that somehow it is healing him and the evening birds chirp outside. int.HOSP.HALLWAY-DAY Dr.Brown quickly comes down the hallway towards Pierces room as he puts on his lab coat.He stops by the nurse station for a quick second. DR.BROWN I'm sorry it took so long. I got stuck in a traffic jam.Where is he? The nurse points down the hallway.Doctor Brown quickly heads down but everything starts to go in slow motion as he approaches the door and sees the connection Pierce is making with his parents and the look in his eyes and in slow motion the doctor rushes faster down the hallway but before he makes it to the room a look of panic sweeps across Pierces face.Dr.Brown rushes in. DR.BROWN No stop! But it's too late.The heart monitor begins to erratically beep out of control and Pierce begins to seizure.The nurses rush in as Dr.Brown holds the baby down but then all of a sudden everything stops and the heart monitor goes flat. DR.BROWN Pierce? Pierce? Then he bends down and puts his ear to Pierces mouth and starts pumping on his chest as he yells. He's not breathing! Call the code! He continues to compress the babies chest and breath into his mouth until a crew and a crash cart comes in.The doctor speaks calm and quickly,keeping the situation as controlled as possible.He talks directly to the nurse. DOCTOR Get the crash cart over there, continue CPR. Get the pads,lets start the ventilation's here. Then there's a lot of movement going on around Pierce.Vicky and Dennis are trying to see what's happening.Vicky is crying hysterically. VICKY What's going on? What are you doing to my baby? A male nurse pushes them back. DOCTOR Please some one get them out of here. No one can be in here right now. NURSE I'm sorry you'll have to wait outside. VICKY No I want to hold my baby! The nurse looks to Dennis for help.Dennis reluctantly complies and puts his arms around Vicky and pulls her out the door with him. DENNIS Come on honey we have to let them work. DOCTOR We need the epinephrine! The door slowly closes and Dennis stands crying and trying to hold Vicky up but she is falling to her knees in anguish. VICKY My baby,oh God my baby... And the flat line relentlessly hums. int. hosp.-night Vicky and Dennis sit alone in the ICU waiting room. Millions of burning teardrops have bleached the life out of their faces and singed their hopes to ashes. The doctor comes and looms like the shadow of death at the entrance for a moment before they notice him.But then they look up. VICKY Oh God my baby. Dennis sniffles in some tears and pinches his nose, stifling the sound. DENNIS Where is our boy? Dr.Brown comes completely in.Exhausted,he stands over them. DR.BROWN He pulled through. Vicky and Dennis hold each other crying with relief as the doctor sits next to them. DENNIS When can we see him? DR.BROWN Well he pulled through but he is not alright. DENNIS What do you mean? What's wrong with him? DR.BROWN Mr. and Mrs. Withey your child has an autoimmune disease and that's what's been causing the rashes and coughing and fatigue. Right now he's having a deadly flare up. Vicky and Dennis look petrified and confused. VICKY What do you mean? Is there medicine for it? Is it going to get better? DR.BROWN There are medicines but your son..well he has a new type of the disease.I've never seen anything like it. DENNIS What do you mean? DR.BROWN The hormones his body is reacting to are the hormones created by love. Vicky and Dennis sit in shock for a moment as it sinks in. DENNIS You mean he is dying because he loves us? Dr.Brown pauses,lifts his eyes from his charts and stares directly into theirs. DR.BROWN Yes VICKY And there's no medicine for this? DR.BROWN No DENNIS (tears spilling out of his eyes) Then there's only one way to cure this? DR.BROWN Yes TOBY (VO) And so the diagnoses was given and the perscription laid before their feet. And the true story of Pierce was just beginning. INT.HOSP.-NIGHT A nurse comes in and pulls out a long needle and slowly punctures Pierces little arm with it as she draws more blood but he lays limp,too exhausted to even respond to the pain,his eyes staring off somewhere in the distance. The nurse finishes,smoothly withdraws the needle and places a cotton ball on the spot,folding his arm upward. Then she lets go for a second to retrieve a band aid from her pocket and his arm slowly falls and Vicky and Dennis watch helplessly as the cotton ball falls and blood comes from the little hole. Then the nurse places a band aid on it and steps away.Vicky pulls out Pierces baby blanket and teddy and places his teddy next to him then gently covers him.When Pierce directs his heavy eyes towards his parents he remains quiet for a moment just staring into their eyes, seeing his own reflection in a tear forming in Dennis' eye...Then in the reflection his little arms reach up. PIERCE (weakly) Mama VICKY Oh my baby. And just as she reaches down for him he screams out in agonizing pain.The tear falls from Dennis' eye and Vicky quickly recoils from him and cries unbearably.Dennis holds her close as his tear shatters to the ground.He touches Pierces leg. DENNIS Good by my little super hero.You'll always be daddy's little boy. The nurse returns to tend the baby.And Vicky stands with Dennis and he holds her up as they both back out of the room tears steaming down their cheeks.Pierce is trying desperately to sit up while the nurse gently tries to keep him relaxed and laying. VICKY No,no.. PIERCE'S POV Watching them leave and reaching for them as his heart monitor gets erratic. PIERCE Mama And they back out the door and it closes leaving him alone. PIERCE Mama.. int./EXT house-NIGHT Vicky is bent over crying in Dennis' lap.He too cries as he holds her.A tear streams down great grandmas eye. And the room of family and friends that surround them look devastated. Outside a snow blizzard rages on. TOBY (VO) And so Pierce was handed into a life, the only life that could keep him alive. ext.river-day In the blackness a heart beat is heard. A fish swims under the passing ice above. Bubbles surface at a clearing where Spring birds are chirping and a flower is beginning to bloom on the river bank. int.hosp.-day A flower brightly blooms in the window of Pierce's hospital room.Cartoons play on the television. He is drinking his bottle and holding his teddy as a nurse finishes tying up his shoes.He is much more healthy now. Dr.Brown comes in with Karen age 40,an uptight social worker wearing an uncomfortable pencil skirt and fitted jacket . Dr.brown Well here he is.Our own little Pierce and I think he's more than ready to get out of this God forsaken hospital room.Aren't ya little guy? Karen Hi Pierce.Would you like to go bybys? Pierce looks past them and through the door looking for his mother. Then he looks up at Karen with a smile. PIERCE Bybys? Karen smiles.The nurse hands her his duffel bag of things.A look of concern sweeps across the doctors face and Karen notices it. KAREN Don't worry he'll make it for all his scheduled appointments.You and his parents found him the best group home in the area.He's going to be very happy. DR.BROWN I know... Then Karen picks up Pierce and they walk out the door and the doctor helplessly watches on even after they have disappeared around the corner. TOBY (VO) Happiness without the security of love.A conundrum too impossible for anyone with a heart to swallow. EXT.CHILDRENS HOME-DAY Karen's car clears a green rolling hill and on the other side a majestic windmill house sits on the ocean shore, the mill blades slowly churning against the brilliant blue sky. Countless children run through the open fields flying kites,riding bikes and playing tag. Their laughter dancing on the breeze as the car approaches. When they see Karen driving up they all run to the car and try to see in. Jeb a boy of 9 is the first to see in the car window followed by Caroline age 8. Jeb A new one! A new one! Caroline Awe look this one's just a baby. And the car rolls to a stop next to the windmill house. Little Pierce laughs as he looks up and sees all the childrens faces squished against the windows.Karen opens the car door and shews the children away.Then she takes Pierce out of his car seat and carries him followed by the eager kids.A breeze blows through his hair and he looks to the sky where he watches a kite sailing. Then Karen approaches the large wooden door with an old fashioned bell next to it and she knocks.The door opens and Miss Dee a heavy set jolly woman in her late 60s with an Irish accent welcomes them in.The inside is spectacular with a rounded living room surrounded with windows and floored with a lush brown carpet.It's cozy and magnificent.Then from behind all the children begin to pile in to see the baby. But one of the boys accidentally pushes Karen. She is able to catch herself but Pierce is frightened and begins to cry as the children bustle around them. He looks into their faces. So many different faces.Karen looks at a loss so Ms.Dee reaches out her arms and takes Pierce. MS.DEE There,there now wee little one.It's all right.Now get, all of you.It's too nice a day to be in here under foot....Go on now. They all moan in protest but do as they're told.In the background workers can be seen cooking in the kitchen. MS.DEE I do apologize. You know they always act fluthered when new ones join us. Karen looks a little flustered and tries to smooth her frazzled hair. Karen It's alright.I should be used to it by now. MS.DEE (laughs) Well no one gets used to being pushed around or trampled on unless they're daft. And she starts to walk away. Karen Yes well. Karen gives Ms.Dee a look of contempt then follows her through the house and up the stairs. Karen Now his parents have provided everything you need? MS.DEE And more. Then they turn to go up another more narrow set of steps. int.attic-day Veiled in darkness a lonely figure leans to and fro in a creaking rocking chair in a room full of growing shadows,a high steeple ceiling and obscured shapes where the only light is that of the sky cascading in through the large window overlooking the ocean. The blades of the windmill slowly pass by and the world blinks her eyes. The weary wooden floor stops moaning as the chair comes to a halt.Voices drift up the stairwell as the stairs groan beneath each approaching footstep. MS.DEE (VO) What kind of future can this babe have? KAREN (VO) Not much of one,I'm afraid. A glimmer catches off the figures eye as she blinks and sadly lowers her head. Ms.Dee stands at the outside of the attic door and looks back at Karen. MS.DEE Well here we are. And the door slowly squeaks open and from this angle it looks even bigger and more ominous.The figure in the chair sits unmoving as a light wisp of dust settles. MS.DEE Georgia we have your new room mate here. But Georgia doesn't move and Pierce looks frightened and starts to cry,trying to get out of Ms.Dee's arms.Karen looks apprehensious and whispers. KAREN Is she..crazy? MS.DEE No more than you dear. Then Ms.Dee reaches over and calmy turns up the dimmer knob of the light. Slowly the icey shadows and black frozen shapes melt into the brilliant colors of baby effects.Stuffed animals and toys and pictures,big and small decorate every corner of the room.A bed is at one end of the room and at the other end positioned in front of the enormouse window is a beautiful oak crib.Pierce and Karens worried expressions are reduced to an awe.Then the rocking chair begins to rock again and Pierce looks to it and the hair on Georgia looks just like Vickies hair and desperately he reaches for her. PIERCE Mama!Mama! Then Georgia slowly turns her head towards them. She is a stunningly beautiful girl of 12 with light skin and amazing bright blue eyes and...she is blind Pierce looks at her for moment then he lowers his head and quietly cries Mama. Georgia reaches out her arms towards them. Georgia May I hold him? MS.DEE Of course you can. Karen looks panicked as Ms.Dee walks over and hands him to Georgia and just as Karen starts to verbalize her disaproval Ms.Dee flashes her a don't you dare look and snuggles the baby into Georgia's arms and puts his blanky on him. MS.DEE Pierce this is Georgia,Georgia meet Pierce. Pierce still whimpers a little.Georgia touches his face and wipes away his tears. GEORGIA Sh..It's alright. MS.DEE There now we'll be leaven you two to get aquainted. And she leaves out the door as Karen stands staring at Georgia and the baby so Ms.Dee tugs her out and slowly closes the door. INT./EXT WINDMILL-DAY Making their way down the second set of steps Karen begins to ramble. KAREN I really don't know how comfortable I am leaving that..disabled girl with Pierce. MS.DEE You think she's disabled because her eyes don't work? KAREN Well..yes. Of course. MS.DEE Let me tell you something dear Karen.. And she opens the front door for Karen and Karen steps through. MS.DEE That young lass has seen more than you or I ever will and that little ladd up there,well he would be hard pressed to find more careful arms to rest in.So no she is not disabled.No more than you are.Now if you'll excuse me,it's supper time. Then she rings the bell next to the door,right next to Karen's head and the children come running full blast towards them. Karen turns in a panic and quickly tries to get out of the way and to her car.She gets spun around by the kids but finally makes it to her vehicle. She turns back and Ms.Dee stands waving goodby with a satisfied look on her face as the children pile into the house around her.Angerly Karen gets into her car and drives off down the dirt driveway and disappears over the hill. Then through the giant window of the majestic windmill Georgia sits rocking Pierce and humming as he continues to weep for his momma and the seagulls fly through the sunset as the blades rotate. Their turns making a deep moaning noise.The eternal heartbeat of the house that sits on a seashore in land not so far away.

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