Lisa Manfrede's Reel

Eric Clapton

The Mirror! A chapter in my book, The New Golden Era of Light

Neil Young

After The Gold Rush- Recorded later in the evening, after a glass or two of wine.

Neil Young - After The Gold Rush

I did this video the same day as the other one, earlier in the day.

Don Henley - Nobody Else In The World But You

Music for the soul! Singing and Dancing with joy to this great music. Don Henley really has a wonderful way with words! I must say! Love the man, Love the Mu...

Don Henley

I'm Taking You Home

Don Henley

Everything is Different Now

What A Wonderful World

Dreamcatchers by Please contact me for pricing/more information. Thank You! Lisa

Italian/Dog Comedy

The dogs are different in Italy.

2014-11-20 14-32-47.890.wma

I'll Tell You a Story: The song and melody of my heart. Needs translation into music notes.

Comedy, Italian-American/True to Life

Impression of my dear mother.

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