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By Jordan Razo

GENRE: Horror, Thriller

brother and sister at home on a stormy sunday, what happens can't be entirely explained. 


something is in the attic


thunder claps

light shines in window

G-“did you hear that?”

K-“how the fuck could you not?

G-“I’m just asking a question you don’t have to be an ass all the time”

K-“im not being an ass i just hate stupid questions”

G-“okay whatever, when are we gonna clear the mousetraps like mom asked us to?”

K-“mousetraps? those things haven’t caught anything in months”

G-“yeah but she still makes us check because last time we left them up there to long they started to smell”

K-“plus we always forget where we leave them so it takes longer to look for them than it does to clear them”

G-“we don’t forget you just don’t put them back where you are supposed to”

K-“yes i do”

G-“then how do they end up scattered around?”

K-“don’t ask me idk”

G-“typical kyle, never has an legitimate answer but always has excuses”

K-“its not a fucking excuse i put them back where i find them”

G-“sure you do, so when are we gonna do it?”

K-“i guess now cause you won’t shut up about it”

G-“shut up about it? you’re worked about me not shutting up when you know mom will kick our asses if those rats end up smelling like they did last time”

K-“yeah yeah whatever, lets go”

walk to attic

G-“this thing always scared me, what if theres a huge snake up here preying on all the mice?”

K-“that’d make it easier for us so I’m not too concerned”

G-“yeah but what if it was in one of the dark corners and waited till you walked by to jumps and screams

K-jumps in fear“fuck you that wasn’t funny/ i could’ve fell through the ceiling”

G-“you’d finally stop being a dick for a few moments”

K-“just count your stars that I’m not in the mood to rattle you because you’d be seeing stars no galileo”

G-“no galileo? seriously? you spend too much time on twitter talking that ignorant shit” “oh look i found one! nothing on it though”

keeps looking

camera pans

K-“ever look at shadows and see movement?”

G-“what do you mean by movement?”

K-“i mena do you ever see a shadow and feel like there is something moving within the shadow?”

G-“nah not really. never payed much attention to shadows”

K-“why not? every night when i lay down i always look up at the ceiling and the corners and i swear i see stuff moving. i know nothing is there but i still see stuff moving”

G-“its all in your brain kyle, all in your brain”

K-“ in my brain or not i still see stuff moving and its creepy as hell”

G-“i think thats known as schizophrenia”

K-“dont diagnose me before you even ask why I’m asking”

G-“why are you asking?”

k“cause i thought i saw something in that corner over there”

points flashlight

G-“nope nothing, you happy?”

K-“what do you mean nothing? theres something right there”

G-“right where?”

K-“there on the ground, sitting on the wood beam”

G-“it looks like a block, but why would a block be up here?”

K-“its not block you jack ass its a mousetrap”

G-“why would a mousetrap be all the way over there”

K-“idk you tell me, i’ve never even been that deep into the attic”

G-“mom is getting bold wight hess mousetraps. how did she manage to maneuver over the beams? she’s a huge scaredy cat”

K-“she probable had a friend do it one time because she heard some mice over the living room”

G-“good thinking, i knew that explained the rustling i hear every now and then”

K-“what rustling?”

G-“the thud of steps, but they seemed a little too heavy to be a mouse”

K-“mom always said there’s more than just mice in attics. probably got a coon or opossum up here scavenging for food”

G-“nah those aren’t that heavy either, what else could be in an attic?”

attic door swings closed

K-“what the fuck was that?????”

G-“idk lets go check it out”

walk over to sound

K-“haha it was just the door. it swung close. the springs are zoo old they can’t stay open for much long before the tension becomes too much for them”

G-“man first mice now the attic door? what next? the lights?”

thunder claps

lights go out

K-“you’re psychic now or what?”

G-“not funny kyle i just want to get out of here”

K-“chill out we still gotta do the traps and my flashlight has fresh batteries so we good”

G-“we? oh hell no there is no we. YOU gotta check the traps. I’m not walking in the dark and risking falling off a beam and into the ceiling”

K-“fucking wank, gotta do all the work myself but you wanna claim all goodie goodie when mom around”

G-“just shut up and do it ormll tell mom yu cuss at me”

K-“you wouldn’t!”

G-“ try me”

mumbles cussoword” “alright alright”

walks off into attic

looks back and sees phone,lighting up sisters face

K-“if it wasn’t for that phone shed be too scared to sit there alone. i think i know how to fix that”

back to girl

scrolling and humming

thunder claps

hears breathing coming from in front of her

G-“kyle you’re not a ninja i can hear you breathing”

no reply

breathing continues and gets heavier

G-“kyle i can still hear you. you not fooling me”

no reply

G-“kyle if you donbeanie babies hits her across her head and knocks phone out of hand


K-“hahahahahaha got you!!!!!!!”

flashlight lights up girl

G-“i hate you kyle! you mad eke lose my phone and you aren’t even good at sneaking up!”

K-“what do you mean? i didn’t make a sound”

G-“i heard you breathing. you sounded like a bear”

K-“a bear? you can’t even hear me breathing when I’m right here”

pause in convo to hear

G-“you’re just not breathing as hard cause you know I’m right”

K-“right about what? you didn’t hear me breathing!”

G-“oh yeah then who did i hear breathing then?”

K-“just shut up and find your phone so we can get out of here”

“turn off your light and call it so i can see the screen light up”

calls phone

screen lights up

girl walks over to get it

when she picks it up kyle flashes light on her

G-“stop i can’t see”

K-“haha my bad”

girl hears breathing again*

G-“see i can hear you now!”

K-“hear me what?”


K-“what are you talking about?”

walks over to kyle to cofirm her accusation

walks closer sound gets dimmer

G-“see you are changing your breathing to mask the sound!”

K-"no I’m not!”

G-“then why can’t i hear it anymore?”

K-“don’t ask me ask your imagin-gin-gin-gin-ginkeeps repeating gin

staring past girl but she doesn’t notice


two glossy circles move closer to girl

kyle points and is still repeating jin

G-“what is * turns around and screams!!!!”

falling/wrestling noises are heard as flash light gets knocked out of kyles hand and turns off

camera looks up at attic door from outside hallway as noises continue and cease

camera pans out of hallway

thunder claps

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