Stephanie Drapeau

Stephanie Drapeau


Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
February 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Stephanie

In Essence...

The creative realm is my favorite play space ... and I am blessed to work in this realm. Exploring new dynamic characters while immersed in the collaborative process with my fellow creatives fuels me at the deepest of levels... Yet my greatest aspiration is to be a part of films that also fuel audiences at this level, allowing metamorphosis to unfold through the profound vibration of storytelling.

In Aim...

My goal is to bring my craft to others stories to help fulfill their vision and to find others with a magical spirit, a deep soul, a transcending eye and a mastery of storytelling so we can co-create stories that will impact the hearts of many. If that's you... let's make some magic happen together.

In Time/Space...

By birth, I'm a Pennsylvanian... but my real roots formed in a small Northern California town called Chico. I grew up in theater, from plays in my living room to plays on the stage... but when I hit college, I chose the uncommon path for an artist. Earning a BA in psychology and a Masters degree in Social Work, I dabbled in the corporate world and was a social worker specializing in addiction. These chapters of my life were immensely enriching, humbling and have since offered me fertile experiences to draw upon in my acting craft.

Since arriving in Los Angeles, I've delved into a broad assortment of films... from the comedy of Tim Timmerman to the horrors of Cabin Fever 2 and many in between. I've also traversed the world of television on Day 5, StartUp, Castle, Finding Carter, and more you'll see on my resume page. I'm so grateful to be playing in the creativity of what I love...and everyday, I count my lucky stars!

When I'm not filming, I keep my heart fulfilled with the One World Foundation where we work closely with a children's home in Thailand and with our scholarship fund in the Phillippines.

Beyond acting, I've written/produced a short created to fulfill the dreams of 4 Make-A-Wish kids (Wish Wizard). Morgan Freeman, Ed Bagely Jr and many more actors joined to turn this wish into reality.  I've also produced a couple of features and co-written a feature screenplay (Project Soulmate) that's yet to reach it's final home.  Nearly finished with my next....

Unique traits: soul-diver


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