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By Patrick Stephan Marshall

GENRE: Drama, Historical

Based on facts, this story shows the life of a person that could have been the man so many people call Jesus, and he was also the Son of Gaius Julius Caesar – Emperor of Rome in his right a living God on Earth, and Cleopatra, the reincarnation of Isis, the mother to the Sun God Horus, an alleged virgin by holy rights and hunted by an Usurper who changed the face of the Earth forever.


This is the story of the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, often called little Caesar, who’s life is threatened by Octavian (Augustus), as he would be the true heir of the roman empire. Mark Antonius a friend and later lover of Cleopatra, marches against him in the Egypt campaign, to buy Cleopatra time. The sacred virgin and reincarnation of Isis, Cleopatra, entrusts her oldest son Ptolemy Caesar, also called Iseu, and the twins from Mark Antonius Alexander and Selene, to her handmaiden and her husband the carpenter (jews), to take them to the east, to a safer place, out of the reach of Octavian. When Iseu is old enough, he leaves and travels and becomes a scholar, but when he turns thirty, he hears rumors of Octavian closing in on his family and he goes back to the place he grew up, to find his siblings and to start a political movement against Rome, to save his family.

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