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A Kurdish escapee from an honor killing is imprisoned in a detention center, from which she must find the strength to resist her captors and gain freedom--forcing a confrontation with the brother that still wants her dead.
Sevda Kemal has just been kidnapped in Turkey—by her uncle.
Ten years later, the Kurdish woman turns up in Boston. Her attempt to live a scholarly life is complicated by the romantic attention of Miles, her landlord, and the friendship of his daughter, Emma. As Sevda struggles to open up to the family’s kind attentions, the destruction of a Turkish-American center in Boston causes suspicion to fall on Sevda. Suspected of assisting her brother, a Kurdish separatist, Sevda is shipped off to a detention center. He may also be the mysterious man searching for Sevda in Boston.
Fearful for Miles and Emma’s safety, Sevda refuses to cooperate with law enforcement and becomes an isolated figure. Sevda’s frustration with her treatment, forces her to find the strength to resist her captors.
A fiery Sri Lankan law professor, Aida Nasrin, researches Sevda’s mysterious background and discovers that Sevda is hiding from her brother. If she hadn’t escaped Turkey, Sevda would have been a victim of an honor killing. Aida succeeds in obtaining Sevda’s release, but the mysterious man from Boston seems to have found Sevda’s house.
He is not the brother, as everyone suspects. His name is Omer--the Turk Sevda had once planned to marry against her family’s wishes. Having found Sevda, he has arrived to claim his bride. Sevda now has to choose between the man she loved in the past and the man she loves now. Omer has also offered to reunite Sevda with her beloved mother, whom has presumed Sevda dead these last ten years.
Before she can decide, she discovers that her brother has indeed found her. Alone with him in her apartment, and discomfited by his eerie calm, he explains that Omer led him right to her—and that her fiancé is now dead. No longer willing to tolerate another man who wants to take her away, she refuses to submit to him. Having conquered her fear, Sevda discovers a way to defeat him.
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