University of California, Los Angeles School of Film, Theater, and Television

University of California, Los Angeles School of Film, Theater, and Television

University of California, Los Angeles School of Film, Theater, and Television

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At least 42 Stage 32 members have attended University of California, Los Angeles School of Film, Theater, and Television:
Jon Stout

Jon Stout

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Michelle Amor

Michelle Amor

Producer and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Felischa Marye

Felischa Marye

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Ryan Moody

Ryan Moody

Director from Los Angeles, California
Clifton Norwine

Clifton Norwine

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Crew from Dallas, Texas
Karen Keller

Karen Keller

Producer, Production Designer and Screenwriter from Manhattan Beach, California
Gilmar Fortis II

Gilmar Fortis II

Screenwriter from Santa Monica, California
Bo-Yeon Kim

Bo-Yeon Kim

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Sarah Knapp

Sarah Knapp

Screenwriter, Director and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Stephen Kyhos

Stephen Kyhos

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Director of Photography from Cleveland, Ohio
Andrew Worsdale

Andrew Worsdale

Actor, Director and Film/Theatre Journalist from Johannesburg, South Africa
Caytha Jentis

Caytha Jentis

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
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