Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Chicago is a college located in Chicago, Illinois.

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At least 42 Stage 32 members have attended Loyola University Chicago:
Ricky Fleischer

Ricky Fleischer

Actor and Editor from Jerusalem, Israel
Joe Arnold

Joe Arnold

Actor from Chicago, Illinois
Dennis Carlson

Dennis Carlson

Producer from Davis, California
Francee' Bouvenir

Francee' Bouvenir

Actor, Voice Artist and Narrator from Hartford, Connecticut
Marc Kunis

Marc Kunis

Other from Chicago, Illinois
Cassandra Krupp

Cassandra Krupp

Actor, Author and Comedian from Chicago, Illinois
Tony Montana

Tony Montana

Director from Seattle, Washington
Rebecca Susmarski

Rebecca Susmarski

Editor and Film/Theatre Journalist from Chicago, Illinois
Joe Urbz

Joe Urbz

Editor, Photographer (Still) and Crew from Peoria, Arizona
Jerron Taylor

Jerron Taylor

Student, Marketing/PR and Screenwriter from Chicago, Illinois
Diana Lamphiere

Diana Lamphiere

Attorney (Non-Entertainment), Entertainment Attorney and Researcher from Grand Rapids, Michigan
David Welsh

David Welsh

Screenwriter from Ann Arbor, Michigan
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