EXT. PARK - DAY Ben and Grant are sitting at a park bench watching the people pass them by. They're drug dealers, but the college camp kind of dealers who deal to the rich hipster who buy with their parent's credit cards, not the hardcore thug gangster type. Ben, short-haired with a temper to match has a bottle in his hand and is shoving little bits of dry ice into it. Grant, his greasy black hair unbiassedly tossed over his left eye, sits with his elbows on the backrest of the wooden park bench. BEN Fuck her. GRANT What? Like fuck women? Go be a homo? Just up and change my sexual preference? That's realistic. BEN No, I mean fuck her. Just go find her and say "hey, wanna go take some Ex up in my room?” Of course she’ll say yes. Everyone knows she rolls. Whenever she can anyway. She’s a welfare kid. She’ll take whatever she can get. And after that it’s the most she can do for you right? Not like she'd be fully aware of what's going on or anything. GRANT Ben you know I can't do that. BEN Why not? GRANT I'm not going to take advantage of her like that. I still have some respect for her. BEN Listen Grant, she cheated on you, she's not worth your time. And now she's off with that ass hole from the goddamn business department. Fuck. Her. GRANT Did you mean that one literally or figuratively this time? BEN Oh fuck you. Ben playfully spits the words at him. Ben is used to listening to all of Grant's shit and Grant's used to taking Ben's shit. They've been in the business a while. Ben TWISTS THE CAP onto the bottle. GRANT (CONT') What is that? An invitation? BEN Look Grant, I know you're not over her. I'm trying to give you a solution to your problem, now are you going to take it or not? Grant pauses and looks out over the field in front of them. Ben Throws His Bottle into the middle of the field. GRANT It's almost five o'clock, we be meeting our connect? BEN Just one more minute. Out on the field a man walking along with his dog passes the bottle just as his dry-ice bomb explodes. CUT TO: INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY From inside the locker the door opens to show the two characters picking a duffel bag out of the locker. GRANT I just don't understand why she would go for that guy? I mean what does he have that I don't? They close the door behind them leaving the camera in darkness. INT. BEN'S LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Pull up from the floor to see the two of them are spreading out the contents of the duffel bag onto the table counting the contents including a single brick of cocaine. They are wearing gloves, aprons, and face masks making sure not to lose any of their product. BEN The hell do I know? Look I'd love to listen to your sob story some more but we've kind of got enough weight here to pay your tuition. GRANT So why are we so broke? BEN Correction, you are broke, and it's probably because we had to buy all this stuff and it aint cheap. GRANT What, are we buying it on credit? BEN Yeah, that's how you profit from a business. You takes risks, invest and all that shit. I bet that business class guy would know all about it dumbass. GRANT I'm just saying, why is it that she would cheat on me? We had a pretty good thing going didn't we? You saw us? BEN Jesus Christ Grant! Look at you, you're a wreck over this girl! Get over it man. You want me to get you some new pussy? He pulls out his cell phone as if he's got a hooker on speed dial--and he very well might... GRANT I just want to understand why she-- Ben is now fed up with Grant's pity-my-sorry-ass attitude. BEN No, you just can't get over her that's all it is. Now please, can you please shut up while I finish this. This is complicated shit. He begins to cut into the brick again, the room in silence. After a second Grant begins to say: GRANT I mean, she-- EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT/CONTINUOUS Side dolly through showing Grant and Ben standing at the corner looking around half-heartily waiting for any of their many "regulars" to show up. GRANT (CONT') I mean, she gave a bogus reason for dumping me. She said that she had to get her life together and that things weren't going the way she had planned. BEN Girls always say that shit. It's just some dumb excuse they use instead of "hey, sorry I'm fucking your best friend." GRANT That's what I'm saying. Maybe it's like-- BEN Shut up, we got a costumer. A random walker moves up to the two dealers and make a very obviously shady deal. INT. BEN'S LIVING ROOM - DAY They are now sitting on the couch counting money. There's are several good piles of it and the two are flipping through stacks of hundreds like monopoly money. GRANT Maybe, it's like, she thinks that she's gonna get something from him that she can't get from me when-- BEN (Mockingly) "When we all know he's got nothing on you," yeah I get it. Now please for the love of god, either go over there and fuck her or SHUT THE FUCK UP. There is a pause. Ben goes back to counting the money. Grant looks towards the ceiling thinking for a beat. GRANT Fuck women. OVER BLACK TITLE CARD: Tripsters. TITLE CARD: MIRANDA INT. HOUSE PARTY - EVENING MIRANDA is sitting staring straight into the camera. It slowly pulls away from her and eventually we see she is actually looking at a random PARTYGOER as he talks. We can't hear what the Partygoer is talking about because all the sounds of the party are muffled under Miranda's voice-over narration. She obviously doesn't care what the talker is saying but she is feigning her interests nonetheless in hopes of getting him to fuck her. She's wearing a thin-tight autumn-stripped sweater and a hipster beret. MIRANDA (V.O.) It's not as easy to be alone, but sometimes it's necessary. Sometimes you have to figure out what's wrong with yourself before you can start judging other people. They say you have to love yourself before you love anyone else. Well I think that's bullshit. I could go back into that room and sleep with this guy. He's good enough; maybe a seven--eight on a good day--if he shaves that mustache. And yeah it would be fun for ten minutes but then you leave a lot less satisfied then when you went in. And it's not like I'm listening to anything he was saying, but I hadn't got off in a while and my hormones were running a party in crotch. So I sat there and stared at him waiting for him to ask-- PARTYGOER You wanna come back to my room? We could smoke some pot or something. They get up and he leads her towards his room as if she didn't have to answer. She looks over to Greg standing across the room. Greg is a taller guy, wearing a green jacket like his father wore in the army. He's a military brat in some ways and his face is stone while a party of emotions run around in his mind. MIRANDA (V.O.) I could invite Greg, he only smokes every once in a while. He's usually on a some "noble" crusade against drugs, hard drugs anyway, but I wouldn't want him to get too jealous of this guy and end up fucking me. We're only friends after all. Miranda really wants to fuck Greg, but they've been friends since freshman year and they've never done anything about it. Greg glares at her walking into the next room with the Partygoer. He is standing next to Justin, a short, stocky build, he's an athlete and not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They both hold drinks. JUSTIN There she goes again. Doesn't that ever bother you? GREG She just does it for attention. JUSTIN (Sarcastic) And you ignore it because...you're playing hard to get? GREG Yeah, something like that. He takes a drink from his cup. CUT TO EXT. HOUSE PARTY - EVENING Greg and Justin take five outside to cool off from the inside temp. Inside music plays and people dance. Ben and Grant walk up to the side of the house just passing Justin and Greg. Ben looks at them for a moment. BEN You guys blow? GREG How about you blow me? BEN Fuck you, you're lucky I don't blow your fuckin head off. GREG Try me ass hole. I come from the wrong side of tracks and you don't want to mess with my ass. They stare each other down for a moment as if in a staring contest. Justin edges over to Greg trying to pull him away from a fight. Grant is standing back away from them smoking a cigarette, waiting for the fireworks. JUSTIN Let it go man, it's not worth it. Greg backs down and takes a few steps away from them. Ben turns to go back in. BEN Lucky I'm a good mood today dick wipe. Ben and Grant go back into the house. GREG I hate fucking drug dealers. JUSTIN (Attempting to change the subject) So why are you so cool with Miranda, like, sleeping around? GREG She's my friend, not my girlfriend. She can do whatever she wants. JUSTIN Or whoever right? (He chuckles) GREG Yeah, whatever. JUSTIN What's wrong with you? GREG Nothing. Come on, let's just go home. JUSTIN (Whining) But I don't wanna go yet, there's a blond chick in there. She's totally into me, I know it. I think she's with a friend. Come on, you've got to lighten up a little. GREG You go for it, I'm just gonna go. Meet you at the house tomorrow? JUSTIN Alright, suit yourself. Justin goes back inside. Greg is left out on the porch alone. The sound of a girl vomiting from the other side of the porch is followed by a cut to black. INT. DINING ROOM, GREG'S APARTMENT - NEXT DAY Greg is sitting at the table in a robe and drinking his coffee. Justin is sitting across from the table. Both are obviously hung over and Justin rubs his head. In front of him is a plate of untouched toast. There is a knock at the door and Miranda enters like she lives there...because she does. The two guys at the table flinch at the loud bangs of the door. Miranda is a mess, hair splayed in all directions, dirty, makeup running but her attitude is completely unphased. She walks over to the fridge and pulls out a carton of eggs, a frying pan and some butter and turns on the stove. The clanging of the pots upset Justin and Greg's ears. MIRANDA (While cooking) So, how did you boys make it out last night? Sorry for leaving you but I figured you could handle yourselves. (Beat) Did you make it with that blond girl J? JUSTIN It's no story really-- GREG He got a code V. Miranda walks over to the table to pick up the salt from it. MIRANDA Tell me it didn't get on you! Oh god, you smell like it. JUSTIN (Embarrassed) It...it only got my shoulder this time. MIRANDA (Back in the kitchen now) Did you throw up on her this time? JUSTIN (Indignantly) No! I just left okay. MIRANDA At least you didn't have to do the walk of shame huh. Miranda goes back to her cooking. Greg looks at her with contempt. GREG (V.O.) I knew all too well she had gone on that walk of shame. She wanted to tell us, she wanted to gloat about it. To make me jealous probably. She loved the walk of shame. She thrived on it. She wants everyone to know "hey, look at me, I'm getting fucked and you aren't." I wouldn't give her the satisfaction though. Not today. MIRANDA So, we got any plans today? She brings a warm delicious plate of eggs over to the table for them. Justin grabs some and puts them on top of his uneaten toast and sandwiches it together but doesn't take a bite of it. Greg takes another sip of his coffee. She sits down and takes a plate for herself. GREG (Jokingly) I've got nothing to do. Probably just gonna sit around here, do some studying, maybe jerk off for a while. JUSTIN You'll go blind you know. GREG At least I won't have to worry about vomit. Miranda giggles at this comment. JUSTIN You should come to the gym with me. You never go anymore. I remember how we always used to go and workout back in freshman year! GREG (Disinterested) I'll think about it. I've got a lot of work to do. MIRANDA Doesn't sound like a bad idea actually. You put on a few pounds since school started, maybe you should think about getting back in shape huh? GREG How about I work on getting a job first huh? So they don't kick me out of school. MIRANDA I'll go down to the gym with you J. Maybe I'll call Christina and we can play some tennis. GREG Are you still hanging out with Christina? She's such a slut. MIRANDA Hey that's my best friend you're talking about! GREG (V.O.) That figures. GREG I'm just calling it like I see it. I mean we all knew she's slept around. She cheated on her last boyfriend. MIRANDA Look, she had her reasons okay. You just don't know it. She's going out with my brother now you know? (Beat) So are you coming or not? GREG (Slamming his coffee down) Fine. I'll go to fucking gym with you guys. Happy? JUSTIN I am! INT. BEN'S LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS In the room is a couch with a set of feet draped over the side wearing jeans and socks but no shoes. Loud snoring escapes from the other side of the couch. Grant sits up from behind the couch and leans over the back rest of the couch, facing the camera, for balance. He rubs his eyes getting used to the light for a minute than looks at his watch. He then taps on the legs draped over the couch assuming they are Ben's. GRANT Come on Ben, we...time to get up. A RANDOM GIRL wearing nothing but a tank top and a pink bra pokes her head up from behind the couch. RANDOM GIRL What? Is it time to go already? GRANT No, you can stay. Just don't throw up in here. (Pause) Or, just keep it off the carpet. She slides back down behind the couch. Ben pops his head up from behind the couch showing that the feet hanging over the edge of the couch are not his. BEN Don't throw up where? Grant looks down at the unconscious body in between them and shrugs it off. GRANT Nevermind, get dressed, we gotta go. Grant gets up from the couch area. Ben looks down at his attire, then smells it. BEN Good enough. He gets up and walks out of frame. A different girl pokes her head out from behind the couch wearing a blue sweater. SECOND GIRL Could you get me a glass of water while you're up? Grant ignores her and leaves with Ben. EXT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY Ben and Grant are sitting at a table drinking coffee and eating breakfast, both wearing sunglasses to baby their own hangovers. Ben is stuffing his face, in front of Grant is a half of a bagel. GRANT Are you sure we should just leave it sitting there, especially in like, public like that? BEN Grant, I'm hungry, I'm hungover, can you please stop worrying and eat your damn bagel? GRANT I mean that's a lot of weight to have just sitting there in a locker in a public gym. BEN Grant, no one uses that locker, no ever uses those disgusting lockers. No one knows the combination except us and Wallace's guy; (Food in his mouth) you know, the one who drops it off. Ben swallows, Grant goes about buttering the bagel in front of him. GRANT How much do you owe Wallace anyway? BEN Not so loud, you want people to hear you? GRANT (Loudly) You mean about Wallace? Big scary Wallace? (Normal) There are a thousand Wallaces out there Ben. BEN Would you just shut up and eat your food? GRANT So you're avoiding the question? BEN No, I just don't want to talk about it in public. GRANT That's avoiding the question. BEN Do you want to help me with this job or not? The only reason I let you help me out in the first place is because you needed some extra cash for your mother or something, am I wrong? GRANT Not the point, I just want to know what I'm working with. We've made almost ten grand between the two of us and we keep buying more, how much exactly do you need? BEN Twenty. GRANT Twenty thousand dollars?! BEN (Whispering) No twenty sheep ass hole! Now would you shut up. GRANT (Whispering again) Twenty thousand dollars! That's a lot of money Ben. How the hell do you expect to get that much money? BEN That's what the next shipment is about to do for us actually. GRANT You're telling me you got ten thousand dollars worth of-- (His voice goes almost inaudible) --cocaine sitting in a locker in the middle of the gym and you're not worried at all? BEN Grant, you need to chill, no one knows a thing. Besides, who in their right mind would go to gym this early on a Sunday? Cut To: INT. GYM - DAY Shot of Miranda doing some stretches on one of the gym mats. The gym is otherwise completely empty. INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY Greg and Justin are changing clothes in the locker room. It is utterly empty except for the two of them. GREG Hey, pass me your water bottle. JUSTIN I didn't bring a water bottle. GREG Why not? JUSTIN Not for you I mean. GREG Why not? JUSTIN I'm not the keeper of your water bottle. Bring your own bottle! GREG This conversation is completely pointless. I'll just ask Miranda for hers. Greg goes out of the locker room and Justin is left with their clothes sitting in a heap in front of him. He looks around and sees a nearby locker sitting open. He checks either direction, then puts the clothes into it and pushes it closed absentmindedly. It locks behind him without him realizing it. He looks around distressed for a moment then tries to open the lock without success. Greg comes back in and sees his clothes are gone. GREG What happened? JUSTIN I kind of, accidentally locked our stuff in one of the lockers... GREG What? Why? JUSTIN It was an accident! I don't know, I didn't think it would lock on me. I never go to this gym! GREG Alright, I'll go get someone to unlock it. Um, which one is it. Justin looks at several lockers for a moment unsure. JUSTIN Um... that one. He points to the locker next to the original one. GREG Are you sure? JUSTIN Um, I think so. GREG Are you sure or aren't you?! JUSTIN Yes, I'm sure! I'm sure. Greg leaves the room to get the key. JUSTIN I think... CUT TO The sound of a lock click is heard over black. Inside the locker is opened and they look into see a duffel bag. GREG Great, wrong locker. Greg grabs out the bag in annoyance. JUSTIN What are you doing? That's somebody's stuff! GREG Well they left it here. Obviously they didn't care about it that much. JUSTIN You can't do that! That's just wrong man. I mean if that were me-- Greg opens the bag and sees several large bricks of cocaine inside it. GREG Shut up Justin. JUSTIN What? Wait, what is that? GREG Just shut up, get Miranda. Tell her we're leaving. Now. JUSTIN But we just got here, I mean-- GREG Just go get her. Please? Right now? JUSTIN But what about our stuff. GREG I'll buy you new stuff, now let's go. Meet me outside. He zips up the bag and leaves the room. INT. DINING ROOM, GREG'S APARTMENT - DAY The three of them, Greg, Justin and Miranda sit looking over the bag filled with drugs. They are all unable to come to terms with the fact that they may have just found a fortune in the gym locker room. MIRANDA So... what do we do with it? GREG We could sell it? Get rich you know? I could sure use the money. MIRANDA Or we could get arrested by the cops. I don't think you'd do too well in prison would you Greg? GREG Look, we'll hide it for now and figure out what to do with it later okay? JUSTIN I feel sorry for the poor fucks who lost it. INT. BEN'S LIVING ROOM - DAY Ben is sitting on the couch, Grant is pacing in front of him. Grant is freaked out. Like really freaked out. Like about to shit his pants freaked out. Meanwhile Ben is attempting very hard, to think over Grants ramblings. GRANT I can't believe this, I can't fucking believe this! You know if we had gone straight there this morning like I said we should do we would be fine, but no, you just had to have a goddamn all star breakfast. And now we lost ten thousand dollars worth of coke! Do you know what's going to happen to us if we don't get that back? First of all I'm going to be kicked out of the house, you know I put that money on credit? And that was not easy you know! Getting all that money, my parents know about that money! I told them I was starting a business and-- BEN Would you shut the FUCK up. I'm trying to think. Grant turns to Ben and leans into him intently. GRANT Think about what? What, Ben, could we possibly do to fix this? We're screwed? How are we going to die. That's it. That's what's going to happen. Wallace is going to kill us and-- Ben grabs Grant around the collar and pulls his face extremely close to his. BEN Grant, I'm going to say this one more time. So please, pay attention. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. If somebody is running around this city with ten thousand dollars worth of cocaine we're going to hear about it. We have been the biggest coke dealers at this school, and probably in this whole damn city for almost two years, someone else starts selling around here and we're going to hear about it. DISSOLVE EXT. PLAYGROUND - DAY Miranda is spinning around on one of the playground pieces staring off into space. She gets off of the spinning wheel and walks over to Greg sitting on one of the upper pieces of playground equipment. She looks up to him, he looks down at her. MIRANDA Why can't we just throw it off of a bridge? GREG Mira, are you completely stupid? We have the chance to make a fortune here and you want to throw it off a fucking bridge? MIRANDA Well why don't we just sell it wholesale? Like all in one. GREG Who the hell is going to buy that much dope off of us? MIRANDA Drug dealers? GREG Because we know a lot of those. MIRANDA Fuck you Greg, at least I'm trying. GREG I'm working on it! I'm not just sitting on my ass with ten pounds of coke and thinking about my dick! MIRANDA I just don't feel safe having this around us. I just want to be rid of it. GREG Miranda, you gotta to realize, we just had a fortune dumped into our laps and we can't go tossing it off a fucking bridge. MIRANDA (Sarcastically) We could smoke it all. Out of behind one of the pieces of equipment Justin pops out of nowhere. JUSTIN Could we really? GREG No Justin, not really. Justin, downtroden, pops back away. MIRANDA We need to figure out something to do with it or we're going to be in some serious shit. Greg hops down from his post to face Miranda. Miranda can't face him back. GREG Miranda, just give me some time, I can get us going and it'll be out of our hands in no time. Please, you know we need this money. MIRANDA No, you need this money. I want this money. JUSTIN (O.S.) I want the money too! GREG Please, help me here. You're the best friend that I've got. Please. Can we get this money? Somehow, we'll find a way. Please, can we get that money? Miranda looks at him now in silence. She thinks over her decisions but she can't look away from Greg's eyes. CUT TO INT. GREG'S HOUSE - EVENING The three of them are now searching through the duffel bag finding the white bricks packed together tight. They begin trying to cut it up into smaller pieces. MIRANDA Okay, so we need to cut it all up and put it into little bags. That's how they make their money, they section off the main block into smaller bags. JUSTIN How much should we put into each bag? MIRANDA I'm not really sure. My brother would get tiny bags, like an inch. Do we have any tiny zip-lock bags? GREG (From the kitchen) We have regular zip-lock bags. MIRANDA Okay, we'll work with it. Give it to me. They begin awkwardly attempting to pour the pits of chipped powder into the zip-lock bags but they are unsure where to stop filling it. JUSTIN Maybe we should twist tie them together? So that they'll be smaller? Miranda and Greg look at him then at each other and shrug. They begin twist tying the bags putting random amounts into each of the bags making them awkward and uneven. Finally they have about fifty bags of different sizes sitting on the floor in front of them along with several more bricks left on the table. They all look at the bags lined in rows as they sit, collapsed out of exhaustion into a heap on the floor. JUSTIN So, why are they all lopsided? MIRANDA I feel like we should have used a scale. Greg covers his face with one hand showing his frustration letting out a deep sigh. EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT Justin and Greg are standing at the corner fidgeting with their clothes, their pockets puffed full of the bags. JUSTIN So, how do we, you know, get people to buy it? A person walks by them. Greg turns towards him. GREG ...Uh, hey man, you wanna buy some uh.. you know... The stranger stops and stares at him confused for a moment. GREG Come on, you know, some stuff. PEDESTRIAN What? What are you talking about? GREG You know what, nevermind. Justin leans forward remembering what Ben asked them on the night of the party. JUSTIN Hey, you blow? PEDESTRIAN Oh! Shit, why didn't you just say something, how much for an eight? JUSTIN You want eight? PEDESTRIAN No, an eightball ass hole, stop fuckin around. How much? Justin leans off to the side with Greg. JUSTIN (Whispering) What's an eightball? GREG (Whispering) I don't know, why the hell didn't we bring Miranda, she knows about this shit. Stall. Greg leans over and pulls out his phone, dials a number and listens to the receiver. Justin awkwardly stalls the Pedestrian. GREG Miranda? How much is an eighball? (Pause) Well look it up! (Pause) No we are not prepared for this. Can you please just help us. (Longer Pause) Okay, well how much is that? Justin comes over to the pedestrian waiting for them. JUSTIN So, uh, how's you're day been...? PEDESTRIAN What? JUSTIN Your day? How was it? PEDESTRIAN (Uncomfortable) Can I just get this stuff? I'm kind of in a hurry okay? JUSTIN Greg, would you please come talk to our customer here! GREG Give me a minute! JUSTIN Greg! GREG Okay, okay, here! Greg hands him a lopsided bag with powder on the side of it. GREG That'll be 150. PEDESTRIAN For real? No, what's this shit mixed with? GREG Nothing! It's just, um, we're having a sale. PEDESTRIAN A sale? GREG Yes a fire sale. Now here's your stuff, money please. PEDESTRIAN Um, okay, just take it. I'm out of here. He hands them money and runs off. Justin holds the money in his hand staring at it in awe. JUSTIN We just made a hundred and fifty bucks. In ten minutes. He stares at Greg, then back to the money in his hand. JUSTIN (CONT') I fucking love this city! EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT MONTAGE The two stand on the street and continue to sell drugs. Throughout they end up pulling out a bag and spilling half of their bags, ripping a bag wide open, and creeping on random pedestrians. Finally a police siren is heard and lights flash past them. They freak out and run away. FADE TO BLACK EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT Ben and Grant are driving around and come to a stop tired and angry. GRANT We've been driving for four hours Ben, if they were out tonight don't you think we would have found them by now? BEN We're not looking for the dealers dumbass. GRANT Then what the fuck have we been driving around for the last four hours for? BEN (Sarcasm) Because I wanted to give the car some goddamn exercise, now, yet again I ask, would you shut up. Suddenly a group of rowdy college guys come out from a nearby restaurant yelling and acting crazy. There is one girl who is leaning hard on one guys shoulder, completely passed out. They've been partying of course. BEN Bingo. GRANT Aren't those some of the guys we usually sell to? BEN Why the fuck do you think we're out here? Now you can follow me or you can sit in here and jerk yourself off. He gets out of the car and Grant follows hesitantly. Before Ben moves towards the group he goes back into the trunk of the car and pulls something out of it. Grant sees him walking back towards the group now holding a baseball bat. GRANT Ben, what the fuck are you doing? BEN Sometimes, when you need to get something done you need to do it loud. He walks over to the group, they have not yet noticed him. BEN Hey fuckheads! Having a good fucking party?! They turn to see him, scared at first, but then they see the friendly face of Ben and Grant, their friendly neighborhood drug dealers, stomping over to them. They relax and lighten up again. PARKING LOT GUY #1 Whoa! It's Ben man! This guy! This fucking guy! BEN Where the did you score tonight? PARKING LOT GUY #1 Big Ben getting all tough love on us! Where were you tonight man? You got some new guys working for you now? Ben walks over to the car and beats the hood of it with the bat once. The group moves back startled. BEN Yeah, real bunch of pals. Now where the fuck did you score? PARKING LOT GUY #1 Dude! What the fuck Ben! That's my car! PARKING LOT GUY #2 Whoa man, chill, we just got it from some guys on John Ferris corner. We thought they were working for you. BEN You got any of the stuff left? PARKING LOT GUY #2 Hey Ben, look if there's an issue we can talk about it. He beats the car again. This time the front window. BEN Don't give me bullshit, I'm missing four kilos of cocaine and you're gonna tell me where you got your shit from, how pure it is, who sold it to you, and how much they had or I'm going to mercilessly beat it out of every mother fucking one of you. PARKING LOT GUY #1 Look, here take what we got left calm down Ben, Christ! He hands him a small bag with a bit of the cocaine left in it. Ben takes it, eyes it, inspects it for a moment, sniffs it, dips his pinky finger in it and takes a tiny dab of it to his tongue. BEN (Aside) Shit. (To the group) Okay where did you say you got this? PARKING LOT GUY #2 They were on John Ferris and Decus. There were two of them. It was kind of weird, they were acting really shady but we figured they were new guys working for you so we didn't want to question it. BEN You didn't question it? You're buying drugs and you didn't question anything suspicious like some new guys running the streets without any prior notice. Did you get what they looked like? PARKING LOT GUY #1 One of them was wearing a hat, maybe... I think we wasn't shaved very good. PARKING LOT GUY #2 No, the other one wasn't shaved, he had a mustache. PARKING LOT GUY #1 No! The guy with the hat didn't have a mustache! Ben Beats their window again. BEN For god sakes! Can you just tell me how tall they were and how old they looked. The girl leaning on one of the guy's shoulder perks up talking in a throaty, cigarette-stained voice. PARTYGIRL They were a couple of college kids, one of them was kinda tall, the other one was shorter and a little chubby. They both looked scared shitless and the one with the hat had a mustache, they were both white guys and one of them had a university sweatshirt on. Excuse me. She walks behind the car and vomits profusely. BEN (Anger) Thanks... Come on Grant. Before they leave Ben bashes the driver's side window in and they head back to the car. INT. DINING ROOM, GREG'S APARTMENT - SUNRISE The three, Greg, Justin, and Miranda are sitting at the table counting piles of money with three more blocks of coke next to them on the table. MIRANDA I can't believe you guys actually scored like this! JUSTIN (Sarcastically) Thanks for all you're help by the way. MIRANDA Shut up Justin. This is great guys, really. I think maybe this whole idea might be a sound investment after all. GREG (Indifferently) Yeah... MIRANDA What's up Greg? GREG Nothing. MIRANDA Seriously, somethings bugging you, I'm not stupid. GREG Nothing okay. I need the money, we're getting plenty of it now. MIRANDA Want to tell me what else is bothering you? JUSTIN I don't really think he does-- GREG Shut up Justin. I don't want to talk about it so just leave me alone. Please? MIRANDA You can talk to us Greg, we're you're friends. You know that! GREG (Getting up from the table) What is it with you? Why do you have to diagnose everything around you? You're always so cold and calculating, you've got everything working like one of your nice little chemical formulas. Well, I'm a person, not a number or a chemical compound. You can't just categorize me Miranda so stop trying. She begins to retaliate but stops short. MIRANDA I... You're right, I'm sorry Greg. I don't know what it's like for you. I just want to help you, but if you don't want me to butt in I won't. GREG ...Thanks. There is a moment of silence between them. JUSTIN (Motioning to the drugs stacked on the table) I feel like we should move this before someone sees it. The three of them are silent again then burst into laughter. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY Ben and Grant are passed out in their car from their stake out the night before. Grant stirs from his sleep and realize he's fallen asleep. GRANT (Waking up) Shit! Ben! Nudges him awake. BEN Dammit, we must've passed out last night. GRANT Oh hell! Great, just frickin great! Now what do we do? BEN Oh shut up, it's too fuckin' early for you to start bitching. GRANT Well we didn't find them and now we're a day behind what the hell are we gonna do now? BEN Well they obviously didn't sell it all. Who the fuck sells four kilos of coke in one fucking night? Now listen, for now we'll talk to some more people and figure out where they got the dope from. GRANT Okay, come on, let's go. BEN Can we wait a few more minutes? I'm fucking tired. GRANT Get the fuck up! Remember what happened last time you screwed around? Grant smacks Ben to get him up. Ben complains but starts up the car with a roar and they drive off. INT. RESTAURANT - DAY The three musketeers--Greg, Justin & Miranda--are sitting having breakfast at one of the tables. Justin has several plates in front of him with food piled high. He is gorging himself. MIRANDA So, are we geniuses or what? GREG We're going to be arrested if this keeps up. JUSTIN Come on Greg, enjoy the cash flow while we have it! He grabs another big bite of sausage. JUSTIN I mean it's not like we're libel to get shot by some drug dealers, we're just starting, no one even knows who we are! GREG Starting out? You sound like we're going to make this a career! Outside the diner Ben and Grant pull up to a stop light. INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS BEN (motioning to the diner) Look, can't we just stop in there for a second? I'm starving. GRANT (unamused) Shut up and drive. Ben groans in annoyance. They continue to wait for the light. INSIDE DINER MIRANDA So my brother said there's this huge party going down at the Prime Night club tonight. There's gonna be tons of people there and he can get us in VIP which means they won't be checking us for anything. GREG And you want us to sell it? MIRANDA Exactly, now what I was thinking was we-- GREG You mean me and Justin. MIRANDA Well I just figured-- GREG How about you go in this time huh? Risk your neck a little? MIRANDA Okay fine, I'll go. Justin, you want to help me? Justin looks up, his mouth is half-full of a waffle. JUSTIN (Mumbling) Um, yeah sure. MIRANDA Then it's settled. We can go to the party, enjoy ourselves, and we'll make a little profit while we're at it. Outside the light changes green and the car carrying Grant and Ben drives off. EXT. RAVE - NIGHT Ben and Grant and walking around out near the back entrance of the club. BEN Now listen, there's got to be somebody in here who knows these guys. They're not ghosts for Christ's sake! The random PEDESTRIAN from earlier walks by them. BEN Hey! You! The pedestrian points at himself confused. BEN Yeah, yeah you ass hole, come here. You look like you blow every now and again huh? PEDESTRIAN Hey fuck you, what are you, some kind of cop? BEN No, I need to figure out who the hell is selling my shit. PEDESTRIAN Piss off. Ben takes out his gun and points it at the guy's face. BEN Now are you going to to make this easy on me or not? PEDESTRIAN Look, I don't know who the hell he was, the guy's in there though, he's wearing a blue jacket. Short hair, uh, mustache. Grant sees a security guard coming around the corner. GRANT Ben, come on, put the gun away, let him go. Ben pushes the guy away from him. SECURITY GUARD Is there a problem out here? BEN Nah, prick stepped on my shoes that's all. He walks passed the guard and into the line for the club. EXT. RAVE ENTRANCE - NIGHT Greg, Miranda, and Justin are waiting outside the front of the club for Miranda's brother. GREG How much longer do we have to sit out here, I don't feel comfortable waiting around out here. What if one of the guards frisks us or something. MIRANDA Well then he won't frisk me.  At least not enough to find anything. And even if he did I'd sue him for sexual harassment. Justin and Greg look at her questionably. She responds with a contemptuous look then grabs her boobs like sizing up a pair of melons. They respond with an "oh" of understanding. Suddenly a girl with a nose piercing, chewing bubble-gum and an "I just don't give fuck look opens the door adjacent to them. This is CHRISTINA, Miranda's brother's girlfriend, Miranda's best friend, and Grant's ex-girlfriend. CHRISTINA Hey, you guys waiting for Brooks? MIRANDA Hey Christina, yeah they're with me. Christina perks up at the sight of her best friend. CHRISTINA Oh Miri, it's good to see you chick! Come on in, I'll give you to Brooksy. The girls embrace and shows the three of them inside. INT. RAVE BACKROOM - NIGHT Christina guides the three into a room in the back where Miranda's brother, Andrew BROOKS, is lounging with several other random people. Brooks has a beard and an "I don't give a fuck" attitude to match his girlfriend. He's thin and boney but laid back, he also happens to own the club they're in. Christina walks over and kisses him. BROOKS (Spotting Miranda) Sis! been a while ain't it man? MIRANDA Yeah Andrew, long while. BROOKS Who are your friends? MIRANDA This is Justin and Greg, I'm rooming with them. (To Greg and Justin) This is my brother Andrew. BROOKS (Shaking hands) Cool, nice to meet you dudes. Call me Brooks. (To Miranda) So which one's your fuck buddy? MIRANDA Oh for god's sakes, would you shut up? I'm not screwing them. CHRISTINA Well he didn't say both. We know you're not that kinky. All of the people in the room except for the three outsiders laugh hysterically. BROOKS So, guys, Miri says you guys got some weight? JUSTIN Uh, yeah we brought some of it with us. Uh, she's got it... Miranda gives him a "put the pressure on me huh?" kind of look, then turns around to pull a little plastic bag from her bra. She hands it to Brooks. MIRANDA What do think? He sniffs the bag and inspects similarly to Ben the night before. He then takes a bit out and sniffs it. He has a violently pleasurable reaction. BROOKS Holy shit on brick. This stuff's fucking pure as shit. How much are you selling this for? He hands it the bag to Christina to try. She has a similar reaction. JUSTIN Uh, how much will you buy it for--? MIRANDA (Cutting him off) It's eighty a gram, two-hundred for an eight. If you want we can sell you a kilo for sixteen. BROOKS Well damn. Alright, we'll take a half kilo. And how about a family discount? MIRANDA (Playfully smiling) Fuck you Andrew. BROOKS Love you too sis. (To Christina) Christina work out some of the business details with these guys. And take them out on the floor. INT. RAVE - NIGHT Ben and Grant weave their way into the party. They shuffle around among the other ravers. GRANT Took us long enough to get in here. Christ! BEN Come on, let's just find out what we can about these ass-holes. They begin to search the party floor, person to person. The camera pans around to show Miranda at the bar talking to some guys and Greg looking at Miranda from the other side of the bar then to Justin talking with Christina then finally back to Greg in one continuous shot who sees Justin and Christina. Grant, enraged, shoves through the crowd to Justin and Christina. GRANT Christina? Christina, this is the guy? This is the shithead you left me for? CHRISTINA (Awkwardly) Greg? Oh, hey it's, um, good to see you. GRANT Oh don't give me that crap. CHRISTINA Look, Greg, I know things didn't work out between us but could we please not start anything in here? Or anywhere preferably. GRANT No we do need to start some shit. I mean, look, I know I'm not a perfect fucking ten, but cheating on me with this ugly mother fucker? JUSTIN Hey! GRANT (To Justin) Not talking to you. (To Christina) I can't believe you. I cannot fucking believe you could do this to me. Do you know how much shit I did for you? CHRISTINA Um, you were not that special. And don't think you know anything about me. You treated me like shit. JUSTIN (Attempting to fix Grant's mistake.) Um, excuse me. GRANT (To Justin) Still not talking to you. (To Christina) No, you treated me like shit! You have no idea what I had to do to get you into the game. All the shit I got for you. CHRISTINA You were a complete fuck up Grant. You didn't even try to get to know me and my fucking feelings. You were a piece of shit to me and I'm glad I cheated on you. Grant fury peaks at this comment. Justin jumps again into the conversation. JUSTIN I'm not her boyfriend! Before Grant can absorb the information in his statement he punches Justin in the face, knocking him onto the floor. People all around move into an instant circle ready to watch the fight break out. Justin rubs his chin from the sting of the  blow, Grant waves the pain out of his knuckles. Justin suddenly jumps at Grant's legs knocking him to the floor. They begin to wrestle on the floor while the onlookers spectate. Brooks comes down onto the main dance floor and sees the fight going on. He runs over to help Justin out and to protect Christina and in his rush knocks through a few spectators who, being drunk and high begin fighting amongst one another. A BRAWL breaks out. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CLUB Greg sees the fight braking out then notices several security guards and police piling into the club's entrance in an effort to calm the brawl down He runs over to Miranda now by herself at the bar twittling a small piece of acid paper in her hands. He grabs her by the hand leading her away into a back room. GREG Come on, let's get out of here, shit's going down. MIRANDA (Confused) What?? The two of them run back into a closet in the backroom. Behind them in the middle of the floor Ben is standing gawking at the stupdity of the night. He turns to leave but is stopped by a large Jamaican man wearing a black suit. The man puts a bag over Ben's head BLACKING OUT. INT. BROOM CLOSET - NIGHT OVER BLACK. Door Close. Shuffling. Crashing. GREG Find the damn light switch. MIRANDA Why are we in a fucking broom closet? Suddenly the light switches on illuminating the small room. GREG I had to get us out of there. A fight broke out, Police came in, I didn't want... I didn't want anything to happen...you know, to you. The both find a spot on the floor to sit. Both stressed out but secretly glad to be alone together. MIRANDA Well, thanks. But you could have been a little gentler. GREG I'm sorry, I wasn't really thinking about wrapping you in bubble wrap before pulling you into a closet. There is a pause between them realizing how ridiculous that statement was. They both break out laughing. MIRANDA Bubble wrap? GREG I don't know, that's just what I thought of! MIRANDA Looks, it's not a big deal. Just a little warning next time would be nice. I thought were going to like, drag me in here and rape me. GREG Rape you? Why would I rape you? We live in the same house I think I would have taken my opportunity long before this. MIRANDA Okay, I'll give you that. (beat) So why haven't you? GREG Huh? MIRANDA (Playfully, almost sarcastic, but seductive) You heard me. Why haven't you taken the opportunity yet? She begins crawling over to him seductively,on all fours, but keeping a safe distance between them. MIRANDA (Sarcastic Mocking) I mean, is it that I'm not good enough? I'm not pretty enough? She leans forward onto a bucket between them and the object slips out from under her causing her to fall. Greg helps her up and the two of them start laughing again at the awkward sexual tension piling up in the room. Miranda rubs the spot on her forehead. She constantly rubs her fingers back and forth feeling the liquid LSD still on the tips. MIRANDA Sorry, I get carried away sometimes don't I. GREG Hehe, yeah... Pause. MIRANDA So, why do you make such a big deal about the drugs? I know about your parents cutting you off and everything and that's why you need the money, but why are you so against selling it all of a sudden? GREG (Sighing) I just... a girlfriend of mine, from high school, she got into drugs. She started doing heroin and she OD'd on the shit. I didn't know what to do. I just left her in front of the hospital. I didn't even stay with her I was just so fucking scared. I didn't even know she was dead for almost a week. MIRANDA Oh... Oh my God. I'm, I'm so sorry Greg... GREG I never told anyone that story. I never really wanted to tell it. MIRANDA God, I'm sorry, I didn't know. GREG No, it's okay. I needed to tell someone. I'm just glad it was you. MIRANDA I'm glad you told me Greg. Pause. She leans over and kisses him and he kisses her back. She puts her hand on his cheek and he does the same. They begin to make out when Miranda pulls back suddenly. Greg is unsure why. MIRANDA Oh shit. GREG What? MIRANDA It's kicking in. GREG What's going on Miranda? MIRANDA I dropped some acid... She looks down at her fingers and slides them against one another again, feeling the liquid residue still on them. MIRANDA Shit...Sorry. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Justin has inexplicably gotten away from the fight in which he started and is now at the urinal relieving himself. He has a very prominent black eye and a guy opposite him is sitting against the wall extremely stoned. STONER You ever wonder what life would be like if we could see what other people were thinking? JUSTIN (Looking down to him, still peeing) Huh? STONER You know, if we could like, think and know what someone else was thinking. JUSTIN I mean, I guess I have. Justin sits down next to the Stoner. STONER I just feel like if we could know what it felt to be someone else, maybe we wouldn't get so pissed off at other people. Like wearing other people's shoes. JUSTIN What? He zips his pants and sits next to the Stoner. STONER You know, they say, to understand someone you have to take a walk in someone else's shoes for a day. Well maybe, if we could just look at someone and see what they were thinking we could understand what it's like to be them. Like really be them.... Whoa, that just got really real, really fast. JUSTIN Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe then we could have world peace. STONER Yeah, world peace. World pease. World please! Peas. The Stoner closes his eyes and leans his head on Justin's shoulder. Justin comforts the Stoner as they sit in silence for a moment. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The bag is pulled off of Ben's face. He finds himself in a hotel room, clean and newly rented. He is tied to a chair wearing only his boxers and socks. There are two large body guards in front of him. BEN Listen, guys, there's got to be a mistake here, you've got the wrong guy, I didn't do anything-- THUG #1 Shut it. You ain't talking your way outta shit. We know how much deep shit you're in and we know you know how much deep shit you're in. BEN What shit? I don't know about any shit. Which shit dare you referring to? THUG #2 How hard is your job? BEN I don't... what do you mean? THUG #2 We know you're good at it. You move tons of this shit in a few weeks. We go through the same routine every time. Drop the bag off in your special locker. You pick it up and that's that. THUG #1 You're the only other person with a key right? BEN Yeah, of course! I mean, your product's never in there for more than a few minutes-- THUG #1 Than would you mind telling us what the fuck happened to it? THUG #2 You do know that you had that shit on credit. Ten grand in coke. What do you think that'll cost you if you don't get it back? THUG #1 I'm thinking we'd probably have to bury him. THUG #2 (to Ben) Wallace would enjoy that. BEN Wait, now, exactly which one of you is it that is the head of the operation exactly? Which one of you is Wallace? THUG #1 What, you mean you don't know who's actually selling you your shit? THUG #2 You've never met Wallace? BEN Well, no. I mean, I've talked to him on the phone once or twice. I think.... I just send him letters with all the information if anything changes. He doesn't like to meet with the clients in person, or that's what he told me. THUG #2 Well, you better hope you never meet that motha fucker. Until then, you get your ass out there and get us our fucking money, or we gonna have ya ass. The men put the bag back onto his head and the screen CUTS TO BLACK. INT. RAVE - NIGHT The empty floor is now being cleared of trash and only a few people are left on the floor, more wandering than dancing. The music is off and Brooks is trying to get some semblance of order back in the building. Christina comes out to talk with him. CHRISTINA (In baby speak) Hey baby, is my big boy okay aftow all dat? BROOKS Yeah I'm fine. Where the hell did my sister go? CHRISTINA (Back to normal) I don't know, I thought I saw one of them slip into the bathroom, I have no idea where the other two went. Crash! Miranda and Greg collapse in the storage room. Brooks and Christina follow the noise. INT. STORAGE CLOSET - NIGHT Pitch black. Brook's opens the door. Light spills from the hall. Miranda and Greg are now in a heap on the floor. They look like worms flopping around, almost crawling on one another. Greg rubbing his face on Miranda's sweater, Miranda is rubbing a dirty mop against hers. BROOKS What the hell happened sis? MIRANDA (Stoned and loopy) Nothinnnnnnn. GREG (Just as loopy) She's been a very baaaaad girl. He sticks out his tougue and gives a plllllt. CHRISTINA Oh god, who the fuck gave them acid? MIRANDA I'm not telllllling! GREG Bought it, bought it! They continue to roll around and writhe on the floor. Justin stumbles in with the Stoner shoulder in shoulder laughing and enjoying a joke from down the hall. Justin stops when he sees Miranda and Greg in front of Christina and Brooks, the Stoner continues on. JUSTIN (To the Stoner) Hey, nice meeting you man. I'll see ya later. (To Greg and Miranda) Hey guys! I've been looking everywhere for you! GREG (Turning to see him) No! No, I don't want chocolate chip! I don't want it!! NO! JUSTIN (To Brooks & Christina) They're tripping aren't they? Nod. JUSTIN How long do you think they'll be out of it? BROOKS About four to six hours. JUSTIN Great. Okay, I'll take Greg home. Christina, will you get Miranda for me? CHRISTINA Yeah, she can stay with me. (To Miranda) Come on babe, let's go. She starts to pick her up. Miranda protests violently hanging on to her mop. Finally she wrenches the girl away, mop still in hand. JUSTIN (To Brooks) Mind helping me get him up. They lift Greg up onto Justin's shoulder almost completely supporting him. JUSTIN Come on, let's get you home. EXT. RAVE PARKING LOT - NIGHT They walk together into the night towards home. Greg stops suddenly, staring intensely into a street light above them. GREG (Slow and soft) You think... you that maybe there could be an entire universe trapped in that one little street lamp. Like one tiny ball of light making up planets and people. So many people.... There is a moment of intense silence between them as they stare quietly. GREG (Flipping out) Holy shit it's bats. Bat's everywhere! Get them off me! Justin grabs him and attempts to obstruct his movement. Finally he stops moving and calms again. JUSTIN Let's... let's just finish this day please. They walk into the darkness. FADE OUT INT. BEN'S LIVING ROOM - EARLY MORNING From in the fridge the door opens and Grant takes out a jug of orange juice and pours himself a glass leaving the door open. BEN Close the fuckin fridge door. GRANT Shut up, I'm getting something. He returns the bottle to the fridge closing it behind him. Ben is sitting on the couch with a BAG OF ICE on his forehead, hungover, bruised and battered, and tired as hell. Grant offers him the GLASS OF JUICE, he declines and Grant sets it on the coffee table. A hand, disembodied from below the table, reaches up and takes it instead. Grant stand opposite Ben's limp body, the table between them. GRANT Now what are we gonna do? BEN We're gonna get some fucking sleep. GRANT I mean about the shit. They've probably already sold half of it by now. What are we gonna do about that? BEN (Proud) I thought of something. Grant pauses waiting for him to answer. After a moment he is still silent, Ben has fallen asleep without Grant knowing. GRANT Well? BEN (Waking up) What? Oh, right. We hire a hitman. GRANT Wait what? Where are we gonna get the money for goddamn hitman?? BEN You still have some money left over from the last job? GRANT Oh fuck you, fuck you, we're not using my money to hire some guy to go kill some dumbass kids. BEN Look, we're in deep shit. Maybe you didn't realize that, but unless we get a big fuckin Christmas bonus we're screwed okay? Completely and utterly buttfucked. GRANT Well I don't want to kill them! That's just wrong Ben, I can't deal with that on my conscience. BEN Grant, YOU'RE A DRUG DEALER. What kind of moral compass do you have?? GRANT This is murder. BEN No, this is business; we will be murdered if we don't do something about it. Besides we're not even the ones doing the killing, he will. GRANT I...I just don't-- BEN Shut the fuck up Grant. Desperate times call for desperate fucking measures, ever heard that? Just SHUT UP and give me the damn phone. Grant pauses for a moment weighing his options, then hands Ben the phone unable to come to a better conclusion. Ben is still slumped against the back of the couch, ice on his face when he lifts the phone to his ear listening to the dial tone for a second. Pause. BEN Where do we find a hitman's phone number? TIME CUT CU Doorbell pressed. Hitman Mike sits down at the couch in front of Ben and Grant. He has a big scar on his face so you know he's serious business. In front of him is an open briefcase. He is twittling with the weapons inside of it including random torture devices similar in design to a corkscrew and a pair of trimming shears. His hair is neat and tightly gelled. He sits up straight listening. Only asking a question here and there. He wears a suit and his face is consistently a stone-cold expression, or lack-therof. GRANT So uh, you're a hitman? HITMAN MIKE Hitman Mike. GRANT And you... kill people...? HITMAN MIKE For money, yes. That's what a hitman does. BEN Okay so... we've gotten into some difficulties and we need you to find someone for us. He stares at the two of them waiting for more information. BEN Okay... we lost about four kilos of cocaine. They've probably sold a good bit of it by now-- HITMAN MIKE Who's they? BEN Well.. you see, that's the thing. We're not really sure who has it. GRANT ...Or where they are. HITMAN MIKE You don't know who they are or where they are, all you know is they stole your cocaine? BEN I know it's not much to go on-- HITMAN MIKE That's nothing to go on. I need something concrete. I'd rather not be wandering around this whole bloody city asking people if they stole four kilos of fucking cocaine. GRANT They go to the university here!... They're college kids... BEN (Scribbling something on a piece of paper then hands it to Hitman Mike) Here's a list of all of our regulars. They must have bought something from them by now. You can use this. Hitman Mike looks at the list for a moment. Thinks. Then grabs his black, leather gloves. HITMAN MIKE This is enough to start. I'll need two thousand to get things rolling. Plus about a thousand for expenses. We'll negotiate the rest when the job is done. Here's my card, have the money wired to me tonight. He closes his briefcase and leaves before they can say another word. They sit in their living room stupefied. The card says simply "Hitman Mike"/"Ask for Mike" GRANT I need a drink. He leaves the house. INT. DINING ROOM, GREG'S APARTMENT - DAY Justin is laying under the table asleep. The sounds of vomiting emanate from the kitchen's sink. Justin wakes up to see the sound is coming from Greg. He goes to greet him. GREG (Seeing Justin) Justin, what the hell happened to me? Why does my head hurt so much? JUSTIN I think that was from about six o'clock when you started banging it against the fridge. You kept saying you're trying to find Narnia... I think... That or something about corn. GREG What did Miranda do to me? She drugged me! She fucking drugged me! That bitch. I can't believe it. I just... what the fuck? JUSTIN I really don't think it was intentional. GREG So she UNINTENTIONALLY drugged me? What the fuck are you talking-- He feels another chunk coming up and he releases a bit more of his stomach contents. JUSTIN Acid can transfer through the skin man, or the tongue... GREG (Grabbing Justin's shirt pathetically) This is not fucking okay Justin. Do you see what's happening? Those drugs are messing us up. Look what she did to me? We could have been killed! He walks away from Justin into the living room where the duffel bag is poorly hidden under a coffee table. JUSTIN Come on Greg, calm down. It's okay, nothing happened. You're fine, I;m fine, Miri's fine. GREG Yeah I'm just peachy. I've still got no job, I'm in debt, I just spent the morning spewing into the sink-- JUSTIN By the way, do you think you could clean that out some time... GREG Forget it, I'm getting rid of it. I can't deal with having that around anymore.Looking what it's turning us into. JUSTIN Wait! I-- Greg pushes his way past Justin against his protests. He opens the door to see Miranda blocking his path looking particularly unhappy with him. GREG Wha--? MIRANDA I can't let you just throw all that out. GREG How did you...? She pushes him back into the room closing the door behind her. MIRANDA We are not gonna let the best bit of luck we've ever gotten just float away into the river Greg! GREG To hell with you! You drugged me! You fucking drugged me! MIRANDA I didn't know it was gonna turn out like it did! It was an accident Greg. GREG What is wrong with you Miranda? You just out for a little fun? Is that it? All you want to do is have fun? Do you have any idea what it's like to have all the pressures of debt and parents and expectations on top of you. MIRANDA Yeah I do ass hole. You think my parents have high expectations of me after the way my brother turned out? Fuck! I have as much to deal with as you do! I'm a welfare kid Greg. I don't have any fucking money. I need it just as much as you do, that's why I understood you, and I thought you would understand me! I never told you because I was always ashamed of it. I'm only here on scholarships up the ass. You don't think that scares me? GREG I... Miranda... I'm sorry. He pushes past her and runs out of the house leaving them alone, tears trickling down Miranda's cracked exterior. INT. GREG'S CAR - AFTERNOON Greg drives himself to the local bridge overlooking a big drainage river. He gets out of the car and grabs the duffel bag out of the passenger seat. EXT. BRIDGE - CONT. He carries it with him to the edge of the bridge looking over the fencing, contemplating if he should really go through with it all. He stares at the bag in his hand, gripping it tightly. Finally he LIFTS HIS ARM to throw the bag, but ultimately lets his hand fall to his side, deflated. He walks back to the curb and sits, bag at his side unable to make a move. Out of nowhere Grant, still unaware of Greg's drug possession, comes stumbling, drunk off his ass down the street up towards Greg falling face-first smack into the sidewalk. Greg jumps up to help him to sit straight. GREG (Helping Grant up) Hey, you okay? GRANT I'm just wonderful. (Beat) That's a lie. I'm drunk. I, I, I i i i, I just don't think.... GREG Why are you drunk? It's not even four o'clock. GRANT My liffffe sucksssss... GREG (Sarcastically) Tell me about it. GRANT (Taking it literally) Well, my girlfriend cheated on me, with some asshole. She dumped meeee. I got in a fight, I lost a... well a lot of money and now I'm gonna die. GREG Come on, I bet it's not that bad. GRANT But I need to kill somebody first! I mean, I don't need to kill them, I mean, I need to get my bag! I have a bag, like that one. Points to the duffle bag. GREG Oh, yeah, that's my gym bag. GRANT It's okay, it's not mine. Mine's special! GREG Hey, are you sure you're okay? You want me to take you home? GRANT To hell with homeee! I don't want to! GREG Well you can't stay out here like this, you're likely to get arrested for public drunkenness. Here let me help you. Greg lifts the drunk Grant up and walks to the car. He pops open the trunk by kicking the side of it with his foot and tosses the duffel bag into the trunk. He then puts Grant into the passenger seat and gets into the driver's side from there. GRANT Thanks mister. GREG No problem... Just don't throw up in my car. Please. INT. RAVE BACKROOM - CONT. Brooks and Christina are hanging in the backroom once again, smoke fills the air from a hookah surrounded by half-bake goofs. Brooks is on the phone with Miranda. BROOKS (Into the phone) He took it all? Where? (Pause) Well why didn't you follow him? (Pause) Well couldn't you just drive after him? (Pause) What do you mean you don't have a car? What happened to the Fiero dad got you? (Pause) Oh yeah, sorry about that, I promise I'll pay it back to you sometime. Christina comes over to him high from fumes. CHRISTINA (Yelling to the phone) Miri! What the hell's ya boyfriend gone and done now? Where's the coke? BROOKS (To Christina) Shut up for a second will you Christy? (To Miranda) I'm gonna come over there and kick some ass if we don't get things settled with your friend okay? No one talks to my sister like that. CHRISTINA Except you! Right baby! BROOKS Yeah sure hon. Now look, I'll be there as soon as I can okay? He hangs up the phone. CUT TO INT. BEN'S LIVING ROOM - CONT. Ben is yelling angrily into the phone and pacing back and forth in his living room. BEN Grant where the fuck are you?! Those Jamaican mafia ass-holes are on their way here right now and god help me if they get here and we don't have something to show for it. They are not happy... well I assume they're not happy. I mean, they're not happy with us, they could very well be happy about many other things... you get the point. Just get the fuck over here. He snaps his phone closed and hurls it into the couch. He paces for a moment longer. Unable to think of something to do he runs into his room and grabs a bag from his closet, tosses in clothes, magazines, toothbrush, then runs to the front door. Behind the open door he sees the two thugs from the night before waiting for him. BEN Shitballs. They bag his head. OVER BLACK SOUNDS: CAR TRUNK OPENS. BODY TOSSED IN. TRUNK CLOSES. EXT. GREG'S HOUSE - DAY Greg drives the car up to the house with the drunk Grant in the car with him, now nearly passed out. Miranda and Justin run out the front door to talk some sense into him. MIRANDA I can't believe you Greg! What were you thinking? GREG I was thinking that maybe I'm sick of worry about getting shot by drug dealers and arrested by the cops! JUSTIN Guys can't we-- MIRANDA Justin, go inside and call my brother, figure out where he is. JUSTIN Oh, okay... Justin leaves quietly avoiding their fight. GREG Miranda what's gotten into you? Ever since we found that... He takes notice of Grant in the car, unconscious, and lowers his voice. GREG (CONT') (Whispering) Ever since we found that shit you've changed. Something in you. Ever since you saw that money. I can't believe this! MIRANDA I can't believe you're turning this on me! I was the one who wanted to get rid of it in first place, you wanted to get some extra cash since you can't deal with your parents cutting you off! GREG You can't deal with the fact that you were wrong and you really wanted all that money! MIRANDA You just can't deal with the fact that you like me! There is a silence between them for a moment as they come to the realization that what she said is completely true. After a moment there is some shuffling around in the car followed by a door opening and Grant falling into a heap at the tire of the car. MIRANDA Who the fuck is that? GREG He's... he's just a friend chill out. MIRANDA Do not tell me to chill. I can't believe you would do this. How do you even know him? What were you thinking bringing some drunk loser over here. Grant struggles getting himself up and stumbles over to the two fighting. GREG This is none of your business. He's fine, he's just drunk that's all, don't try to tell me that you're the big advocate of anti drugs now-- GRANT (Drunken) May I interject a moment please. MIRANDA Excuse me, no you may-- GRANT (Ignoring her) It just seems like you two have a thing going on here. Like you know, not just a thing, but a thing. It's obvious you care about each other. Why don't you two just admit it. I've barely been around you five minutes and I can tell you're both just to scared to say anything about it. We all get scared around people we like because we don't want to get rejected, but trust me, love is worth it in the end. Even if she's a lying rotten whore! You'll be glad it happened because it'll change you and maybe you'll realize she was right about certain things, and that you should have listen to her, but maybe, just maybe you'll listen and you'll feel better about it all. Miranda is dumbstruck. They both stare at him then back to one another. GRANT I'm gonna take a nap now. He falls over sideways and passes out in their front lawn. INT. DINING ROOM, GREG'S APARTMENT - LATER Grant is getting himself together now. He is sobered up and dusting himself off. Miranda and the others have now taken a liking to Grant and they seem to be good friends now. MIRANDA Thanks for coming Grant, it was great meeting you. GRANT Just remember what I said okay? GREG Yeah, yeah we will okay. You sure you can't stay any longer? GRANT No, I have work to get done. (To Justin) By the way, sorry again about hitting you the other day. JUSTIN No hard feelings man. GRANT Take it easy guys. MIRANDA You too Grant. They all say their goodbyes and Grant waves them off as he leaves, walking into the sunset clichely. MIRANDA So, about what he said. GREG Let's not worry about it okay? It's over. Come on, let's get some dinner. MIRANDA Dinner sounds great, but you're paying! JUSTIN Yeah you pay! INT. CAR - DAY The three college kids are driving, listening to music and rocking out. MIRANDA I can't believe you just threw away a few thousand dollars in cocaine...You kept the bag right? GRANT Um, yeah... why? MIRANDA The money was in the bag too. GRANT What?! I can't believe you would put all that money in same bag with a bunch of drugs. What were you thinking? JUSTIN (From the back seat, unable to hear what they're saying up front) What about drinking? I haven't been drinking, have you? GREG You're out of you're element Justin, just forget about it. Police Sirens and FLASHING LIGHTS. Greg turns the music down. GREG Shit. MIRANDA Just be cool. I'm sure everything's fine. GREG Miranda. The coke's in the trunk. MIRANDA What the fuck?? GREG I didn't get rid of it. MIRANDA What the fuck do you mean you didn't get rid of it?!? GREG I didn't get rid of-- The cop approaches the car and Greg stops his wording mid-sentence. GREG (CONT') --Hi officer. The "Police officer" walks around the side window of the vehicle showing that he is actually one of the Jamaican Thugs who bagged Ben. THUG #1 Looks like it's not yo lucky day. (Taking out his pistol) Get out of the fucking car. INT. POLICE CAR - DAY The two Jamaican Drug dealers are sitting in the front seat, thug #2 driving, while Greg, Miranda, and Justin are being held in the back. GREG Well this could be better. MIRANDA Yeah, you think? This is probably the worst possible goddamn thing I could think to happen at this very moment. THUG #1 Hey, shut the fuck up back there, I didn't say you could talk. The car comes to a stop. THUG #2 Okay kiddies, we're here. They pull the three of them out of the car and line them up. They find themselves in a deserted plain in the middle of a half-assed dirt road in the middle of literally nowhere. EXT. DESERTED FIELD - DAY As the three students are lined up at gunpoint by Thug #1 awaiting their orders while Thug #2 opens up the trunk and pulls out the bound and gagged Ben. Ben cries pitifully behind the tape gag. He has never been more terrified. Thug #2 also tosses a couple of shovels next to Ben. Ben sees the shovels and begins his sniveling again. Another car approaches the group of five out in the field. Miranda, Justin, and Greg for a split second feel some kind of relief but when they see the thugs smile at the car their demeanor reverts to fear. Out of the car pops a small Jamaican Woman with a large Afro and gaudy jewelry draped over herself. She walks with a swagger eight feet tall and an attitude no one would dare touch. THUG #1 Wallace, good to see you. THUG #2 Glad you could make it girl. Ben looks up at her breaking his sobs with a horribly confused "hmmm??" WALLACE I don' want to hear your damn "Hello"s and "Thank you very much"s, you know I don't like you kissin' my ass. (Looking at the three college kids) Who is this? This is da best you could come up wit? I guess it don' much matter eh. Alright you three, get to diggin. We don' want to be here all god-forsaken night. They stare unable to fathom what she is requesting of them. WALLACE Well don' just stand there. Pick up them fuckin' shovels and start diggen eh? Thug #2 points his gun at them forcefully and the grab their shovels. They begin digging. EXT. GREG'S CAR - CONTINUOUS Brooks, Christina and a couple of guys from the club are inspecting Greg's Abandoned Car. They cannot find any trace of why it was abandoned at the side of the road so hastily. Brooks has his cell phone out. INSERT: Miranda's Phone in the back of the Police Car vibrating. Brooks hangs up the phone in dismay. CHRISTINA Brooks, I don't like this. I feel like something is wrong here. BROOKS Yeah, how do you think I feel? She's my sister. CHRISTINA She could be dead. Who knows what could have happened with all that junk. BROOKS It's for exactly times like these that I planted a tracking device in her phone. He pulls out a tracking device. BROOKS (To the club members) Take my car back to her place. See if anything's been fucked around with. He hops into the front seat of Greg's car. Christina walks around to the passenger door. BROOKS What the hell are you doing? CHRISTINA I'm going with you. Miri's my best friend, and don't act like I'm little miss helpless. She pulls out a six-shot revolver from her high-laced boot. BROOKS This is why I love you baby. He revs up the engine. EXT. DESERTED FIELD - CONTINUOUS The hole the college kids are digging has now become substantially deeper. It's obviously a horribly laborious job for the kids. Wallace has set up a folding chair to watch the festivities. The other two thugs are posted up against the Police Car. One of them has a glass in his hand and takes a long, drawn-out sip. EXT. BEN'S APARTMENT - DAY Grant is walking to the door of his apartment looking for his keys in his pocket. He notices Ben's car is still there. He looks at it curiously as he pulls out his keys to open the front door. Gun Click from behind Grant. GRANT Aw Fuck. Not again. EXT. DESERTED FIELD - CONTINUOUS The hole the kids have made is getting rather deep at this point and they are all exhausted. WALLACE Alright, dat looks like it'll be good enough for the four of dem. GREG Excuse me? THUG #1 What you think we can just bring out out here, watch us kill a motha fucka then just let you go on your la-di-da way? You got another thing coming don't you? MIRANDA Are you saying we just dug our own fucking graves? THUG #2 That's the way it looks isn't it? The two thugs take out their pistols and hold them up to the college kids. MIRANDA (Desperate) Whoa, wait a second, what the fuck? Why are you even trying to kill this guy? Whatever it is, I'm sure we could work it out! Look we have money. We can get lots of it. Come on, just don't do this, please! The thugs ignore her please entirely. They cock back the hammers in their guns and aim them. GUNSHOT. Thug #1 goes down, blood oozing from his shoulder. Behind him Christina stands with her six shooter outstretched. She is standing behind the open passenger door of Greg's car. The Second Thug turns abruptly pointing his gun right at her. Wallace has taken into hiding beneath her own car. THUG #2 Who the fuck are you? BROOKS (O.S.) Why don't you put the gun down and we'll talk like civilized people? Brooks comes up from beside the thug's car, his own gun drawn, pointing at the Second Thug. CHRISTINA (To Miranda) Hi Miri! Miranda, still scared and unsure what to do gives a little half-wave in return. THUG #2 (nervously) Man fuck you. You try it, see what happens pretty boy! BROOKS What happens is I put a seven millimeter hole in your fucking skull. CHRISTINA (Lightheartedly) I'll put two! There is a brief moment of silence between the three when suddenly the First Thug jumps up from the ground, his shoulder bleeding profusely and wrestles Brooks to the ground. The college kids stare at them unable to move at the moment. Ben is even worse, almost in comatose at the scene he is witnessing. Justin finally makes his own move and knocks the Second Thug to the ground with his shovel. Christina jumps over the car hood and runs to help Brooks. She tries to wrestle the thug off of him but the First Thug won't let go. Miranda jumps out of the hole along with Justin to attack the Second Thug. The Thug kicks Justin back into the hole and straight onto Greg knocking them both over. Miranda grabs the the Thug's Gun and points it at him on the ground. Loud Gunshot. Everyone stops moving. Christina and Brooks are clinging to the First Thug, his arm still bleeding. Miranda stands over the Second Thug, gun pointed. Everyone turns to see Wallace now holding a Desert Eagle into the air, still smoking. WALLACE Now listen to me you motha fuckas. You gonna get the fuck outta here or I'm gonna kill every motha fuckin' one o' you. MIRANDA Do it. I dare you, I'll pop a cap in this mother fucker so fast... She looks down at the Second thug on the ground. Then shoots him in the chest. Miranda screams at the shot and subsequent blood squirt. The gun falls from her hand as she covers her face. Wallace moves right up next to her. WALLACE You done fucked wit the wrong bitch today you little cunt. Now you all gonna drop yo guns and get the fuck out of here. Ben mumbles something frantically. WALLACE Except you, you goin in the motha fuckin ground today as long as I'm standing on this motha fuckin dirt. Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, Hitman Mike comes up form behind Wallace and bashes her in the head with Ben's baseball bat. She collapses in a heap. Everyone is silent. HITMAN MIKE What? I had to shut that bitch up somehow. Grant pops up from behind him. GRANT Hey guys! Glad we found you! GREG (Finally coming out of his stupor) How... How did you find us? HITMAN MIKE I'm a hitman, it's what I do. EXT. DESERTED FIELD - LATER Grant is untying Ben, Ben is still in shock, unable to comprehend what has happened to him. Hitman Mike pops open the trunk of Greg's car and grabs the duffle bag out of it. In the background he begins to divide up the cash and the drugs. Miranda, Greg, Justin, Brooks, and Christina are all standing next to one another bandaging their wounds. BROOKS So this has been an interesting day hasn't it? GREG You have no idea. The First Thug is now handcuffed in the back of his own stolen Police Car. MIRANDA (Motioning to the remaining Thug) What are we gonna do about him? BROOKS Oh I'm sure someone will come along soon enough... Like the local authorities which I called three minutes ago. Hitman Mike comes over to their group and tosses them the duffel bag. Greg looks into it first. GREG Hey, where's all the money? HITMAN MIKE My fee. I'm a hitman, it's what I do. MIRANDA Great, what are we supposed to do with a duffel bag full of drugs? GREG (Looking to the big hole they just dug) Why don't we just burry it? I'd rather not have to deal with something like this again. JUSTIN Hey, I've got an idea... CUT TO INT. RAVE - EVENING The STONER from the bathroom before hands Justin a large wad of cash taking the duffel bag and the rest of its contents with him. Miranda and Greg are sitting at the bar trying to make awkward conversation but mainly just playing with their drinks. Justin joins them. JUSTIN Well I'd say we made it out of this pretty well huh? MIRANDA Well I mean we did get the money... GREG And we're not dead. That sounds like a victory to me. Toast? They raise their glasses up together and take a drink. JUSTIN I feel like things just aren't going to be as exciting, you know,now that we almost died and all. GREG I think I can deal with that. I'd rather just get drunk and forget about the whole thing. Beat MIRANDA So....I've got some of that acid left over... anyone interested? CUT TO BLACK CREDITS ROLL Written and Directed by: Morgan Szymanski