Distribution : Stephen Follows - Things I’ve overheard at the Cannes Film Festival by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Stephen Follows - Things I’ve overheard at the Cannes Film Festival


Cannes hasn’t even officially started yet, but already we’re getting signs of how things are shifting. A few things I’ve noticed so far:

* Tickets are going to be harder to get than ever before.

* With the number of attendees rising, and (allegedly) more tickets going to sponsors, there are fewer and fewer tickets for normal attendees.

* More past exhibitors are eschewing a booth for just coffees.

* The value of being physically in the Palais or one of the major hotels is diminishing, with many sales professionals choosing to operate from the bars and cafes around town.

* Fewer national parties and events. I’ve heard from a number of national bodies who say they have scaled back their Cannes spending to less lavish levels.

In honour of another round of Cannes madness, today I’m publishing a collection of very real, very revealing things I have overheard at the Cannes Film Festival. You can read the collection here:


I have a favour to ask. This year I’ll be in Cannes with someone who has not been before. I would like to show them all the sides of Cannes at least once, but in the past I’ve not been much of a ‘red carpet / party’ kinda guy.

Are you able to invite me to an event? Or help me get a couple of tickets to one of the gala screenings?

I’ll be forever grateful and in return offer no end of film data stats and analysis! Invite, connection, tips - anything you can do to help would be appreciated.

See you in Cannes, or next week on the newsletter if you’ve sensibly decided not to attend!



Click on the link for more insights into Stephen’s overheard conversations.

Things I've overheard at the Cannes Film Festival
Things I've overheard at the Cannes Film Festival
I have been attending the film Cannes Film Festival for almost twenty years, and over that time, I've heard some pretty mad things. I used to keep a loose list of the funniest and most revealing comme…
Jack Vincent

Hi Geoff.

I’m arriving in Cannes tomorrow morning. Will you be there? Let’s meet.

Geoff Hall

Hi Jack, sadly not. My Producer is there. Cannes is still on the list to go there sometime, but alas not this year. I hope you have a great and profitable time. Are you going to the Marche with a film?

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