OTT & Transmedia

The place to discuss, share content and offer tips and advice to OTT - "Over the Top" streaming and Transmedia – the technique of telling a single story or story across multiple platforms including, but not limited to, games, books, events, films and television. 

Geoff Hall
First came DVDs. Then came streaming movies and TV. Now, Netflix is betting big on video games—and new release ‘Oxenfree II’ may be just the beginning of a long-term plan.

“Still, even as Krankel talks up the company’s slow-and-steady approach, he’s visibly animated about what the mid- to long-term future at Netflix holds. On the subject of “transmedia storytelling,” surely the buzziest term in all of entertainment, he says “the momentum is real” and that it’s “always...

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Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Well they're not that good at movies, so maybe this will work.

Geoff Hall

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg Oh my, do I detect a little cynicism there, Shadow?

Ashley Renee Smith

That's so interesting! Thank you for sharing, Geoff Hall!

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith thank you kindly, Ashley.

Sam Sokolow

I remember the the VCR was going to destroy the movie industry. Didn't happen. It expanded the industry. Some technology that threaten creators should be regulated. But technology that offers audience...

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Geoff Hall
The Launch of a New Multi-Platform Transmedia Company

"Pangea Entertainment Productions represents the next step in interactive storytelling. I'm excited to help lead new content initiatives that touch multiple platforms. We're just getting started at PEP to build an incredible library of transformative experiences that marry new technology with sports...

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Pangea Entertainment Productions announces launch of new multi-platform transmedia company
Pangea Entertainment Productions announces launch of new multi-platform transmedia company
PRNewswire/ -- Pangea Entertainment Productions, the newest studio blending the latest innovations in technology, video games, sports and entertainment, has...
Geoff Hall

Things are hotting up in the Transmedia universe.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

On the other hand - prnewswire is a budget press release service... (things industry looks at when assessing the seriousness of a company)... The Pangea Entertainment website just says "we have realms"... It's been a couple months now since that press release, haven't seen anything

Geoff Hall

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg good to know, Shadow. I’ll keep a lookout on my Goggle Alerts for this one.

Ashley Renee Smith
The Purge Transmedia Universe

While The Purge is far from my favorite horror series (I haven't even seen them all), I am incredibly impressed by the larger storytelling universe that has been created through the films and television series. The below article talks about how the franchise's genre-bending and experimentation is wh...

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The Purge Franchise Thrived Thanks to an Unlikely Sequel
The Purge Franchise Thrived Thanks to an Unlikely Sequel
The Purge franchise introduced an admittedly terrifying concept to movies. But its success stemmed from a massive change in formula.
Sam Sokolow

Success begets success. I'm not the biggest horror fan in general but really impressed with the way they've expanded this brand and grown something off the spark of the first film. Really cool. Thanks...

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Ashley Renee Smith

That sounds so cool, Niki H! I miss Comic Con so much.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm sure that isn't an easy thing to do, Ashley Renee Smith ("change up its approach and story each time, while still staying true to the world and rules that have been established"). "The Hangover 2"...

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Ashley Renee Smith

That's true, Maurice Vaughan! I think it comes down to the approach. I also didn't love The Hangover 2 because it felt a bit stale to me and too similar to the original, without being as surprising an...

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Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith I’m not a big fan of this kind of horror, I mostly prefer J-horror or supernatural horror. But there’s things to be learned from this in terms of Transmedia potential....

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Terrence Sellers
Xtreme Saga Book 1 - Chapter 2 is available Now!

If you saw my last post in this lounge, then you hopefully checked out Xtreme Saga chapter 1. Today, we released chapter 2. We'll also be releasing a comic for this IP later this month. Both the novel and the comic will add new content every month.

You can find both chapters of the novel free at this...

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Stephen Rhodes
Ask Me Anything (AMA) 8/16 to 8/17- Writing for Video Games & Interactive Storytelling

Hey everyone, thanks for taking part in the AMA today about writing for video games and interactive storytelling. Before we get started, here's a little bit of info about me.

I have been in the games industry for thirteen years. During that time I have worked as a writer for a number of studios & pub...

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Emily J

Hi Stephen Rhodes! Thanks for doing this AMA! I would love to know what your favorite project has been to work on and why?

Stephen Rhodes

Thanks so much Amir Mo for the question - I think the best way for you to break in would be to demonstrate you can take your existing writing experience and apply it to interactive narratives by creat...

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Stephen Rhodes

Hi Petula Miller and thank you. Great question! Most desirable skills I look for are a collaborative mindset, professional writing experience of any kind, a clear and unique voice, and understanding o...

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Stephen Rhodes

Hi there Emily J thanks for your question! This is a tough one to answer. I feel like I have enjoyed every project I have been involved with for different reasons, whether its because of the people I...

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Petula Miller

Yes Stephen Rhodes , this is particularly encouraging to read. Thanks again for doing this AMA!

Geoff Hall
Transmedia and Convergence Culture

In his AMA, Will Maurer referenced this article in his response to my question. It’s by Henry Jenkins on the theme of Transmedia and Convergence Culture. It’s a great read and challenging too, so I thought I’d drop in here as its own post, so that it doesn’t get lost in the AMA comments.

What are you...

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Geoff Hall

This comment in the article by Jenkins stood out for me:

Transmedia producers have found it difficult to achieve the delicate balance between creating stories which make sense to first time viewers and...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Is this the article you're referring to?

The link takes us to a list of several blog posts.

Karen "Kay" Ross

As to your quote, yeah, I'd imagine it is difficult for Transmedia Producers to lead teams that can execute the vision in different mediums. This has always been the case, and separating the teams see...

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Geoff Hall

Karen "Kay" Ross Hi Kay, Oops, sorry about that. Here’s the link:

As for Transmedia Producers, perhaps to help with that ‘delicate b...

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PolyD Flynt
not sure if I/we have done this yet? top25 fave filmmakers/scriptwriters of all time?

  1. Jim Henson, 2. David Cronenberg, 3. Don Hertzfeldt, 4. Hal Hartley, 5. Park Chan-wook, 6. Lars Von Trier, 7. Richard Donner, 8. Kathryn Bigelow, 9. Kim Peirce, 10. Casey Pugh, 11. David Firth, 12. David Feiss, 13. Henry Selick, 14. Spalding Gray, 15. Shane Carruth, 16. Alan Moyle, 17. Brendon Small
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PolyD Flynt

robert bolt wow that's going back a ways, I tend to focus on more modern filmmakers, I love the older films (rope being my favourite hitchcock, harvey/double wedding and duck soup my favourite b+ws) b...

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PolyD Flynt

and I have seen seven samurai I liked it alot. but kiyoshi is a new one to me. looks like my kind of thing I love japanese film - esp. miike, not huge on chinese but loved the ip man series. unpopular opinion: citizen kane = overrated, touch of evil on the other hand genius.

PolyD Flynt

yeah I need to watch lawrence of arabia

Geoff Hall

Kiyoshi’s masterpiece:

Sam Sokolow

Billy Wilder tops my list. Gotta shout out Stanley Kubrick and Tarantino. And the great Nora Ephron.

Terrence Sellers
A New Addition to the Xtreme Saga Project

You might have seen me post about Xtreme Saga in the other lounges. I should take the time to post about it more in the transmedia lounge, as it's always been a transmedia project.

Xtreme Saga is an IP that I was hired to develop for a tech company as a marketing project. Originally, I was hired to w...

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Sam Sokolow

Really cool that instead of using funding limitations as an excuse to stop, you and the team found creative ways to launch the brand and create intellectual property that you can continue to build aro...

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Nick Waters

Congrats on getting your first chapter published Terrence Sellers! What's the next step for you on this project?

Terrence Sellers

Nick Waters We will be releasing the first 3 issues of the comic series in August and the second chapter of the novel. From there, we will continue to release chapters of the novel monthly and issues...

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Will Maurer
Ask Me Anything (AMA) 7/27 to 7/28- Transmedia Storytelling

Hey Everyone! Thanks for spending your Thursday with me for an AMA on Transmedia Storytelling.

I’ve spent the last 20 years developing, producing, storytelling and running companies that have produced content for Disney, Hulu, WB, NBC, Sony, Riot, Legendary, Stan Lee, Village Roadshow, Happy Madison...

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Geoff Hall

Will Maurer hi Will, I’ll DM you with more context of the story.

Emily J

Hi Will Maurer! Thanks for doing this AMA! I would love to know if there's been a particular transmedia project you've loved working on and what it was that made it such an exciting project?...

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Will Maurer

Hello Emily, apologies for the delayed response! What a great final question.

I've worked on quite a few projects where we've developed a transmedia strategy that I really loved creating, including pr...

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Will Maurer

@everyone - WOW! What amazing questions, and what a fantastic community that I got to share my day with. I really hope that everyone was able to gain some meaningful insights from this AMA.

Until next time...

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks again for having this AMA, @Will Maurer! And thanks for all the phenomenal answers! Have an incredible weekend.

Will Maurer
The Witcher: Adventures of Geralt The Great In The Transmedia World

Here's a short, well written article that I thought did a great job of providing an overview of the Transmedia storytelling of The Witcher:

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The Witcher: Adventures of Geralt The Great In The Transmedia World
The Witcher: Adventures of Geralt The Great In The Transmedia World
There's a reason why the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" (...or rather a movie) exists. It's because adaptations and narratives play a huge part in storytelling which have the power to trap...
Emily J

This is fantastic, thanks for sharing!

Ashley Renee Smith

Love this! Thank you for sharing, Will Maurer! The Witcher has been such a great transmedia franchise to follow over the last few years! I haven't had a chance to start the new season yet, but I'm hop...

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Leonardo Ramirez

I love this Will Maurer . Whenever I create an IP, it's with transmedia in mind. One of them (Haven of Dante) has a lineage with others owning the mantle before her all the way up to Dante Alighieri....

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Ashley Renee Smith
Today's Vlog- The Evolution of Storytelling: AI, Virtual Reality, the Metaverse & ChatGPT

Hey Transmedia Storytellers,

Don't miss out on today's great vlog sharing a full video of Stage 32's Cannes 2023 Panel, The Evolution of Storytelling: AI, Virtual Reality, the Metaverse & ChatGPT. There's a ton of useful information shared from Sami Apra, CEO of Largo Film, Christopher Morrison, Fou...

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Sam Sokolow

What an amazing group of innovators and thought leaders on that panel. This is a a great share and I recommend everyone dig into this as this topic needs constant discussion and attention. Thanks, Ashley!

Ashley Renee Smith
Clark Kent & Lois Lane Cast!

After many months of rumors and speculation, our new Clark Kent and Lois Lane have officially been announced! David Corenswet is set to play Superman and Rachel Brosnahan will be playing Lois Lane in James Gunn’s Superman: Legacy. How does everyone feel about these choices?

As a HUGE Lois Lane fan,...

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Maurice Vaughan

I think they're gonna be great as Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane, Ashley Renee Smith. They have the looks and talent.

Eon C. Rambally

James Gunn, is certainly a "big name", international figure, it will be a highly anticipated film, particularly after the relevant highlights, that was given. Both actors according to general comments...

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Sam Sokolow

Rachel Brosnahan seems like an inspired choice for Lois Lane. Excited to see her inhabit that role. I'm not as familiar with David Corenswet's work but like way back with Christopher Reeve it can be great for Superman to be a fresh face. Very cool.

Ashley Renee Smith

I completely agree, Sam Sokolow! It's a great opportunity to have a newer face and perspective on Clark Kent.

Elaine Haygood

I will probably sit this one out.

While I'm not a huge fan of Henry Cavill. He got a bad deal as they insisted he quit The Witcher series in order to do the next Supes movie ONLY to them dump him AFTER he'd made the public announcement about leaving the show.

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