Post your loglines. Get and give feedback.


By Tasha Lewis

GENRE: Other

Logline-The Continuation; Living Your Destiny


The Synopsis is located on the loglines section. Fun Fact Due to the fact that Searching for the Perfect Place is Fiction based on real life but is extended into The Continuation: Living Your Destiny, which is Self Help containing historical facts, the two maybe able to be merged by using a technique called “Middle Name Addition.” This will be reviewed by my legal counsel to ensure if it can be done. Model for photo is Tasha Lewis. (Location Malaga, Spain 1994) Genre Hybrid Self Help Non Fiction Making of being worked on and edited. 2022-2023 Historical Facts being researched See below for details. Phase I IMovie App Review additional footage Dailies being reviewed. Phase II Funding See Budget Challenge (See my wall on the article on Film Studios.) I will be combining my budget challenge with sponsors and a few investors. Obtaining sponsors If you would like to be added to the list, contact The ICC Group. State Film Tax Credits Update on funding forthcoming Adding Guarantees (Salaries) Talent Budget Challenge (Initial post today April 30, 2023) See my first project for updates in this section.. Phase III Script Consultation Date To Be Decided In discussion Phase IV Selecting music Here’s one of the musicians in the book. He is featured in a concert at the Eden Rock Hotel on Miami Beach, Florida in my book. Listened to one of his tunes on the radio at one of my work stations yesterday. Location shoots being selected from each chapter and events. Luxury Films, Barter Week, and Hubzu. Script Being reviewed and shared in script consultation and illustrations. Being shared with characters in the novel for their review for accuracy. Reason after having so many issues with some of my fiction book, I thought it might be wise to do the same with my self help book which contains historical facts that are being changed as we speak. Wait till you find out why in my interviews. Copyright @2015-2025 All rights reserved

Tasha Lewis

My humblest apologies for not having the technical issues resolved in a timely manner. Will have It resolved this week. If anyone was inconvenienced by it, send me a private message for some great freebies.

Vincent Turner

What is this one about?

Tasha Lewis

It is a self help story that is connected to one of my previous publications.

Vincent Turner

You want to make it into a feature or documentary?

Nathaniel Baker

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Vincent, my apologies for just responding. Didn't get the notification. I think maybe feature or TV Series due to array of topics.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating it Nathaniel.

Ben Gilani

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating it Ben.

Tasha Lewis

Stage 32 Community

Please provide your comments, feedback and ratings during Introduce You Weekend. I'm trying to prepare for my meetings with executives.

Thank you in advance.

Laurence Singer

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for your feedback Laurence. I appreciate it.

Tasha Lewis

Important note about Genre Self Help but main character has a connection to a previous publication. For this reason the main character was fictionalized to remain consistent. Most of the other names are true and only first names.

Amazing Kacee

Rated this logline

Amazing Kacee

this is not a logline, research what a logline is and isn't best of luck

Tasha Lewis

Thank you Kacee for your input.

Rod Burke

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Rod Burke

My only issue was what it was about but after reading comments I understand

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for your rating and comments Rod Burke! I appreciate them!

Tasha Lewis

Rod Burke. The Continuation-Living Your Destiny is a Self Help book with a connection to my first novel Searching for the Perfect Place, which is fiction based on real life events. The main character and a few others names have remained the same for continuity sake. Monique is a real person and her name is fictional in both. My train of thought was if I reveal it in the second book then it will disclose characters from my previous novel that I wanted to protect their anonymity. My challenges were that events in the second book were real life and historical; so I know some of the individuals might say I know Monique by another name. When I meet with legal counsel, I will see how to bridge the gap between real life events and fiction.

Tasha Lewis

Claudio Malagrino would you be so kind and tell me how you arrived at your rating? Thank you for sharing!

Judith Grace Bassat

Tasha, I appreciate your earnestness, but yours is not a logline. It's just two generic phrases separated by a semi-colon, and is the same as your title. The logline has to be a very compressed description of what your film is about. Do you have a main character? What does the character want and what does he or she have to go through to get it? You don't have to give the actual name of the person. What's the setting? Just give readers a feeling, the flavor, of what the film is about. Good luck!

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for your feedback Judith Grace Bassat. The main character is mentioned twice with detailed descriptions in the loglines. Please review again and provide feedback.

Judith Grace Bassat

This is the logline you present: Logline-The Continuation; Living Your Destiny. The other part is the synopsis. Execs won't read your synopsis unless they like your logline.

Tasha Lewis

Judith Grace Bassat you have to click on the link to read both. I had some technical issues back then which led me to post link to loglines and synopsis.

Tasha Lewis

The link to my loglines is being fixed. In the meantime, click on the title and you will be redirected to the loglines and synopsis.

Kevin Johnson

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Kevin Johnson.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Lyter Daniel.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Johan M. Ramos.

Nadir Akhmerov

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Steven Blows

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you Steven Blows for rating my loglines and synopsis.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you Nadir Akhmerov for rating my loglines and synopsis.

Johan M. Ramis

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you everyone for providing your feedback and ratings. Pre Production starts this fall.

Robert Sacchi

Rated this logline

Robert Sacchi

A novel approach to the Logline section.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you James for rating my loglines!

Tasha Lewis

Thank you Robert for rating my loglines!

Shayanne 'Jonni Vegaz' Andujar

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Thank you Shayanne (Jonni Vegas) Andujar for rating my work.

Mark Bowes

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Mark Bowes.

Grant Wiggins

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project Grant Wiggins.

Danny Alex

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project Danny Alex.

J.B. Storey

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project Jeremy Storey.

Kerson Raymond

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project Kerson Raymond.

Roberto Negron

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project Roberto Negron.

Renata Elis

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Renata Elis.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Mary Johnson.

Natlie Pitt

Tasha Kacee is wrong, don't listen to her

Natlie Pitt

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Thank you Natalie Pitt for rating and your kind words. I value her opinion as well. Perhaps when she sees it on screen it may change her mind.

Chris Robertson

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Joey Peres

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project Jose Peres.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project Manuele Bonafede.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my project!

Tasha Lewis


Trailer being reviewed in a focus group.

Nich Esposito

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Arthur Charpentier

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Nicholas Esposito.

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines Arthur Charpentier.

Alex Cassun

Rated this logline

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for your rating! Any recommendations?

Volkan (Walkie ) Durakcay

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Preston Michael Simpson

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