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By Lisa Penner Dang

GENRE: Family, Animation

A Swiss Mountain dog with separation anxiety calls in a group of Special Ops Akita to get the top Akita in the country to the biggest dog show to compete.


Andrin is a rescue Swiss Mountain dog that has high separation anxiety. He lives with his man human and Lady human in the Woodstock neighborhood of Portland Oregon. He pines for Eclipse, the top Akita in the country who won’t acknowledge his presence. Andrin’s superpower is he can dial the phone. He is notorious for ordering pizza and Bow Wow boxes.

His buddies Peebee, a Golden Retriever, Emiko, a Japanese Akita, and Izzy a female Terrier mix all live in his neighborhood. Andrin is paranoid that his humans are getting a new lap dog to replace him.

When climate change goes mad, the PDX airport is shut down. Eclipse calls on Andrin to contact a group of special Ops Akita the Muffin Butt Society. He’s the only one that can help her. The Society has its own private plane and must get Eclipse to the Galaxy Dog Show in New York City.

Miss Finch-Feather is Eclipses dog handler. She learned the art of dog handling from Astrid Ballzelly, a famous British dog handler from an early age apprenticing under her. The Muffin Butt Society comes up with a plan to kidnap Miss Finch-Feather and fly her to the dog show.

Andrin, Peebee, Emiko, and Izzy come along for the adventure.

Miss Finch-Feather wakes up in New York on a park bench and is reunited with Astrid Ballzelly.

At first, Astrid thinks she’s giving money to a homeless lady Confused about how she got there, she knows she has to compete. She has no phone and can’t contact Eclipses’ owners.

After Eclipse wins best in the working class it’s time to compete for Best in Show.

All dog owners are desperate to find their pets. They see them on TV and are convinced that Miss Finch-Feather is a dognapper. They have her arrested. She thinks all is lost. Astrid contacts the owners and explains what happened. All charges are dropped.

Eclipse wins Best in Show. All of the dogs are returned to their owners. Andrin finds out his humans had a baby and didn’t get a new dog. Eclipse makes some new friendships and is eternally grateful to the Muffin Butt Society.

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