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By Bianca Y. Michaels

GENRE: Other, Documentary

A sustainability consultant goes to people's homes, offices or small businesses, and shows them how to live and work sustainably and in line with their personal values. (Think "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo" meets "Queer Eye")


In a streamed series of 10 episodes, a savvy sustainability consultant and busy single mom (me), shows various types of people how they can improve their lifestyles so they can live in a way that is aligned with their personal values.

For example:

A stay-at-home mom can learn how to live a minimalist, sustainable lifestyle on a budget.

A small office in a design agency can learn how to have a zero waste office, including how to minimize the use of paper or use ethically sourced paper.

A fashion influencer can learn how to become cruelty free and even re-brand as a slow-fashion influencer.

A local restaurant owner can learn how to lead an ethical food business and how to compost.

Every episode will include a lot of very important concepts that will help viewers imagine what a sustainable future looks like! The world is in dire need of SCIENCE-BASED and PRACTICAL information on how to live green.

Bianca Y. Michaels

Mary Johnson Wow, that was painful. What's so bad about it? :)

Angela Cristantello

Hi there, Bianca! I actually think that this is a GREAT and ultra commercial concept. The only real thing that I'd consider is building in some semblance of what these homeowners are up against should they not make their homes more sustainable. (I know that all of us already know what folks are up against? But spelling that much out in the logline will further establish your stakes for the audience.)

I'm not kidding, I love this and I genuinely think that this would be such a helpful tool to so many people!

Bianca Y. Michaels

Angela Cristantello Oh wow! I am SO happy to hear that you think this is an ultra commercial concept, since that's what I was aiming for. You are right about building a worst case scenario into the concept. I was honestly on the fence about it, since in my line of work people often seem taken aback by any physical or emotional threat! :0

But having you mention I should include it gives me great happiness and hope!! Thank you!! You've just made my day! <3

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