Introduce Yourself : Introducing Australian Playwright & Producer, Bree Vreedenburgh by Bree Vreedenburgh

Bree Vreedenburgh

Introducing Australian Playwright & Producer, Bree Vreedenburgh

Hi Everyone!! I'm Bree Vreedenburgh, from Perth in Australia. I've been involved in theatre for quite a while, in an amateur and semi-pro capacity, and have written a few plays, two of which have been produced. This year, I took on ownership of the Rag & Bone Theatre Group, which has a charter to introduce new works by new authors to our local audience. Rag & Bone was a community theatre group that had a fantastic, interested management team, but who through time and circumstance, fell away, leaving only one person (me) running the show. So I turned the group into a NOT community theatre group, and am in the processes of producing our first semi-pro (profit-share) show - Who Killed Candy Sweetness?. I've committed my own savings to the venture, so hopefully, it will at least break even... What a baptism of fire this has turned out to be!! We are two weeks out, and all is going along swimmingly (except that our audience numbers are less than fantastic, but in Perth, we expect that.... bookings will be made the day before, or even on the day, or people just walk in....despite the fact that this is dinner and a show..... anyway..... :-) I am so excited about this show - its set in the 1930's, in a swingin' ballroom in New York. We're putting loads of effort into transforming our venue into something that looks very 1930's - we're aiming for as immersive an experience as possible for our patrons. After this show, I'm at a bit of a loose end......I have a few scripts half written, a few potential projects, half-cocked plans to take Candy Sweetness on a tour....I'd love to go back and tread the boards for a bit - haven't actually been onstage since January last year.... the possibilities are endless!! I'd love to hear from other writers, producers, and of course people who'd like to throw buckets of money my way to keep producing these gems!! I'll be sure to keep you all informed as to how the show goes down in the end. Cheers! Bree

Bree Vreedenburgh

Whew!! Well, it was a ride, we made a reasonable profit, I had a fantastic cast who all got a little bit of $$ out of the thing, and the feedback was to keep doing things like this! I think there is a market for this kind of theatre in Perth, not sure how to sell it effectively - I think to make it better, I'd need a few angel investors... wonder if that's an avenue to follow?

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