Anything Goes : Science in TV/Movies by Annelie Wendeberg

Annelie Wendeberg

Science in TV/Movies

I really like SciFi, the silly just as much as the more serious versions. But I do get all itchy when otherwise perfect TV series or movies, such as the old X-Files or BBC's Sherlock (er... not SciFi, I know) put little effort into the science they show. How do you see the science part in your film project?

Brian G. Walsh

Annelie: One of the reasons behind this is probably that the producers are not scientists and they are afraid of boring their audience. I am personally fascinated by the science and prefer my sci-fi or horror be grounded in possible if not probable science future. I think producers themselves are also intimidated by science. They want to appear knowledgeable, but aren't comfortable with more than "dipping their prehensile toes" into the soup because they are afraid they will be unmasked as science ignorant. I am, unfortunately, among them. I want believability, but the research can be daunting.

Annelie Wendeberg

Hi Brian, there's the main problem. Producers and Scientists don't speak the same language. A rough estimate: 95% of us scientists can not explain their science so that a scientist from another field would understand them. Then a very small percentage of the remaining 5% can actually explain science to their kids AND their grandmothers, so that they would understand and find it exciting. So it's actually all our fault (no joke this time).

Eric Raphael Harman

Science being "Good or Bad" is an oxymoran", All is possible in the universe it is only a matter of degrees of posiblilty.

Annelie Wendeberg

Hi John, right, as in movies. Yet, GOOD or BAD hasn't been mentioned in the discussion. So bad movies or bad science are both possible and not oxymorons, as are good movies and good science.

Annelie Wendeberg

Did I come across as a know it all? I think I missed something?

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