Introduce Yourself : Iyw april '24 by Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Iyw april '24

I currently own two (2) copyright protected (with at least another script upcoming at a point) ‘BOOK-TO-THEACTRICAL-MAJOR-MOTION PICTURE’ scripts; including a (future-tense) twenty-minute (20 min.) documentary; approved for creation by an Hollywood book to film executive at Book to Film Company; whom is Ellen R. Green (IMDb). (Note) I worked with Paramount Pictures for about half of '22 with a Book to film Company Blueprint Screenplay Adaptation (Treatment for a Screenplay)!

These Blueprint Screenplay Adaptations (my scripts) are Hollywood book-to-film, thematic, filmic, and cinematic version of my book(s). They have been composed on my behalf (phantom written as in this '24 publishing industry. Previously known as ghost written) by Writers Guild of America (WGA) screenwriters (of paid open writing assignments by genre) with decades of Hollywood experience, through my publisher’s (connected) Book-To-Film Company. They write in classic Hollywood three (3) act structure! (Act 1 a,b. Act 2 a,b. Act 3 a,b.)Their creations are ‘OFF THE BOOKS’, as in not participating in my copyrights, deals, credits, paychecks, or profits!

This pool of writers are assigned by the founder and director of the company (my buddie), Ellen R. Green (IMDb), whom has worked on dozens of motion pictures going back to The Seventh Sign in the '80’s; and her WGA back to the ‘Gremlins’ franchise in the '80’s. She has dozens of credits, and serves as my publisher’s Hollywood insider (working in Hollywood for over thirty (30) years)!

My book is what-Hollywood is looking for; as it is on the all-time list of best motivational and inspirational books. So it is an all time publishing industry listed book; Hallelujah’ as I show up on this platform in my adaptation capacity, and aspects!

Be blessed (blest)! Do not let your anchor down until you reach your destination; represent yourself properly to get your shot(s)!

All of these (my) book-to-motion picture scripts are of ninety (90) minute, major studio commercial appeal, with faith-based content, faith-friendly content, and probable MPA rated, General Audiences (G rated. G rated)!

I am currently heading towards my first book-to-film purchase agreement (production agreement. production order) with a pitch ongoing. Wherein I mention having a union (PGA) producer, and union (DGA) director, “attached” enabling me to forego a major studio level Pitch Deck; that would typically accompany a script. (e.g. just one of these attached talents; or a something list actor; would have sufficed to forego a Pitch Deck as well). I also have an eighteen (18) major studio credits sanctioned since '94 WGA script writer as a co writer credit “attached!” Thanks for being here; thank you for reading; be blessed with your endeavors as well.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

ERROR; I posted in early vigor lol


Sam Rivera

Hi Kenneth Adrian Ellis it's great to e-meet you! Thank you for sharing your writing journey with us, it looks like you're in good company with Ellen and your other collaborators along with your accomplishments! You should check out the Writers' Room free month trial where you get the chance to expand your perks with Stage 32! Check here>>

Maurice Vaughan

Hope you're doing great, Kenneth Adrian Ellis. Yeah, IYW isn't until next weekend (the third weekend of each month), but you're welcome to introduce yourself anytime.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Sam Rivera Maurice Vaughan Thank you very very very much for you all's encouragement and suggestions! (huge smile)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kenneth Adrian Ellis.

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