Introduce Yourself : It's that time of the millennium again... by Agatha Hergest

Agatha Hergest

It's that time of the millennium again...

Wotcha, peeps!

Time rolls steadily by, and some have been born anew, some have passed onto bigger and better things and still more, strange as it may seem, have forgotten who I am.

So here I am again.

That strange phenomenomenon that is Andrew, well, it just won't go away - it just keeps growing and getting more wickedly inventive. Yes - poet, musician, painter and now, published author, I'm here to annoy you again - at least 'til you say hello and/or buy my book or my services: then it'll all just go away (the annoyance, that is, I'm a permanent fixture).

So, you have your instructions. It's a doity job, etc., etc.

Ally Shina

Hello Andrew!

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