Producing : Anyone willing to help by Curtis McGann

Curtis McGann

Anyone willing to help

Today a man, Vernon, tried to sell me a newspaper. For some reason I felt really compelled to talk to him, and I mean really have a conversation with him. Upon talking to him I asked what his dreams are, what he really wants to be doing with his life. He said he wants to write. He's a writer and has written a feature film as well as a couple one offs. He gave me a brief description of his script, which is a thriller and mind teaser. I was immediately drawn to help Vernon make his dream into a reality, and that's where you come in; I cannot produce a movie on my own, but I really want to help Vernon's dream become a reality. This will be a true under dog story. Vernon recently lost his wife of 17 years and is now living on the streets, selling newspapers just trying to survive. I need help. Anything that anyone can do to help me make Vernon's dream a reality, please respond to this post, message me or email me ( I am an actor, and we will need: Actors Cinematographers Producers Sponsors Crew Equipment Locations (Seattle area) Notification...people need to know what we're doing otherwise they won't know to help anything else anyone can think of. Thank you all! Curtis

Amanda Toney

Hey Curtis, make sure you post this in the JOBS section

Curtis McGann

Thank you Shannon, I will do that.

Mícheál Ó Rodochain

Hey Curtis, if I was in Seattle I would love to help but I am not. Seems like a great project. Wishing you get the support you need/want to do it. Clifford

Laurie Ashbourne

What a wonderful thing you are doing, I'm not in Seattle either, but there are a lot of members from the area on here -- maybe wrangle a ST32 meetup and see if you can pool your talents.

Curtis McGann

Clifford, thank you for the encouragement.

Curtis McGann

Laurie, that's a great idea. Once the holidays are finished, I'll have to do that. Thanks again!

Maria Montgomery

Wonderful stuff - I will post this on my wall as well if you like? I am writing a blog about networking on LinkedIn and will pop it in there too if you like?

Curtis McGann

Maria, that would be amazing. Any help we can get will be awesome. Thank you so much.

Maria Montgomery

I wrote a post for LinkedIn where I mention it: I will now post here as well :)

Curtis McGann

Thank you Maria. I read it on LinkedIn...great article by the way. I love the point and meaning of the story because it's true. Just taking a minute or two and talking to someone could completely change their life, as well as yours. I love it.

Maria Montgomery

Thanks Curtis. This story really made me smile big time today and helped me find the words for that blog :)

Curtis McGann

Well thank you. I'm just trying to live my life the way that I think God intended me to. We all share this world, and the only way to make it better is to work together. I do believe that Michael Jackson had it right when he said "if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change."

Maria Montgomery

Sage words!

Dan F. Merrill

Curtis, what you're doing is a courageous and caring act. God bless you as you work with Him to bring happiness to the people around you. Although we've chosen to produce only our own scripts, I wish I was local so I can be of help. The best I can see that I can do is to suggest to point your friend to writing and film groups within the scope of his reach. And please take him to one of the churches that have a regular potluck. That way he can extend his friendships and the Lord can work to better his situation

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